Jack Smith could face indictment

I have no idea who these clowns are, nor anything what they say, write or do. You are full of crap.
How could you not have heard of them? Oh right…..they reported on the Biden Crime Family, so the lib media you listen to suppressed it.
77K votes over 3 states. Less than a 1% margin of victory.
And if she campaigns until the end and Comey doesn't pull a pussy....she wins.

You can keep reliving the greatest hits. It's all you have. Cause he lost big in 2020 and he's going to lose even bigger next year...assuming he isn't in prison. :)
Stolen election 2020
But keep believing trump will not win.
Because he hasn't been given talking points
The cult media hasn't talked about them



Wait a sec.

Are you implying the Leftist dolts polluting this forum don't actually engage in critical thinking to derive the conclusions they draw about the World around them?

you dumbass

Discriminatory against people with low IQs.

1. clean up your posts,


Implies women are supposed to clean.

2. direct your karening

More sexism, engaging in female stereotypes.

at your fellow shiteater.

Soft bigotry targeted at discerning fecal consumers everywhere.

OMG - your social credit score is gonna be so low by the time we're done here.

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