Jack Smith could face indictment

The biggest influence peddling scandal in American history is "boring"? Really, Slade? The real truth about Joe Biden and his family is slowly being revealed despite YEARS of attempted coverups in the DOJ and the Main Stream Media! The only thing that's REALLY predictable is that the further this is looked into...the worse it looks! The Biden family cashed in to the tune of millions and millions of dollars and they did so with some of America's biggest adversaries.
What’s been happening for years is the desperate attempt to justify a failed October surprise. Same thing with the desperate stolen election excuse for losing. It’s all grade school level horseshit
If this lawsuit actually floats, just imagine what Republicans can do in the future and if Dems dare to question, NO. Accept it pleb.

Your game.

Your rules.

You will hate it.
I remember what the Republicans did in the past. They tried to steal the office of POTUS over Clinton`s consensual sex act. Your chickens have come home to roost. It`s YOUR game. YOU accept it.
Step back and just listen to how lame that argument is. He took a phone call with his son?! Wow, go arrest him then
Look at how lame your excuse is. He took phone calls 20 times when his corrupt son, raking in the millions from a foreign company, was with that foreign country’s business partners.

Who does that? What adult dials in Daddy to say “hi, how’s the weather” when he’s meeting with foreign business associates? Archer told us why: it was to sell the Biden brand.
Joe Biden has been indicted?

You imbeciles keep bragging about "indictments" as if it makes you look good.

It makes you look desperate.

An indictment by a corrupt regime targeted at its political opposition doesn't mean jack shit except for how it egregiously reflects on said regime.

It's third world banana republic material.

And poll after poll of the American people shows you're already losing.

And the more you push the envelope, the harder you'll fall.

We're gonna enjoy next year when your slack jawed panic emits howls of disbelief as Trump cruises to victory.

Enjoy, bitch. :)
Look at how lame your excuse is. He took phone calls 20 times when his corrupt son, raking in the millions from a foreign company, was with that foreign country’s business partners.

Who does that? What adult dials in Daddy to say “hi, how’s the weather” when he’s meeting with foreign business associates? Archer told us why: it was to sell the Biden brand.
Yup. That’s apparently what happened… last I checked there is nothing illegal about calling daddy and flaunting his last name.

Are you seriously thinking this is big news?!
Presidential CANDIDATE Trump was spied upon.
President Elect Trump was spied upon.
PRESIDENT Trump was spied upon.
ALL illegally!!!!
You can shove your PROJECTION up you WAZOOO you pathetic mindless subverted zombie!

^ ^ ^

t r i g g e r e d

How do you know what Trump thought? MILLIONS of people think he was the true winner, and he likely did as well.

Are you evil Democrats now going to imprison people for the rest of their lives because of what you CLAIM they think?! So Republicans aren’t even safe if we keep our mouths shut? You’ll go after us by claiming “well, we know what you were thinking, and we think you’re wrong. So we’re going to indict you, go through a mock trial, and then send you to prison.”

You didn't watch that video, did ya?
He’s going to be impeached. It’s been slow-going with the DOJ refusing to turn over documents that implicate Joe and the massive bribery and extortion racket, but once the open an impeachment inquiry, Congress will be able to compel discovery.

Your boy is going down. He was never the fairly-elected president in the first place.

What's taking so long?
Step back and just listen to how lame that argument is. He took a phone call with his son?! Wow, go arrest him then
20+ business calls with Crackhead’s corrupt foreign business partners, and a few dinners with them.

But you believe they were all so Chicom Joe could update them on the weather.

In what way was what Trump did with the electors an indictable offense? I'm sorry but it wasn't. It was a failed attempt but it was a legal strategy and that's ALL it was! What Jack Smith has done is attempt to criminalize questioning the results of elections because he wants to keep Trump from regaining the Oval Office. The Democrats are using the power of the Federal Government to kneecap the reelection campaign of their biggest political rival. Jack Smith's indictment's are not going to hold up on appeal nor would they stand a snowball's chance in hell of succeeding at the lower level if it weren't for the venue and the hand picked judge but that doesn't matter. The only real goal of this is to cost Trump money and divert attention from the very REAL influence peddling scandal that is slowly catching up to Joe Biden!

It's fraud, not a legal strategy. In a separate case, 16 people involved with this fraud in Michigan have also been charged. Other related suits are coming as well.

According to you idiots, it's perfectly legitimate if Trump beats Biden in next year's election, for states that Trump won to send in fake Biden electors so that VP Kamala Harris can pick those fake electors instead of the legit Trump electors, so she can give herself 4 more years in office. Even worse, she can do that every 4 years for life as long as she runs as vice president. Unbelievably, you really are stupid enough to think that's a "legal strategy" and not fraud. :cuckoo:
You imbeciles keep bragging about "indictments" as if it makes you look good.

It makes you look desperate.

An indictment by a corrupt regime targeted at its political opposition doesn't mean jack shit except for how it egregiously reflects on said regime.

It's third world banana republic material.

And poll after poll of the American people shows you're already losing.

And the more you push the envelope, the harder you'll fall.

We're gonna enjoy next year when your slack jawed panic emits howls of disbelief as Trump cruises to victory.

Enjoy, bitch. :)

Also, alternative electors are Constitutional.

So sayeth the petition clause of the First Amendment.

Sorry bucko.

They weren't alternate electors. They were fake electors.

And where's your link to Panetta's paper? Or were you just making that up?
He was also advised there were election irregularities and he had the right to question the election. Also, we all know that election rules in States were changed without legislative approval which is not legal. You can't prove what Trump was thinking and, even if you could, he has the right to free speech.
He was shown his conspirator kooky lawyers were wrong and he knew they were wrong, and he knew they were lying, but he CHOSE to go along with the Steal anyway.

You have a real loser, liar n chief as your faux messiah....time to get right with yourselves and God.

Truth matters! Honesty matters.

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