James Carville: I want to punch 'piece of s--t' unvaccinated people in the face

It would be different if y’all weren’t so great at making up shit.

I don't make anything up. In your head there is but one truth, yours. I don't you to be bight enough for me to accept your truth.
I don't make anything up. In your head there is but one truth, yours. I don't you to be bight enough for me to accept your truth.
There is one truth and it doesn’t exist in the garbage conservative media that has been brainwashing you guys.
You don’t know anything about me. The fact that you think you do is exactly what I’d expect an arrogant prick like yourself.

Do you follow me around and listen to me talk to people all day? No?

Then stop making assumptions asshole.
I am not assuming anything. The only thing you outwardly give a single rat fuck about is COVID and making sure everybody complies, you cocksucking piece of shit!!! Your own post history demonstrates it.
I am not assuming anything. The only thing you outwardly give a single rat fuck about is COVID and making sure everybody complies, you cocksucking piece of shit!!! Your own post history demonstrates it.
I post about a lot of topics and my history shows that you moron.

I’ve been keenly interested in how misinformation is really fucking up our country and it’s only getting worse.
I post about a lot of topics and my history shows that you moron.

I’ve been keenly interested in how misinformation is really fucking up our country and it’s only getting worse.
And what you deem "misinformation" you wish to completely SUPPRESS and you wish to SILENCE anyone who speaks your deemed heresy.

You are fooling no one, you authoritarian lying twat.
And what you deem "misinformation" you wish to completely SUPPRESS and you wish to SILENCE anyone who speaks your deemed heresy.

You are fooling no one, you authoritarian lying twat.
I’m not silencing anyone. Just don’t expect others to help people spread disinformation.

Not that hard to understand.

But yeah. Disinformation is a problem when tens of thousands of people are literally dying because of it. You disagree because you don’t give a shit about anyone. It’s just all about you and you’re feelings.
All of the experts told us last summer that if you were vaxxed you could not get or spread covid. I guess they were lying.
There is one truth and it doesn’t exist in the garbage conservative media that has been brainwashing you guys.

Pure projection, nothing more. You're a cute little lemming. Do you have Fauci's name tattooed in a heart on your back?
"I wish what they’d do is pass a law to make you immune from liability if you punch some unvaccinated person right in the face, which I’d really like to do. If you ask me what’s my first reaction to you if you’re not vaccinated, you don’t have any medical reason not to be, you’re a piece of s---, OK? I just want to punch you in the god----ed face. That’s the way I look at these people," Carville said.

"Agreed," Hunt replied.

Pathetic watching the Jim Jones Vax cultists live in such morbid fear of the virus they’ve been allegedly been vaccinated against.

The really sad thing here is that Carville felt totally comfortable talking publicly about committing this kind of violence. The left has normalized violence against others as a means of expressing political disagreement.
Old, washed-up Democrats all seem to want to kick someone's ass, not that they could. I remember when Biden was itching to take Trumpy behind the woodshed. I wonder if those two goofs know how idiotic they sound.
I’m not silencing anyone. Just don’t expect others to help people spread disinformation.

Not that hard to understand.

But yeah. Disinformation is a problem when tens of thousands of people are literally dying because of it. You disagree because you don’t give a shit about anyone. It’s just all about you and you’re feelings.
What is not hard to understand is:

1. Mask do very little to stop the spread. Most mask are ineffective cloth and are not worn properly.

2. Vaccinated people contract the virus at about the same rate at non vaccinated people.

3. Vaccinated people die of the virus the same as non vaccinated.

4. Some vaccinated people die or have serious side effects from the vaccine.

5. Mandates have proven ineffective across the board.

When I see somebody wear a mask in public I immediately thing "dumbass".
Rush Limbaugh used to call James Carville the winner of the Beelzebub look alike contest

Carville used to be pretty sharp but now he’s just an angry senile old man
I'll make another prediction based on col's posts. Watch for the left to get more fascist and authoritarian because their little scam play for power is not working well now with the population. Americans have had quite enough thank you. Now we're into survival mode. Note for example the digging in of heels of these nazi like school boards in Northern Virginia..against kids, against parents to the point of calling law on both...EIGHT YEAR OLDS!!! for cryinoutloud. LOLOL DESPerATION, against The SCIENCE.

Democrats are walking back their early on tyranny. Lefties...you keep pushin' america. We already know you're cowards. And YOU"RE WRONG.

Watch for the left to get more tyrannical, more fascist, more using law enforcement to go after Freedom Loving Americans. This is life or death for them.

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