Ivy League Scientist Warns that Social-Distancing Measures Could Make COVID-19 Impact WORSE

The cure is already worse than the disease. This could ruin every independent restaurant and bar owner in the country, and most small businesses.
It already has. My country too_One of my best friends going from $1000-$1500 a day during tourist season and having 8-10 employees. All went to Zero pesos nearly overnight.I think the stats are about 145,000 un-under employed at the moment. Tiny in # but enormous in a "shithole" with only about 1.6 million working aged adults.

My brother's former co-worker hung himself last night. :(
That's why we had chicken pox and measles parties and shit 50-60 years ago. Oddly I never caught either.....I did get chicken pox from a friend of mines son when I was about 20. Damn near killed me !
I put a metal roof on my house because the very sight of "shinglez" scarez the shit outa me.

You WANT children to get chicken pox...and that's why. For a child, it's inconvenient. For an adult it can be FATAL! My grandmother never had chicken pox...she was told by her doctor that if she got it, she had a significant chance of not surviving. About ten years ago, there was an MLB player (a professional athlete in excellent physical shape, I recall ~30 years old) who got it from either his daughter or his nephew.

He spent almost a week in a hospital and missed a month.
No you don't. Goddamn people....

Reread what you quoted...the whole post, pisshead, for COMPREHENSION!
There was no new information in your embarrassingly wrongheaded post. You're wrong. Simple as that.
Translation: you skimmed the post, comprehended nothing, squealed in ignorant outrage, and vomited on the keyboard.

If you do not understand the post you quoted, find an average-intelligence 10 year old and have him or her explain it to you.
The cure is already worse than the disease. This could ruin every independent restaurant and bar owner in the country, and most small businesses.
It already has. My country too_One of my best friends going from $1000-$1500 a day during tourist season and having 8-10 employees. All went to Zero pesos nearly overnight.I think the stats are about 145,000 un-under employed at the moment. Tiny in # but enormous in a "shithole" with only about 1.6 million working aged adults.

My brother's former co-worker hung himself last night. :(
Sorry to hear. I had a buddy with a muffler shop(one man band) who checked himself out a lil over a week ago
I knew it. I just knew it. This article explains a point that I have seen made in brief comments by other experts. The author is a medical scholar at an Ivy League institution. The author recommends only requiring isolation for the elderly and the medically ill, and warns that if we continue with blanket social-distancing measures, we could see another major outbreak because we are not allowing our population to develop herd immunity. Here is an excerpt from the article:

"The only way we are going to beat COVID-19 is by developing something called “herd immunity.” Herd immunity basically means that once a certain percentage of the population develops immunity to a virus, the rest of the population will also be protected. That percentage varies, but is often around 60-70 percent. This is why we don’t need to vaccinate 100 percent of people to eradicate or severely limit the spread of infectious diseases (e.g., polio, smallpox, and measles). . . .

"In the meantime, we are being told to quarantine as much as possible so the medical system can deal with the many people who become infected. Simple, right? Unfortunately, it’s more complicated than this.

"What the media and policymakers are not telling us is that the longer we delay the development of herd immunity, the more elderly or high-risk people will become infected and die, even if we were to maintain the quarantine indefinitely. Why is this the case?

"The reason is that only young and healthy people contribute to herd immunity. Elderly and medically ill people generally do not contribute to herd immunity because their immune systems are not strong enough to develop an immune response."

This is one person against THOUSANDS of other medical professionals that say that developing HERD immunity in the United States in 2020 would KILL 2.4 million Americans.

How can you isolate the so called at risk members of the population when they live with many people of different ages?

Imagine how many people would be DEAD in Italy right now if they had selected to go for HERD IMMUNITY rather than the current course.

This Doctor does not understand the DEMOGRAPHIC reality of where people in at risk groups live. They are spread throughout society in all kinds of living arrangements which is why the HERD approach would be a total disaster.
The cure is already worse than the disease. This could ruin every independent restaurant and bar owner in the country, and most small businesses.

Could restaurants and bars open up considering the "social distancing"? IMHO that 6' space is just too big to be practical. So how about if owners check patron's temperatures before allowing them to be seated??

That doesn't help for those who are asymptomatic. They may be carrying it around without the knowledge they do have it because of no signs of illness.
True, but they are only contagious for a week or two, not forever. If the virus slows the number of new cases should be small. Don't let the "perfect" be the enemy of the "good". We need to get back to work, safely.

They say that six feet is the minimum safety distance. I don't know how a bar can stay in business with customers that far away from each other. In a restaurant, that would be at least two empty tables away.

If you are contagious for one day, go into a crowded bar and contaminate 30 people, all it took was that one person. The two key elements to having any semblance of immediate normalcy are N-95 masks for all the public, and hand sanitizer everywhere you go. The problem is that manufacturing enough of those masks for most Americans is a long way off.
This may be one of our rare disagreements. I'm for opening things up sooner rather than later but with reasonable mitigation measures. Otherwise those bars and restaurants will be closed permanently. Big crowds still off-limits, no stadium baseball fans, no live concerts, no golf spectators, stores open with limited number of shoppers, etc.

They instituted limit numbers on buildings in my state. I went shopping just before that was enacted. But I talked with a friend who's wife went shopping, and she said it was miserable. She can only stand and walk for a certain amount of time before she has to sit down to give her back a rest. They made her stand in line for a half hour before it was her turn. I have the same back problems, so I can relate.

I don't know if I could stand there that long before getting into the store. I may have to leave the line, sit in my car for 15 minutes, and then try again. What should happen is that the stores should do the shopping for you, and you only go to the checkout to pay for your groceries. Either that or have a person outside with a wi-fi credit card machine to accept payment. I went to a Chic-Fil-A last week, and that's how they did it.
They instituted limit numbers on buildings in my state. I went shopping just before that was enacted. But I talked with a friend who's wife went shopping, and she said it was miserable. She can only stand and walk for a certain amount of time before she has to sit down to give her back a rest. They made her stand in line for a half hour before it was her turn. I have the same back problems, so I can relate.

