I've said this a hundred times here, as usual, I am correct.

i have repeatedly told the gun grabbers here that as long as we concentrate on the tool used in gun deaths, we will never solve the problem. All we will accomplish is taking away the rights of innocent Americans. We instead need to be focusing on the "why", instead of the "how". Why is there so much violence and death in our culture? Why do people try to kill as many people as they can before they take themselves out?

This mass killing in Boston proves that the problem is not guns, it is, as I have been staying, violence in our culture. But heck, 0bama and the left don't really care about lives, only their agenda of disarmament of the American people. As long as they are in charge, people will continue to die.

Watsamatta you think that Chicago has such a low shooting rate because it bans guns?

How many people got shot in Chicago last weekend? Something over 50? Obviously it is a smashing success.

Chicago doesn't ban guns. The Chicago gun ban was overturned in court.

There is still an effective ban on guns in Chicago if you are black or have a felony.
The point is that you're whining about going after guns being the problem,

but the background check law did NOT go after anyone's guns, and you nuts in the pocket of the NRA opposed it anyway.
Gun registration is always the first step in gun confiscation, dude, otherwise how do you know who to go after?
Liberals are not above using a tragedy to further their agenda, its disgusting, its dishonest, its intentional but that's who liberals are.
have repeatedly told the gun grabbers here that as long as we concentrate on the tool used in gun deaths, we will never solve the problem. All we will accomplish is taking away the rights of innocent Americans. We instead need to be focusing on the "why", instead of the "how".

My comprehension is fine.

I focused on the why. We love violence. We believe violence is an acceptable method of resolving differences and slights.

What part.of my "why we are so violent" did you not comprehend?

Because, that isn't the point. The point is that going after guns is the wrong approach.

The expansion of background checks that GOP minority blocked in the Senate didn't go after guns.

Try to stick to the point.

The point is that you're whining about going after guns being the problem,

but the background check law did NOT go after anyone's guns, and you nuts in the pocket of the NRA opposed it anyway.

Learn to read, then get back to me.
Liberals are not above using a tragedy to further their agenda, its disgusting, its dishonest, its intentional but that's who liberals are.

Liberals have their agenda and that agenda trumps everything; common sense, truth, the concern for the future, individual rights, and even, as in this case; human lives. They will always focus on the tool used instead of the reason for the violence, and it doesn't matter how many people have to die. That's who liberals are.
My comprehension is fine.

I focused on the why. We love violence. We believe violence is an acceptable method of resolving differences and slights.

What part.of my "why we are so violent" did you not comprehend?

Because, that isn't the point. The point is that going after guns is the wrong approach.

The expansion of background checks that GOP minority blocked in the Senate didn't go after guns.

Try to stick to the point.

The point is that you're whining about going after guns being the problem,

but the background check law did NOT go after anyone's guns, and you nuts in the pocket of the NRA opposed it anyway.

Learn to read, then get back to me.

Learn to think, and then go fuck yourself.

You're having a meltdown because I demolished your nonsense.
The point is that you're whining about going after guns being the problem,

but the background check law did NOT go after anyone's guns, and you nuts in the pocket of the NRA opposed it anyway.
Gun registration is always the first step in gun confiscation, dude, otherwise how do you know who to go after?

Paranoia. What registered guns are being confiscated in the US?
Because, that isn't the point. The point is that going after guns is the wrong approach.

The expansion of background checks that GOP minority blocked in the Senate didn't go after guns.

Try to stick to the point.

The point is that you're whining about going after guns being the problem,

but the background check law did NOT go after anyone's guns, and you nuts in the pocket of the NRA opposed it anyway.

Learn to read, then get back to me.

Learn to think, and then go fuck yourself.

You're having a meltdown because I demolished your nonsense.

Look moron, you want to be in on the discussion, then stick to the subject. You invented an argument, then you "demolished it". Ignoring the fact that I never was in the argument from the beginning.

You want to discuss, then quit derailing the discussion. That should be simple enough even for you.

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