Jack Chick Tracts - Read here!

Page 13:Double Cross

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Page 28 - Dr. Alberto Rivera exposes one of the agents working with the Jesuits to infitrate the Pentacostal churches and deceive the Protestant Christians. When I learned this information I was deeply grieved because Katherine Kuhlman was the agent he was talking about! I had months ago began to have a check in my spirit about Katherine Kuhlman and stopped using her videos, sermons and teachings. Something didn't seem right but I couldn't figure out what it was that the LORD was trying to warn me about. The Bible tells us that if it were possible even the elect would be deceived. This is why Christians must be very, very sensitive to the Holy Spirit when He gives that check in our spirit we must not try to reason it away with our minds. We must realize that He knows something that we do not know. Katherine Kuhlman was an agent of the Vatican working with the Jesuits. Today there are multitudes that have infitrated the Protestant churches in order to destroy the true Gospel of Jesus Christ which commands that we expose the works of Satan - such as we find in the Roman Catholic System. Double Cross

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Jim Jones who lead a cult that called him "Father" was also a Jesuit. 98% of all Jesuits are not priests. They live amongst us and many have infiltrated the Protestant churches as Television evangelists, Pastors, bible study teachers, deacons, etc. (Page 30)Double Cross

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