Jack Chick Tracts - Read here!


Alberto continue 7
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For some reason the last page is blocked. Not a problem. I ordered all these comics and have them here with me. I'll write out what is blocked out in grey - after I post the links for each cartoon. Read the entire series from Jack Chick and realize that there was a very important reason for them doing this in comic book form! It's all true, it is a very serious subject but the decision to use a comic book as the instrument for getting the information out was brilliant. Many thanks to Jack Chick and Dr. Alberto Rivera. May the LORD bless Jack Chick - Dr. Alberto Rivera is enjoying his reward in heaven right now.

As for any Jesuits who have stumbled across this thread? If you do not turn from what you are into - abandon the General Jesuit and His Vatican and get out? You're going to hell. You are going to hell and once you are in hell - you will not be able to get out. God has his eye on you and His desire is to save your soul and bring you to repentance by His Holy Spirit - but if you resist the Holy Spirit and reject Jesus Christ and the salvation he offers you? That only HE can offer you? YOU ARE GOING TO HELL. FOR ALL ETERNITY.

Is it worth it? You better think hard about that. Very, very hard!
I'll post the last page - what is missing later. God willing. I have something to do. Thanks for reading. Remember if the comic is too small to read just click once or twice and it will supersize for easier reading! Make sure and invite all your friends to USMB to read the religion forum / Jack Chick threads and Alberto Rivera thread! Lots of great information here and God will bless you for it!
What if Jack Chick is wrong? What if his sources are wrong or Jack isn't interpreting them correctly or he's proceeding from his own personal prejudice?
The last page reads:

This is a time of sell-out, compromise and fear. Satan is bullying and pressuring men into silence...... dark clouds are gathering as we come closer to the second coming of Jesus.

True Bible believers must pray for the precious Roman Catholics and love them enough to tell them the truth.

Theresa Rivera photo - Alberto's mother, completely devoted to the Roman Catholic system, never missed Mass. She trusted her priest and the virgin Mary, and it cost her a Christless eternity.

Alberto Rivera photo - Alberto, devoutly religious, yet eaten up with hate, saw the corruption all around. He only found freedom when he surrendered his life to Jesus.

Dona Isabella photo - Dona Isabella and millions of others had the courage to stand against the system and give their lives to the Savior......Pray God will give us the boldness they had so we can lift up Christ to draw all men to Him.


Either it's total commitment and submission to Christ or lose everything forever by going on with Satan and Baal worship.


Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6)




Dear God, thank you for showing me what you think about Catholicism. I also reject it! I accept Christ's sacrifice as perfect and complete. Please forgive me in Jesus' name. I invite Jesus Christ to come into my heart and I place my trust in Him alone for my salvation. Thank you for giving me eternal life right now.

Did you accept Jesus Christ as your own personal Savior?

Yes No

If your answer was yes, then this is just the beginning of a wonderful life with Christ. Now:

1. Read your bible (King James Version) every day to get to know Christ better.
2. Pray to God every day (in your own words).
3. Be baptized, worship, fellowship, and serve with Christians in a church where Christ is preached and the Bible is the authority.
4. Tell others about Christ.
In post #737 you will note that Dr. Alberto Rivera identified a place in Barcelona, Spain that the Vatican uses to send their priests who go insane. Why not permit their families to help these priests with outside care that isn't under control of the Vatican? I suspect it is because they also use this facility for men they wish to silence such as the ex - Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera (he was also a Bishop). I found it interesting that Dr. Alberto Rivera said that 87% of the Roman Catholic Priests were in counseling for mental health problems. 87 percent of all priests in the Roman Catholic System!! These priests are mentally disturbed, depressed, fearful, etc because unbeknownst to some of them - they are serving a Baal worship system and the occult followers have greater problems with mental illness than any other people group on earth according to testimonies - demon possessed people - who dabbled with occult - are in mental institutions all over the world - we have people even on this board who have spoken openly of their involvement with the occult and then admitted to having experienced mental splits / differing personalities emerging (demons manifesting) feeling they were losing their mind - all of this is evidence of being involved in the occult. The Jesuit Jim Jones is a classic example of what these people are capable of and it is time the world realized that the same Jesus who cast out demons from the girl whose mother begged for help (woman came from a Baal worshiping society and her daughter was vexed with a devil in the testimony) is alive today and can deliver anyone from mental health problems. Jesus Christ is the answer. The only answer. Worship of Mary, Satan, Baal, "The Force" - leads to mental, physical and spiritual destruction. The only hope for those who are enslaved to depression, fear, anxiety, phobia's, hearing demons - pretending to be the LORD, hearing voices - demons - is to surrender your life to Jesus Christ and be set free.
This is Part two of the Alberto Series. To read the Comic in supersize just click the comic photo once. The information you are about to read - was provided by Dr. Alberto Rivera - an ex-Jesuit. This is what the Vatican does not want you to know.

Double Cross


Double Cross
I have the comic. This page is page 4 and the dialogue is as follows:

Dr. Alberto Rivera tells the officers, That's not true. I never threatened them. Here are my documents allowing me to be here fro the archdiocese of Madrid.

Officer replies: We can't read Spanish. Is this their seal?

Dr. Alberto Rivera: Yes, Sir.

Officer: Then you are still a priest?

Dr. Alberto Rivera: No! Not for the Roman system... not anymore.

Tim asked Dr. Rivera - Alberto, did you tell them how you found Christ?

Dr. Rivera: Oh, yes, I told them the whole story.

Tim: What was their reaction?

Aberto replies: I told the officers....... I did not break in! I came to see my sister who is somewhere in this convent. She is very, very ill.

Officer asked the nun: how ill is she?

Nun replies: Oh, its not THAT serious.

Alberto replies: You refused to let me see Maria because she was so sick! Now you are saying that she ISN'T that sick?

Officer: Dr. Rivera, did your sister want to see you?

Alberto Rivera: Yes, I was talkign to her on the phone two nights ago. She was begging for help.

Nun: Impossible........he lied! She is not ALLOWED to use the telephone........ I mean.........

Officer: Mother Superior, we would like to see his sister and talk this over with her......with your permission.

This is Page Four that has been blocked out.
From Jack Chick Comic Alberto Series Part two
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Someone hacked page 8 and destroyed it. Here is page 8 dialogue:

Dr. Alberto Rivera is speaking to his sister : Maria, call upon the name of Jesus Christ. He alone is your Savior. You must obey His teaching. If you pray to HIm now requesting forgiveness of your sins......and repent of all these religious rites, you can be set free now by the blood He shed for you on the cross.

Maria: Alberto, will He listen to me?

Dr. Alberto Rivera responds to his sister: Yes, Maria, just as you are.

Tim asked Dr. Rivera: Did she get saved, Alberto?

Aberto replies: Yes, I told her to trust in the written Word of God and she did, thank God. Maria begged me to take her out of there so she could serve Christ. I did.

Dr. Alberto Rivera is carrying his sister Maria in his arms out of there and speaking to Nuns at convent: Please let me through, I'm taking Maria out of this evil place. and NO ONE is going to stop me!

Maria: I'm free at last!

Mother Superior: Father, this is kidnapping..... you are taking her against her will! ( the nuns were furious! )

NOTE ' In Roman Catholicism, the Bible alone is NOT considered the Word of God....to them the word of God is "tradition" plus magisterium' (the teaching of authority of the Institution) and last of all the Bible, Only when all that is together do they have what they consider to be the word of God.

This is the dialogue on page 8 of the Double Cross by Jack Chick Publications Part two of the Alberto Series.

Is it any wonder the Jesuits do not want you to find out what is going on even now behind the walls of the Roman Catholic system?
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