i've re-considered the entire Ukraine case.. enter *your* opinions please..

Putin's actions in Ukraine are defensive since all the imperialist aggression is coming from the US and its NATO puppets.
So NATO, which has NEVER touched any Russian border needed Ukraine to kill Russians....so Russians had to "defensively" invade and bomb the shit out of Ukraine...so that NATO finally arms Ukraine to the teeth and they could finally kill alot of Russians (~40,000 invaders and counting), embarass the shit out of "worlds 2nd best army" and send Russian economy back to the 90's.

Who could ever possibly think that Putin DIDN'T have to get Russia into this bloody clusterfuck?

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There has never been a shortage of flag-flappers in this country. For a brief period I thought the "peace dividend" might diminish such delusional thinking, but 9/11 has altered that possibility.
9/11 changed the world. It is interesting to remember simple things like how if some country or situation was acting aggressively, certainly in the UK, we would ask why they were doing it. You can't sort anything out if you do not know what is going on. That totally ended with 9/11. They were evil and had to be destroyed. I don't think, apart from crazies in NI I had even heard the word 'evil' used in the UK but just one day after 9/11 Tony Blair used it and that was the change pretty much done except it took a few days in the US and a few months, maybe years in the UK for many people to stop trying to work out what motivated 9/11 apart from 'jealousy'!

9/11 changed what was a West developing psychological maturity to one with no ability to self reflect. One where having empathy is considered a gross flaw.

Bin Laden believed this would happen. He has been shown to have been correct and hence, he won.
Russian claims about what happened in Donbas are dubious at best, but what we do know is that Putin has slaughtered tens of thousands of Ukrainians, many of whom are Russianspeakers.
What's dubious about the 14,000 dead Ukrainians or the 50,000 wounded Ukrainians or the 1.6 million internally displaced Ukrainians since the US instigated, illegal coup in 2014?

War in Donbas (2014–2022) - Wikipedia
More crazy talk from you. Putin is not a very bright guy, but he clearly is smart enough to avoid even the appearance of a threat against a NATO member.
Putin is smart enough to know he's no longer fighting a Ukrainian army equipped by NATO, but a NATO army manned by Ukrainians; he's about as likely to back down today as JFK was in 1962.
What's dubious about the 14,000 dead Ukrainians or the 50,000 wounded Ukrainians or the 1.6 million internally displaced Ukrainians since the US instigated, illegal coup in 2014?

War in Donbas (2014–2022) - Wikipedia
One would think most Americans would be noninterventionists or isolationists, after decades of failures by the military industrial complex. From Vietnam to Afghanistan, all we have to show is death and destruction. Trillions wasted on foreign wars should inform Americans, but somehow it doesn’t.
More crazy talk from you. Putin is not a very bright guy, but he clearly is smart enough to avoid even the appearance of a threat against a NATO member.
Yeah he’s not bright, yet he’s somehow managed to stay in power for 20 years. lol.

Why would Putin fear threatening a NATO member? I thought NATO was purely a defensive alliance.

I know you won’t answer the question, because you’re a pussy.
Laughing my ass off at your pathetic excuses for Putin's giant failures. Thanks.
Apparently you don’t know the English definition of Failure.

Its hardly Putin’s failure that his army must fight a NATO army.

Look it up. In a dictionary.
:rolleyes-41: Well since you fancy yourself the expert, would you please tell ME what I AM on American political spectrum.
Give this some thought, if you can…
If we were being told the truth about this war they wouldn't be banning Russian media, we wouldn't be hearing propagandistic messaging like "unprovoked invasion" at every mention of Ukraine, and those expressing scrutiny of all this wouldn't be swarmed by astroturf empire trolls.
Yes, I noticed that the US was demanding they embrace Neo Liberalism if they wanted US help. Does seem like it is true. Right now money is all that matters...and Ukraine should not have allowed them to buy up their farmland. They are buying up all farmland they can get together with their rights to a lot of people's water. Absolutely essential things.
Yes, I noticed that the US was demanding they embrace Neo Liberalism if they wanted US help. Does seem like it is true. Right now money is all that matters...and Ukraine should not have allowed them to buy up their farmland.
Wtf? Who "bought up their farmland"?

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