Jack Posobiec: I'll say it again, Derek Chauvin didn't murder George Floyd

If he was following procedure, who ever was responsible for the procedure would be indirectly responsible for Floyds death. Chauvin would still be directly responsible.
If he was following procedure then there is no intent and there is no murder. Manslaughter at most.
The knee on the neck improves circulatory rates!
That knee had absolutely nothing to do with his death and the ME said as much, Chauvin is guilty of failing to properly identify an overdosing criminal suspect who had just attempted a federal felony and who was actively resisting and agitated, both of which are primary symptoms of an opiate overdose, but that is not a criminal offense, none of the cops were trained medics, they were just cops, at most they are civilly liable, meaning Mlps PD is liable.

These men were literally railroaded into prison, its an obscenity what was done to them, so stupid are you fucking people, you would believe such a ludicrous lie, that four cops knowing their are being videoed would just murder a man in front of hundreds of pairs of eyes... As a fascist animal, you want to believe that, and as fascists the media made certain to run with exactly that narrative!
That knee had absolutely nothing to do with his death and the ME said as much, Chauvin is guilty of failing to properly identify an overdosing criminal suspect who had just attempted a federal felony and who was actively resisting and agitated, both of which are primary symptoms of an opiate overdose, but that is not a criminal offense, none of the cops were trained medics, they were just cops, at most they are civilly liable, meaning Mlps PD is liable.

These men were literally railroaded into prison, its an obscenity what was done to them, so stupid are you fucking people, you would believe such a ludicrous lie, that four cops knowing their are being videoed would just murder a man in front of hundreds of pairs of eyes... As a fascist animal, you want to believe that, and as fascists the media made certain to run with exactly that narrative!
The former Minneapolis police officer was found guilty of all three charges — second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter.
That knee had absolutely nothing to do with his death and the ME said as much, Chauvin is guilty of failing to properly identify an overdosing criminal suspect who had just attempted a federal felony and who was actively resisting and agitated, both of which are primary symptoms of an opiate overdose, but that is not a criminal offense, none of the cops were trained medics, they were just cops, at most they are civilly liable, meaning Mlps PD is liable.

These men were literally railroaded into prison, its an obscenity what was done to them, so stupid are you fucking people, you would believe such a ludicrous lie, that four cops knowing their are being videoed would just murder a man in front of hundreds of pairs of eyes... As a fascist animal, you want to believe that, and as fascists the media made certain to run with exactly that narrative!
2mg of fentanyl is enough to kill you. Floyd had 11 mg from swallowing the drugs to hide the evidence that he was selling the deadly drugs to others.
You can see all the other drugs he had.
Facts about Fentanyl

Candice Owens reports that the family did not even clean out Floyds home since they never were a family that lived together. They were only interested in the money!

Here is George Floyds drug results. No injuries. It was the drugs that HE SWALLOWED that killed him. He was selling the drug to others.
How many people had he killed with the drugs he sold?

A. Blood drug and novel psychoactive substances screens
Fentanyl 11 mg/mL
Norfentanyl 5.6 mg/mL
Methamphetarnine 19 mg/mL
11-Hydroxy Delta-9 THC 1.2 mg/mL;
Delta-9 Carboxy THC 42 mg/mL; Delta-9 THC 2.9 mg/mL
Cotinine positive
Caffeine positive
Blood volatiles: negative for ethanol, methanol, isopropanol, or acetone
Urine drug screen: presumptive positive for cannabinoids, amphetamines, and fentanyl/metabolite
Urine drug screen confirmation: morphine (free) 86 mg/mL
keep on saying it, in fact, hold yer breathe till he gets out of jail.
Floyd died from an O.D. of Fentanyl and Chauvin was railroaded by racist fearing jury.
however, the six that killed Tyre Nichols don't have an excuse other than they are thugs.
But the Left have an out, they've got a white cop patsy that was initially at the vehicle stop scene.
Watch how they try to blame it all on him.

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Where is the rest of the Tyre Nichols story?

30 Jan 2023 ~~ By Jazz Shaw

The horrific beating death of Tyre Nichols in Memphis has rapidly been driving the national conversation on policing with a renewed level of energy reminiscent of the 2020 “summer of love.” This week, the NAACP called for the firing of all of the law enforcement officials, including Sheriff’s Deputies who were present during the assault even if they did not take part in it. It’s not an unreasonable demand. Less desirable is the suddenly renewed debate in Congress over federal “police reform” laws. It seems obvious that Democrats in Washington are using Nichols’ death as an excuse to run that flag up the pole again and they’re drooling over the prospect of getting another bite at the “defund the police” apple.
Thus far, the mainstream media has seemed to be content with the standard narrative that has grown and been repeated surrounding the incident. A group of white supremacist cops (who inconveniently all happened to be Black) observed Nichols “driving erratically.” They proceeded to pull him over and decided to teach him a lesson about “driving while Black.” The beating got far out of hand, resulting in injuries that would eventually prove fatal.
But after watching the painful video of the assault several times (which wasn’t easy), I still find myself feeling that something just isn’t right with this story. None of this makes sense and we should be pressing for more answers. I’ll ask you to bear with me for a moment while I put on my conspiracy theory hat and walk through a couple of aspects of this tale. Then you can decide for yourself if there is something large and important missing from the current news coverage.
First, what were five members of what was described as an elite violent crime unit doing on traffic duty that night when they probably should have been hunting down gang kingpins? These weren’t run-of-the-mill rookies fresh out of the police academy. They were experienced officers tasked with the job of tracking down some of the most dangerous criminals in Memphis.
I’m not qualified to read people’s minds, but those officers looked like they were hunting for Tyre Nichols. Why? I am once again left with nothing but speculation. One of the more charitable (to the police) explanations might be that he was already on their radar because of their major crime unit investigations. If they recognized him or his vehicle, perhaps they might have decided to strike while the iron was hot. But Nichols had no criminal record and nobody who has been interviewed has so much as suggested that he was involved with gang activity. That simply doesn’t add up.
As I already said, none of this makes sense. And I hope that some of the local journalists in Memphis are still digging into the details. If this really was all completely random, then those five officers weren’t just bad cops. They were homicidal maniacs. And that’s an even more disturbing possibility than the idea of them having some sort of unknown motive to hunt Nichols down intentionally.

Was Tyre Nicols Swatted? Was false
information was passed to the Scorpion squad that Tyre was a bad guy.... Or maybe Tyre was a witness to some sort of gang/illegal activity that involved these officers.
There was a story several years ago out of Baltimore where an "elite" police task force were using their authority/status to shake down citizens.
There's a lot more to why this killing occurred. An honest professional journalist should be able to find the truth.
I agree. Chauvin did not murder George Floyd. He was dying when they rolled up. He was saying he couldn’t breath in the car. Putting someone on their stomach is often the correct procedure if they are in respiratory distress.
This reminds me of something Colin Powell joked about at the white house about blaming Saddam Hussein for 9-11, saying he might as well have done it because we're going to blame it on him.

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