Jack Chick Tracts - Read here!

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Remember the woman who gave the testimony about her Catholic husband who told her that Hitler and Mussolini were "theirs"? (Vatican's) That Hitler and Mussolini were "faithful Catholics"? Listen to her testimony on Dr. Alberto Rivera testimony thread and notice that this woman who was not a Catholic herself - has confirmed without realizing it what Dr. Rivera is telling the world here - that Hitler and Mussolini worked for the Roman Catholic Vatican! Both of them! Her testimony is on the video of the man who had collected testimonies exposing the Jesuits and made a you tube video out of it.
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Page 21 - I want all the Jews over here reading this. (and Muslims!) Then get this information to your families, friends, co-workers -everyone you know.

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Here comes the next one! This is the Fourth part in the Alberto Series and it is titled, The Force. The information you about to read - provided by Jack Chick and Dr. Alberto Rivera is going to greatly surprise some of you!

The Force


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