I've said it before but Michael Smerconish is the one CNN show I enjoy watching, most libertarian of ANY in TV media


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
If politicians were smart they would join him on his show, that included Trump if he is seeking to run again in 2024.
He seems the most independent and even keeled of any in the news today and enjoys the debate from a place of curiously, not submission to Political Parties.

That is all, as you were.
I don't know about jolly. He is bald, has a manicured grey beard of wisdom and is generally upbeat. Most importantly to me, he does polls, asks questions of anyone regardless of their politics and involves his viewers via tweets and messages he receives while on air.

His team also like to bring up comments of criticism from his viewers and he responds. If all of CNN handled their show as he does, their ratings would be higher and discourse more acceptable.

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