I don't know if I could stand there that long before getting into the store. I may have to leave the line, sit in my car for 15 minutes, and then try again. What should happen is that the stores should do the shopping for you, and you only go to the checkout to pay for your groceries. Either that or have a person outside with a wi-fi credit card machine to accept payment. I went to a Chic-Fil-A last week, and that's how they did it.

Many stores offer just that in this area.
I'm not disagreeing, but we can get herd immunity with a flat curve instead of a very steep curve when 2.2m die.
Trump won't keep us home any longer than necessary. He's already telling the medical experts that he doesn't want the cure to be worse than the disease. I saw Dr. Fauci say that we could have multiple peaks to push back on Trump's optimism. This could get good in about 2 or 3 weeks, the MSM will go nuts when Trump encourages businesses to open while considering mitigation measures, and governors need to step up and agree or disagree.

Most people are not going to go back to work or business as usual with a pandemic raging. You are only going to have the sort of economic resumption of normal things once the virus is either stopped, contained, or a vaccine is finally developed. Part of stopping and containing the virus is have widespread TESTING capabilities which the United States currently lacks.

The nation needs to stay locked down until early July or early August.
They instituted limit numbers on buildings in my state. I went shopping just before that was enacted. But I talked with a friend who's wife went shopping, and she said it was miserable. She can only stand and walk for a certain amount of time before she has to sit down to give her back a rest. They made her stand in line for a half hour before it was her turn. I have the same back problems, so I can relate.

I don't know if I could stand there that long before getting into the store. I may have to leave the line, sit in my car for 15 minutes, and then try again. What should happen is that the stores should do the shopping for you, and you only go to the checkout to pay for your groceries. Either that or have a person outside with a wi-fi credit card machine to accept payment. I went to a Chic-Fil-A last week, and that's how they did it.

Many stores offer just that in this area.

I am going to check into that before I go next time. I know the same company does that where my sister lives, but that's about 20 minutes away. I have the number one condition for death if I catch this thing, plus I'll be 60 in two months.
The cure is already worse than the disease. This could ruin every independent restaurant and bar owner in the country, and most small businesses.

How many restaurant's, bar owners, and small businesses had to shut down because of World War II? Probably most of them because over 16 million men, about 1/3 of the workforce were sent overseas to fight in combat against the Axis powers.

You can rebuild or resurrect restaurants, bars, and small businesses, but you can't resurrect someone who is physically dead.
The cure is already worse than the disease. This could ruin every independent restaurant and bar owner in the country, and most small businesses.

Could restaurants and bars open up considering the "social distancing"? IMHO that 6' space is just too big to be practical. So how about if owners check patron's temperatures before allowing them to be seated??

That doesn't help for those who are asymptomatic. They may be carrying it around without the knowledge they do have it because of no signs of illness.
True, but they are only contagious for a week or two, not forever. If the virus slows the number of new cases should be small. Don't let the "perfect" be the enemy of the "good". We need to get back to work, safely.

They say that six feet is the minimum safety distance. I don't know how a bar can stay in business with customers that far away from each other. In a restaurant, that would be at least two empty tables away.

If you are contagious for one day, go into a crowded bar and contaminate 30 people, all it took was that one person. The two key elements to having any semblance of immediate normalcy are N-95 masks for all the public, and hand sanitizer everywhere you go. The problem is that manufacturing enough of those masks for most Americans is a long way off.

There have actually been test done which show that droplets, especially the much smaller ones, can spread as much as 27 feet from the person. But, at 27 feet, the risk of infection is much less than at 6 feet.
you do not understand the post you quoted
I do, and it was embarrassing wrong and exactly the ignorant, incorrect message scientists have battled for decades. You s.eem not to understand that your silly fetishes and gut feelings are not complicated or hard to understand.
The cure is already worse than the disease. This could ruin every independent restaurant and bar owner in the country, and most small businesses.

Could restaurants and bars open up considering the "social distancing"? IMHO that 6' space is just too big to be practical. So how about if owners check patron's temperatures before allowing them to be seated??

That doesn't help for those who are asymptomatic. They may be carrying it around without the knowledge they do have it because of no signs of illness.
True, but they are only contagious for a week or two, not forever. If the virus slows the number of new cases should be small. Don't let the "perfect" be the enemy of the "good". We need to get back to work, safely.

They say that six feet is the minimum safety distance. I don't know how a bar can stay in business with customers that far away from each other. In a restaurant, that would be at least two empty tables away.

If you are contagious for one day, go into a crowded bar and contaminate 30 people, all it took was that one person. The two key elements to having any semblance of immediate normalcy are N-95 masks for all the public, and hand sanitizer everywhere you go. The problem is that manufacturing enough of those masks for most Americans is a long way off.

There have actually been test done which show that droplets, especially the much smaller ones, can spread as much as 27 feet from the person. But, at 27 feet, the risk of infection is much less than at 6 feet.

And that's what's pumping so much fear in our country today. That's why I believe masks would make a bit of difference. I know it would in my case.
The social distancing is to keep our systems from being overwhelmed. There are only so many ICU bed in the US. Once we have exceeded our resources, people (especially the elderly) will be left to die. It sounds heartless, but it is actually triage.

What's the definition of success? What is the number of acceptable new cases and deaths to claim we've succeeded in our goal and we can start opening up the economy again, or what's left of it, anyway?

They haven't laid out a goal and that is a problem. Nobody knows what success looks like.

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