J6 hearings not be doing that well? ... CREW to Sue

Yeah how indecent of a Potus.Just Imagine another Potus
Donating his Presidential salary every fiscal year to a named
That donating salary B.S. was just another of his scams.
He and his childen made much more enriching themselves off of the office than he ever "gave away."

You are mentally lame. If you take away half of a duo, you aren’t left with two.

And I’m quite loyal to the nation. That’s why I support the GOP. Get an adult to help you.

Duopoly = two parties. You sold your soul to one of the two. You put it before the country.
You keep repeating your mindless and baseless lame conjecture as fact.

Sad to be you. Input country first. To do so, I support the GOP.

You’re quite astoundingly lame. 🤣

It is fact, you post on here prove it every day.

Party before country should be tattooed on your forehead
And they immediately complied and returned the items that belonged to the white house.

Quite a contrast to the orange pile of shit. Hell, we had to extract top secret documents from him that he stole from the white house.
hahaha yea i wonder how many people have said they’d return the items they stole, but still got prosecuted?

dems continue to show they think they are above the law
I enjoy noting the simple minded nature of our liberals.

In one breath they will say nonsense accusing us of placing party over country.

In the next breath they will criticize “America first” as though that’s somehow wrong.

And the bombastic twats don’t have the first glimmer of their own self contradictions.

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