Ivermectin is a cure, being kept secret.

Yes, we watched the video, and one intriguing connection to Steptomyces avermitilis, from which avermectins are produced, is the finless porpoises stranded at Shizuoka. We cannot access the article, however:

1 Jun 2015 The Haplotypes of Four Finless Porpoises Stranded on the Coast of Sagami Bay and Tokyo Bay
Thus far, evidence for the cattle connection is strong, and Streptomyces avermitilis at Shizuoka is a prime candidate for the SARS-CoV-2 connection. In other words, Shizuoka is the origin in nature of the chemistry of ivermectin. There is this much on the net from inside the article:

’....Yoshida et al (2014) reported on a female finless porpoise stranded in Shimizu Port, Shizuoka, of which haplotype is specific for Ise-Mikawa Bays, i.e., haplotype C, suggesting individual intruded further eastward from their distribution area known to be expanded to Kosai, Shizuoka.’
Getting suckered in is not knowing that ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are for parasites. Had the reader plundered the arcana on the snake meat thread, we’ve already shown that hcq does not have to kill a virus to kill a virus, The ivermectin wikipage also states that ivermectin does not kill certain adult worms. Duh
Drinking head lice ointment? ... ha ha ha ha ... he must be a politician ...

Hey dumb fuck, if you ever pulled your head out of your ass and got out of the city every now and then you’d realize how stupid you sound.

I just wormed 40 head of Black Angus cows with Ivermectin, shit got all over my hands since I poured it on each one individually.

Lots of folks like me aren’t pussies and have strong immune systems. Keep being the little bitch you are though.
ever heard of gloves, rambo?

Bitch Mittens?

I’ll take my chances, thanks.
We can return to the Blumberg Foundation mentioned earlier, for here is the liver connection to both ivermectin and chloroquine:

Aug 2020 Plasmodium Liver Stage / Ivermectin-Chloroquine

The Blumberg connection was GILT which also linked the finless porpoise, Neophocaena.
We can return to the Blumberg Foundation mentioned earlier, for here is the liver connection to both ivermectin and chloroquine:

Aug 2020 Plasmodium Liver Stage / Ivermectin-Chloroquine

The Blumberg connection was GILT which also linked the finless porpoise, Neophocaena.
Is the Doctor full of crap or not? :/
Ivermectin "may" work. Lots of people here use it regularly. No side effects so WTF ?
Note that ivermectin is contraindicated in liver and kidney diseases on the wikipage. We’ve already made an excellent case for liver tropism of the virus. Here is the kidney connection in monkey kidney:

Jun 2020 Ivermectin / SARS-CoV-2 / Monkey Kidney
It's funny isn't it? How the left see something like this as BAD NEWS.

They really are puppets of the world. I mean why would they attack the Doctor for his testimony?
Note that ivermectin is contraindicated in liver and kidney diseases on the wikipage. We’ve already made an excellent case for liver tropism of the virus. Here is the kidney connection in monkey kidney:

Jun 2020 Ivermectin / SARS-CoV-2 / Monkey Kidney
Looks like that monkey needs a spanking ! BRB ;)
The monkey did not consent to any of it. These two ivermectin entries, one for Alzheimer’s and one for dementia, the latter links what we’ve already posted on the snake meat thread.

Ivermectin-Sensitive / Alzheimer’s

(2018) Ivermectin / Dementia / Decreased Heat-Shock Response
According to a certain CIC, injecting disinfectants and sticking a UV light where the sun don't shine is effective as well.
Honestly, when are we going to stop posting random BS from hacks like this positing miracle cures? I don't care what his credentials are.
Prolly has some supplement to sell.
At the bottom of the article it ask in an ad . Is St.George University right for you? If this what there teaching! NO! I gave that stuff to my dogs and live stock. Its for intestinal and skin parasites not a virus. This is what these message boards are good for, we can watch out for stuff like this, and inform those who may get suckered in.
I will ask again. Did you watch his testimony and did you know there is an oral ivermectin for humans by prescription?

Did you see his testimony? Did you listen to his credentials or not? He didn't fall off the turnip truck with a Doctorate.

He is one of the worlds foremost experts on the disease and has been on the frontlines fighting it for many months now.

What are your credentials? Have you been called to testify before Congress?
Snake meat thread, 27 Jan 2020, there is decreased heat-shock response:

Coronavirus Hsp 70

This is the report that first mentions Neophocaena:
’....Bovidae and Cricetidae ACE2 matched more amino acids than swine ACE2, thus they should recognize SARS-CoV RBD....More attention should be paid to Bovidae and Cricetidae....Of one Cetacea, Neophocaena asiaorientalis asiaorientalis (Yangtze Finless Porpoise)....’
OP mentioned oral ivermectin in post #10. We mentioned Cricetidae in post#37.

Oral Ivermectin / Cricetidae
In evolutionarily, bovine placenta would be similar to porpoise placenta. On another thread, we have already posted five genes prominent in severe C-19 infection. Ifnar2 is one of them, and here we link Ifnar2, Alzheimer’s and p-glycoprotein:

Ifnar2 / Alzheimer’s

Ifnar2 Cattle Placenta
https:// www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29194800

Coming to p-glycoprotein, one finds a retroviral insertion. On the snake meat thread, we have already shown retroviral env insertions in the coronavirus genome.

Placenta Avermectin / P-Glycoprotein / Retroviral Insertion
’....8.35 kb of DNA ate on 23 intron....’

One could speculate that avermectin happened first In a placenta at Shizkuoka.

Cattle Placenta / P-Glycoprotein

(Feb 2020) Alzheimer’s / P-Glycoprotein

Netherlands / COVID-19 / P-Glycoprotein Inhibitors
A new keyboard is on the way. Post should read.... ‘8.35 kb of DNA at exon 23 intron.’ Note that OP’s author mentions remdesivir in the video, which is also mentioned in the above Dutch report.

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