James Carville: I want to punch 'piece of s--t' unvaccinated people in the face

Pure projection, nothing more. You're a cute little lemming. Do you have Fauci's name tattooed in a heart on your back?
Thing is, you don’t have to listen to a word Fauci says. Not a word. What Fauci says is based on data and evidence which we are able to see almost all of it.

What you really need to do is be able to figure out who is full of shit. That’s what people struggle with.
Thing is, you don’t have to listen to a word Fauci says. Not a word. What Fauci says is based on data and evidence which we are able to see almost all of it.

What you really need to do is be able to figure out who is full of shit. That’s what people struggle with.

The one full of it is the one who said a risk of a pandemic was worth it to do the research.
Admit it. You're so fucking pissed off that we are not complying with your communist bullshit that you too want to punch people in the face.

Punch me in the face and I fucking shoot your ass.

I think they're angry because they know they've been duped and want the rest of us to share in their misery.
The thread isn’t about mask mandates and lockdowns so that’s why I haven’t said anything.

That’s not blinders, it’s staying on topic. Something that’s really hard for you to do when you fail again and again.

You tried to stay on topic, got called out for it, then moved the goalposts.

Hackery 101.
You tried to stay on topic, got called out for it, then moved the goalposts.

Hackery 101.
Nah, just pointing out that it was a total nit pick.

Would you say we deny healthcare to old people? To smokers? To active drinkers?

Answer the question. Then we can see who is a hack.
Nah, just pointing out that it was a total nit pick.

Would you say we deny healthcare to old people? To smokers? To active drinkers?

Answer the question. Then we can see who is a hack.

We don't yet, but your side is sure as hell creating a precedent for it.
The research you're talking about has nothing to do with causing the pandemic so I really don't know what you're talking about.

You have no idea for certain if it did or not but all the same you knew what I was talking about. I don't know why people (you) would do this.

Even if it didn't (which I believe it did), Fauci is still wrong.
Why? I've never got a flu shot even though I believe in it.
I'm just playing the role of your fellow liberal travelers here. Get every boost or you're anti-vax and should be quarantined, denied medical care, and be treated like a social pariah.
I'm just playing the role of your fellow liberal travelers here. Get every boost or you're anti-vax and should be quarantined, denied medical care, and be treated like a social pariah.

I'm pro-life. I fully support the 2nd. I believe we need to keep the electoral college. I believe we need to balance the budget. I believe in keeping the USSC at 9. I supported neither of the Biden bills that went down.

What makes me a liberal? That I don't hate minorities?

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