Jack Smith could face indictment

You mean like when Schumer stood outside the Supreme Court and told the conservative justices they would reap the whirlwind and would pay the price?

Shall we prosecute him next?
Nice try, but you know it applys to co-conspirators only. Not to friends or associates.

So you'll need to prove conspiracy first, which you know did not exist between the president and members of congress.
“We put in the contingent language quite bluntly because I and several others in the room who were lawyers insisted upon it,” said Gerow, who is currently running for governor. “We inserted that language specifically to avoid some of the charges that are coming from the left.”

Only 2 of the 7 states did that, PussyBitch. Those electors might be ok. The others are fucked. 16 in Michigan are already indicted.
And I told you that has nothing to do with fake electors. That statute is vage and fits any crime even Adam Schiff could be faced with that charge
You can't send in a slate of fake electors without violating 18 USC 1001.
So it is illegal
Just saying precedence says it's not illegal
Exactly. It was a legal strategy. Trump did nothing illegal.

Now Obama, who refused to leave the DC area for years, and is now effectively serving a 3rd term from behind the curtain, is violating the spirit if not the letter of the law. Anyone who discovers it will meet with a paddle board accident.
Not true but keep trying

It's in your link, ya Neanderthal...

In those documents — from Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia — the pro-Turmp activists described themselves as “duly elected and qualified.” In two other states, Pennsylvania and New Mexico, Trump allies submitted alternative elector slates but included a caveat: their votes would only be counted if ongoing court battles broke in favor of Trump.

A pity you can't understand what you read.
^^engrish poster

That's racist against Asian people.

What are you, some kinda TRUMP BIGOT?

I'm reporting you to the Disinformation Governance board if you don't shape up.

From now on, I am to your LEFT - just know that.
Exactly. It was a legal strategy. Trump did nothing illegal.

Now Obama, who refused to leave the DC area for years, and is now effectively serving a 3rd term from behind the curtain, is violating the spirit if not the letter of the law. Anyone who discovers it will meet with a paddle board accident.
It's not illegal it's precedence
Yep that's what you idiots said in 2016

77K votes over 3 states. Less than a 1% margin of victory.
And if she campaigns until the end and Comey doesn't pull a pussy....she wins.

You can keep reliving the greatest hits. It's all you have. Cause he lost big in 2020 and he's going to lose even bigger next year...assuming he isn't in prison. :)
Exactly. It was a legal strategy. Trump did nothing illegal.
Actually it was Illegal, and the Kennedy electors were taking a legal risk in doing what they did. Had they lost the recount, their crime would have been prosecuted.

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