Jack Smith and Judge Chutkan Believe LCrR 57.7(c) Authorizes a Gag Order on Trump - Only It Doesn't


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
A perusal of LCrR 57.7 shows who it actually applies to, including at (c).

And nowhere does it say it applies to a defendant but it could be used to protect a defendant. IOW, potential witnesses against the accused can be gagged, not the accused.

In a widely publicized or sensational criminal case, the Court, on motion of either party or on its own motion, may issue a special order governing such matters as extrajudicial statements by parties, witnesses and attorneys likely to interfere with the rights of the accused to a fair trial by an impartial jury ...​

(emphasis added)

A perusal of LCrR 57.7 shows who it actually applies to, including at (c).

And nowhere does it say it applies to a defendant but it could be used to protect a defendant. IOW, potential witnesses against the accused can be gagged, not the accused.

In a widely publicized or sensational criminal case, the Court, on motion of either party or on its own motion, may issue a special order governing such matters as extrajudicial statements by parties, witnesses and attorneys likely to interfere with the rights of the accused to a fair trial by an impartial jury ...​

(emphasis added)

applies to
which includes the defendant. "fair trial" requires jury not be influenced by defendants tsunami of bull shit.
Democrats are tyrants, there is no arguing with democrats, they are like vermin, who you can only get rid of by actually fighting and defeating them.

Democrats use our government to make trillions of dollars, literally.

Democrats will not let Trump destroy the goose that lays the golden egg.

There is no lie to great, no act they will not resort to. It is amazing that nobody has assassinated Trump.
elektra's rant would be correct with 'MAGA' substituted for Democrats
JE Slow Horses avatar would be correct if replaced with this pic
Democrats are tyrants, there is no arguing with democrats, they are like vermin, who you can only get rid of by actually fighting and defeating them.

Democrats use our government to make trillions of dollars, literally.

Democrats will not let Trump destroy the goose that lays the golden egg.

There is no lie to great, no act they will not resort to. It is amazing that nobody has assassinated Trump.
It's funny how you actually believe the drivel that you type.
It's funny how you actually believe the drivel that you type.
democrats are passing laws that are making themselves rich.

Green Energy, the greatest example, over a $150 trillion dollars will be spent. Wall st. gets rich, Black Rock gets richer, the Federal Reserve gets richer. Obama made over a $100 million, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, John Kerry. All getting rich passing laws to mandate the government spend trillions.
Republicans are getting richer, too, if they are involved in Green Energy, if you are correct in your premise.
I never ever deny that there are Republicans that are dirty rotten. Like George Bush jr, the apple does not fall far from the tree.

The saving and loan bailout was George Bush sr, it even included bailing out one of his son's banks.
The Bank Mortgage Housing bailout of George Bush jr, was the same exact scam.

Anybody point that out????
applies to
which includes the defendant. "fair trial" requires jury not be influenced by defendants tsunami of bull shit.



...likely to interfere with the rights of the accused
(emphasis added)

Applies to others to protect the accused.

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