Jack Chick Tracts - Read here!


Double Cross
Now we will continue to the third Comic Book in the series entitled,
The Godfathers If you wish to read it in supersize print just click each comic (in each post) one time and it will be a larger print for you to read. I'm asking that you would make sure and invite others to come and read this series on the Jack Chick thread so that they can also know the Truth. The Truth will set you free!

The Godfathers

Page three has been partially destroyed. I will provide the rest of the dialogue on this post here:


Dr. Rivera explains: For three years I was briefed by a brilliant German Jesuit, Augustin Bea. He gave us top secret information. It was a view of historical events that will NEVER appear in the history books!
Augustine Cardinal Bea: In charge of the Roman Catholic Institution's ecumenical movement - photo on page - Father confessor to Pope Pius XII. Also a Jesuit under extreme oath induction.

Most great protestant leaders, like Wycliff, Calvin, Wesley, Finney, Moody, Spurgeon and many others, believed the Roman Catholic Institution was the "Mother of harlots and abominations of the earth. Rev. 17 describes not ancient Babylon, but the Vatican today.

No other religious system in the world officially calls itself "MOTHER." Even her colors are recorded in the Bible: scarlet and purple, symbols of authority. No other religious system has two powers, both political and religious.

Tim: What are they, Alberto?

Dr. Alberto Rivera: Tim the Mother of Abominations has many children. I will tell you about two of them! Both were created by the Vatican to bring death and suffering to millions of people. Tim, this is one of the best kept secrets in modern times. The two children of the Mother of Abomination are.............

See Double cross Volume 13 Page 12,13,14 ** Secret History of the Jesuits by Paris, Page 181, Publication by Chick Publications.

competion of page 3 of The Godfathers by Jack Chick Publications
Page 4 has been partially hacked and destroyed. I will provide what is missing at bottom of this post. ( I have the entire series )


The lower part of caption blocked out reads - Come with us, you Jewish heretic! The Roman who is on top right and says, I get the daughter! And then he says, We'll take your family! Haw! haw! haw!

The children born were the illegitimate offspring of Roman Catholic soldiers. It was a devastating blow to the Jewish faith. Long before the Crusades, the Vatican secretly negotiated and financed Mohammad (through a Roman Catholic relative) to help annihilate the Jews. But when the Islamic forces captured Jerusalem in the name of the prophet Mohammed, the Pope was blocked from moving the Vatican there. Mohammed had called the Pope and the Jews infidels.

The Crusades began, History tells us that these "Christians" fought for God and the Pope to free Jerusalem and the Holy Land from Islamic control. These guys were not Christians in any sense of the word. They didn't know the Lord, or His love. They were tough, godless men led by priests (Catholic) to fulfill Satan's diabolical plan.

This concludes page 4 of The Godfathers by Jack Chick Publication
Jeremiah, I'd like an answer. How do you know Jack Chick is right? That his sources are right or that Chick's interpretation of the facts are right? How do you know he's not cherry picking evidence to support his prejudices?

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