James Biden Admits There is No Loan Documentation for the $200,000 ‘Loan Repayment’ Made to Joe Biden in 2018

I don't know if we have that. Have the Biden bros admitted to a tax violation, or are they still claiming it was a loan repayment with no evidence?

I don't know why they don't just admit the truth.

As far as I know, it is not illegal to "cash in on the Biden brand," no matter how much money rolls in for it.

Just admit it, and moveon.org!
So again, you call it suspicious but don’t know what it’s suspicious about.

If you can’t even get that far, this really is going nowhere.

So much for common sense.
money that was in a trust fund which is under very strict laws went from one person to another outside the normal channels,,

that is assuming it came from a biden trust fund,,

why didnt james pay the fund back instead of giving the money to joe??
What are these “very strict laws”?
So again, you call it suspicious but don’t know what it’s suspicious about.

If you can’t even get that far, this really is going nowhere.

So much for common sense.
It's going somewhere.

The more real information that gets put out, the worse the Bidens look. The more information the media claims counters that information but never shows, the worse the media looks.

Declining trust in Biden + declining trust in the Media = President Trump, Part Deaux
Hunter and his uncle also kept losing all these massive diamonds the Chinese commies would give him regularly as bribery for favors from his father Joe. He also doesn’t know what he did with 1.5 million in cash that was given to him. And then they wonder they’re called the Xiden crime family.
It's going somewhere.

The more real information that gets put out, the worse the Bidens look. The more information the media claims counters that information but never shows, the worse the media looks.

Declining trust in Biden + declining trust in the Media = President Trump, Part Deaux
Its impressive. It makes Biden look bad and not trusted, but you don’t know why.

That’s propaganda for you.
It's going somewhere.

The more real information that gets put out, the worse the Bidens look. The more information the media claims counters that information but never shows, the worse the media looks.

Declining trust in Biden + declining trust in the Media = President Trump, Part Deaux

The whole Biden crime narrative by fuckups is lowering trust in republic pols.

Right seymour smirnoff.
are you that fucking dumb you didnt know there are laws that govern how trust funds can operate??

or that the way the fund is set up dictates how it can operate under those laws??
You don’t know what an attorney trust account is and what rules govern it.

So stop pretending you do.
You don’t know what an attorney trust account is and what rules govern it.

So stop pretending you do.
no such thing as an attorney trust fund,, only trust funds ran by attorneys,,

of course you can prove me wrong anytime you like,,

but beings you doint even know about the laws that govern trust funds I dont expect anything other than the typical bullshit,,
The Bidens were given several of these diamonds over the years by the Chinese communist party operatives, yet somehow mysteriously they can’t find them or even us what happened to any of them.

Its impressive. It makes Biden look bad and not trusted, but you don’t know why.

That’s propaganda for you.
I know exactly why. Try to follow:

The Biden's claim that a sudden 600K windfall to James Biden who cashed in on "the Biden Brand" was quickly followed by a 200K windfall to Joe Biden from the same funds but was an innocent loan repayment.

They offer no documentation of any loan, no mention of the interest, no records of informing the IRS of this large cash transfer.

An ally of theirs on the committee investigating the family's financial shenanigans leaks something (a document, or just words?) to factcheck.org, which that website hides from the public, but dutifully reports the spin provided by the ally.

The IRS regularly turns the lives of ordinary Americans upside down over far smaller sums, but the Bidens continue to enjoy that "Democrat Privilege," and are untouched by that agency.

All of this is denied by the Bidens and their media allies, but not in the only way that such a denial would be credible, which is complete openness and transparency.
1 of 3 things probably happened.

1. Joe got his cut with James as the front man, period. Joe didn't have to invest anything.
2. Joe's return on a short-term investment with James as the front man, plus a slice.
3. Joes return on investment with James as the front man, and the windfall is distributed to the Xiden family through various methods.

Just me or is it C?
I know exactly why. Try to follow:

The Biden's claim that a sudden 600K windfall to James Biden who cashed in on "the Biden Brand" was quickly followed by a 200K windfall to Joe Biden from the same funds but was an innocent loan repayment.

They offer no documentation of any loan, no mention of the interest, no records of informing the IRS of this large cash transfer.

An ally of theirs on the committee investigating the family's financial shenanigans leaks something (a document, or just words?) to factcheck.org, which that website hides from the public, but dutifully reports the spin provided by the ally.

The IRS regularly turns the lives of ordinary Americans upside down over far smaller sums, but the Bidens continue to enjoy that "Democrat Privilege," and are untouched by that agency.

All of this is denied by the Bidens and their media allies, but not in the only way that such a denial would be credible, which is complete openness and transparency.
Okay. So worst case scenario, which seems pretty unlikely, is that this wasn’t a loan.

How could that implicate Biden in anything nefarious?
Okay. So worst case scenario, which seems pretty unlikely, is that this wasn’t a loan.

How could that implicate Biden in anything nefarious?
my god youre a dumb mother fucker,,

all this time youve acted like you knew everything like youre an insider to the biden family finances and now youre going off into some lame other direction,,

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