J.K. Rowling Calls Trump A ‘Tiny, Little Man’ After He Shoves A PM

trump said the photographer said "where is president trump?....will he please come forward".....hey its what i heard.....

As if anyone would have to "ask" where the giant fat-blob orange narcissist continually forming the image of a vagina with his tiny little hands is. Everybody knows if there's a camera in the room, he's pointing at it.

All you gotta do is imagine a yuge stick of Velveeta cheese, standing on end, exposed to the air long enough to grow spores on its head.
wow.....i take it your not a fan pogo?.....
View attachment 128860
Yuuuuge story. Gonna be great. That I promise you. Has legs to last days..
Everything always has to be about him.
He's a malignant narcissus.
Melania wants nothing to do with him.
NATO heads want nothing to do with him.
About 60% of America wants nothing to do with him.
Welcome home fat boy. Guess who's waiting for you to fry your fat ass on Russia.

All lies, of course.

Nailed it.

This is magic.

President Donald Trump attended the NATO summit in Brussels on Thursday, where he was filmed making a gesture that looks like he is pushing aside Montenegro’s Prime Minister Dusko Markovic in order to shove his way to the front of a crowd.

The White House reportedly defended the gesture, calling it a “casual greeting” between leaders. But the video went viral on Twitter nonetheless.

It wasn’t long before Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling shared a GIF of the moment on Twitter, captioning it with the ultimate burn: “You tiny, tiny, tiny little man.”

VIDEO: J.K. Rowling Calls Trump A ‘Tiny, Little Man’ After He Shoves A PM

Trump's egotistical arrogance never ceases to amaze me. Who does he think he is?
Who the fuck is JK Rowling and why is she important?
post 47 explains it.....
Trump is kicking ass on this trip. He got his inner city rebuild/ reinvestment/infrastructure money from the Saudis so all of the African Americans and others living in the inner city that took a chance on Trump will be very happy they did. There will be jobs in the inner city which will lead to better schools and better neighborhoods and a better life. Nice job Mr. President.

Saudis reportedly plan to invest $40 billion in US infrastructure

'Jobs, Jobs, Jobs' Trump Signs Historic Mega-Billion Deal with Saudis

Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah promises $36 billion in benefits

I hadn't seen the video before. WTF, Trump is mentally unstable.

It's definitely a shove, not a greeting. Another alternative fact from the helpful Trump interpreters. LOL

It's a minor faux pax. It's so trivial you need a microscope to see it, but leave it to the snowflakes to behave as if he was having human baby for lunch.

This is reminding me so much of the inauguration thing, the "look what happened last night in Sweden" thing. You guys could just quietly walk away and ignore the jokes, but no. You have to jump in to defend something you wouldn't accept from your eight year old. Is it a huge deal? NO. But defending it is even more pathetic than Trump himself.
Trump is kicking ass on this trip. He got his inner city rebuild/ reinvestment/infrastructure money from the Saudis so all of the African Americans and others living in the inner city that took a chance on Trump will be very happy they did. There will be jobs in the inner city which will lead to better schools and better neighborhoods and a better life. Nice job Mr. President.

Saudis reportedly plan to invest $40 billion in US infrastructure

'Jobs, Jobs, Jobs' Trump Signs Historic Mega-Billion Deal with Saudis

Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah promises $36 billion in benefits
Donald J Trump is kicking ass and taking down names.
So basically the left are still foaming at the mouth that Trump beat Hillary got it. Its fun watching them writhe in agony like their Eat Slugs spell backfired.
Psssst....I checked. We all know that trump is the so-called president. H. Clinton lost. We all heard about it.
Trump is kicking ass on this trip. He got his inner city rebuild/ reinvestment/infrastructure money from the Saudis so all of the African Americans and others living in the inner city that took a chance on Trump will be very happy they did. There will be jobs in the inner city which will lead to better schools and better neighborhoods and a better life. Nice job Mr. President.

Saudis reportedly plan to invest $40 billion in US infrastructure

'Jobs, Jobs, Jobs' Trump Signs Historic Mega-Billion Deal with Saudis

Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah promises $36 billion in benefits
Donald J Trump is kicking ass and taking down names.
Leaders Appear to Snicker as Trump Calls on NATO Allies to Pay Their 'Fair Share'

Yes indeedy!
trump said the photographer said "where is president trump?....will he please come forward".....hey its what i heard.....

As if anyone would have to "ask" where the giant fat-blob orange narcissist continually forming the image of a vagina with his tiny little hands is. Everybody knows if there's a camera in the room, he's pointing at it.

All you gotta do is imagine a yuge stick of Velveeta cheese, standing on end, exposed to the air long enough to grow spores on its head.
You are so desperate to make Trump look bad that you will tell any lie conceivable.

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