James Carville warns Kamala is ‘gonna get slaughtered’ by GOP


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
Leave it to James Carville to be a buzzkill with the entire Democratic Party consumed by an orgy of celebration after the successful coup against its former nominee Joe Biden.

Even though most of it is manufactured and fake, Dems and their friends in the media are wildly enthusiastic about their new candidate Kamala Harris, an incompetent DEI hire who was a no-show for the one major responsibility delegated to her by her boss as his “border czar.”

The longtime political strategist warned that the party could soon be over and the GOP will soon be coming for Harris after Democrats were surprised by the suddenness of the toppling of Biden and the coronation of his cackling veep who didn’t receive one vote in the primaries.

In a recent appearance on PBS’s “Firing Line With Margaret Hoover,” the “Ragin’ Cajun” warned that the Harris honeymoon isn’t going to last and that the election isn’t going to be the slam dunk that many Democrats are giddily predicting it will be.

“I think that she has a record, she’s going to have to come up with some proposals. But I think a lot of it is going to depend on her ability to define herself, and I actually think she’s going to have to introduce herself, because she’s really not that well known,” Carville said.

“Republicans are going to try to introduce her on their terms,” he added. “I don’t blame them, I would do the same thing, and she’s going to have to get good fast.”

“That’s all I can say, and I’m not very giddy about this, I’m not cocky at all, I think we have a tough election ahead of us,” added the 79-year-old veteran of the political wars.

Carville has been a fixture in politics since he was widely credited as being the architect of Bill Clinton’s underdog 1992 White House campaign with his slogan “It’s the economy stupid” catching on with voters who delivered a stunning defeat to President George H.W. Bush who had previously enjoyed a 90 percent approval rating during the Gulf War.

He was also among the first ones who sounded the alarm about Biden back when anyone who pointed out his mental decline was smeared as a “conspiracy theorist” when the party was solidly behind the deeply unpopular octogenarian.

BJ -

Before any of you all disparage Carville, he forgets more about elections and running campaigns, every day than any of you will ever know in your lifetime.
I'm not entirely convinced that Kamaltoe even makes it through the Convention.

IMO, she is campaigning for the nomination right now, not for the General. She has yet to prove herself to the dimocrap scum Politburo. She just happened to be in line and dimocrap scum needed to be able to keep all the campaign donations they would have lost had they bumped her, too.

Remember, there were multiple discussions in here, and elsewhere, about replacing her on the ticket because she was so weak.

dimocrap scum voters, the lowest form of life on Planet Earth, got excited because they got somebody, anybody, other than the rotting corpse of Sponge Brains Shits Pants. The DISGUSTING FILTH in the Marxist Media did a Full Court Press to try and get her campaign rolling but as soon as the dust settles and reality sets in, people will remember what lying scum the DISGUSTING FILTH and the dimocrap scum party are. And always have been.


I agree, I don't think that sloppy fuck makes it through the convention. The state-owned media is pushing fake poll numbers to keep her propped up and make a stolen election look plausible, but they have to know she's dumber than fuck and has a likeability factor south of rectal cancer. They hate her as much as we do. :laughing0301:

The problem is they don't have anybody else. :abgg2q.jpg:

I'm not entirely convinced that Kamaltoe even makes it through the Convention.

IMO, she is campaigning for the nomination right now, not for the General. She has yet to prove herself to the dimocrap scum Politburo. She just happened to be in line and dimocrap scum needed to be able to keep all the campaign donations they would have lost had they bumped her, too.

Remember, there were multiple discussions in here, and elsewhere, about replacing her on the ticket because she was so weak.

dimocrap scum voters, the lowest form of life on Planet Earth, got excited because they got somebody, anybody, other than the rotting corpse of Sponge Brains Shits Pants. The DISGUSTING FILTH in the Marxist Media did a Full Court Press to try and get her campaign rolling but as soon as the dust settles and reality sets in, people will remember what lying scum the DISGUSTING FILTH and the dimocrap scum party are. And always have been.


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They're giving her the chance to win people over, and it's not going over very well.

If she starts tanking before the convention they'll dump her and replace her on the spot.

All it would take is for them to stop whitewashing her record and start reminding everyone of what she's done as VP.

This has Obama written all over it.
Harris was not even liked by the people who she hired to be on her staff.
The more TV exposure that Harris gets, the more people get to know her true personality.
Harris was not even liked by the people who she hired to be on her staff.
The more TV exposure that Harris gets, the more people get to know her true personality.
Trump is smart NOT debating her until AFTER the convention when she is the official nominee and can't be switched out.
If she does well in the debate, not likely, she has a shot.
If she blows up in the debate like Biden, then we need to double Trump's SS contingent.
I agree, I don't think that sloppy fuck makes it through the convention.

Prepare to be surprised, oh deluded one.

Once again, the tard herd projects their messiah's flaws onto his opponents.

TRUMP: It's amazing, I can't even believe it. I've been so lucky in terms of that whole world

STERN: You've never gotten a "social disease".

TRUMP: It is a dangerous world out there. It's like Vietnam, sort of. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave solider,

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