J6 Committee now claiming they never had access to any security footage

Tough shit. If you were there that day, you were there to make sure that the peaceful transfer of power was stopped.

Okay, Kreskin.

You were there because (giddily) you wanted to see an actual coup in the United States of America.

I think, if I wanted to see one, there would have been one.

All because the man who was going to make America white again for you...lost. :)

No. You see, this is where you deluded fucktards deserve to be beaten about the head till your eyes bulge out. (Like Adam Schiff, that's a good look for you).

Those people just came off 8 months of Democrat sponsored racial riots, they figured it was just the way things are done these days. They figured if the leftards can do it we can do it too.

Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes. Track down everyone in those photos. No matter how long it takes.


Never happen.

That day can NEVER happen again.

That day WILL happen again if the fucktard Democrats keep trying to out-Stalin Stalin.
Okay, Kreskin.

I think, if I wanted to see one, there would have been one.

No. You see, this is where you deluded fucktards deserve to be beaten about the head till your eyes bulge out. (Like Adam Schiff, that's a good look for you).

Those people just came off 8 months of Democrat sponsored racial riots, they figured it was just the way things are done these days. They figured if the leftards can do it we can do it too.


Never happen.

That day WILL happen again if the fucktard Democrats keep trying to out-Stalin Stalin.
What other reason did you have to be there?..other than your white grievance? He lost. And you couldn't accept that.

It's too bad your kind is on its way out. Just not enough of you to make a majority anymore.
All you have are the old standbys. And even those aren't going to work for you much longer. :)

Welcome to irrelevance.
Tough shit. If you were there that day, you were there to make sure that the peaceful transfer of power was stopped. You were there because (giddily) you wanted to see an actual coup in the United States of America. All because the man who was going to make America white again for you...lost. :)
Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes. Track down everyone in those photos. No matter how long it takes.

That day can NEVER happen again.
So if someone was there peacefully protesting you're going to accuse them of carrying out a "coup" and put them in prison for years? Really, Jack?

I have zero problem with people who were violent that day being punished for what they did. I have a HUGE problem with people who weren't violent and yet have been treated like bomb throwing anarchists! I'm sorry but that ISN'T justice and it's a huge injustice when video that would have PROVED that they weren't violent was kept from their defense teams!

There are different ways to destroy America. One of them is to ignore basic legal rights for political reasons. That's what happens in Third World countries. It isn't supposed to happen here!
So if someone was there peacefully protesting you're going to accuse them of carrying out a "coup" and put them in prison for years? Really, Jack?

I have zero problem with people who were violent that day being punished for what they did. I have a HUGE problem with people who weren't violent and yet have been treated like bomb throwing anarchists! I'm sorry but that ISN'T justice and it's a huge injustice when video that would have PROVED that they weren't violent was kept from their defense teams!

There are different ways to destroy America. One of them is to ignore basic legal rights for political reasons. That's what happens in Third World countries. It isn't supposed to happen here!

I think maybe we destroyed America when we allowed the coup on elections day(s).
We really believe that we can simply return to basic legal right and responsibilities, after that, like it never happened?
So if someone was there peacefully protesting you're going to accuse them of carrying out a "coup" and put them in prison for years? Really, Jack?

I have zero problem with people who were violent that day being punished for what they did. I have a HUGE problem with people who weren't violent and yet have been treated like bomb throwing anarchists! I'm sorry but that ISN'T justice and it's a huge injustice when video that would have PROVED that they weren't violent was kept from their defense teams!

There are different ways to destroy America. One of them is to ignore basic legal rights for political reasons. That's what happens in Third World countries. It isn't supposed to happen here!
Really, Oldstyle. And maybe, if it just stayed as far as The Savior's speech at the Elipse and thousands of people protesting outside the courtyard of the Capitol, you might have a leg to stand on here. But that's not how it ended up. And we both know that's not why everyone was there. Every person in that crowd wanted to see a coup. It was a riot even before the speech at the Elipse ended. The integrity of our election system is sacrosanct. We, as a society, accept the outcome of our free and fair elections. You lose, you move on. The peaceful transfer of power. That's the way it works. But one man whipped an entire group of people up to think he alone had been robbed of his rightful place as king. Why?..not because it was stolen. Almost 40 court cases by that point found ZERO evidence of any widespread fraud. It was because this charlatan convinced this group of people (a sentiment that others on the right had been playing on for years) that their race's power in a future world would be watered down and eroded. That they would have to answer to people that didn't look like them or come from where they came from.

What happened on January 6th, WAS a thing you'd see in the third world.
And it can never happen again.
What other reason did you have to be there?..other than your white grievance? He lost. And you couldn't accept that.

Okay, Kreskin.

It's too bad your kind is on its way out. Just not enough of you to make a majority anymore.


All you have are the old standbys. And even those aren't going to work for you much longer. :)

Welcome to irrelevance.


You sound like a true lemming.

You have no idea who you're talking to, and you're slinging mud in typical leftard style, random accusations with no substance and no target.

You better straighten your act, Jack. No one's buying your bullshit anymore. Time to change your tune.
Okay, Kreskin.



You sound like a true lemming.

You have no idea who you're talking to, and you're slinging mud in typical leftard style, random accusations with no substance and no target.

You better straighten your act, Jack. No one's buying your bullshit anymore. Time to change your tune.
No bullshit to sling here. Your time is just about up. Gerrymandering, suppression, legislation, and a war on culture are all you have left. That ammo will be gone within the next two election cycles.

Accept it..and move on. :)
With tens of thousands of hours of footage, the vast majority is always going to be neglected.

They stick to what was relevant.
Relevant to the prosecution, not relevent to the defense. Do you see anything wrong with that?
What other reason did you have to be there?..other than your white grievance? He lost. And you couldn't accept that.

It's too bad your kind is on its way out. Just not enough of you to make a majority anymore.
All you have are the old standbys. And even those aren't going to work for you much longer. :)

Welcome to irrelevance.
Our kind keep this country afloat. Without us, you all live in squalor and kill each other.
Relevant to the prosecution, not relevent to the defense. Do you see anything wrong with that?
I was discussing what was made public by the January 6th committee.

Thousands upon thousands of hours of video were turned over to the defense including building an extensive database of video for their lawyers to access and use. These facts have been covered up by people like Carlson.
Because, the first rule of reporting is "BLOOD SELLS"
Well there are lots of rules out there......



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