James Clapper says Trump has assaulted our Democracy

WASHINGTON — American democracy is “under assault” on separate fronts from President Donald Trump and Russia, the former U.S. intelligence chief warned Sunday, expressing dismay over the abrupt firing of FBI director James Comey amid a probe into Moscow’s meddling in U.S. elections and possible ties with the Trump campaign.

As Trump works to fast-track Comey’s successor, lawmakers from both parties urged him to steer clear of any politicians for the job and say he must “clean up the mess that he mostly created.”

“I think, in many ways, our institutions are under assault, both externally — and that’s the big news here, is the Russian interference in our election system,” said James Clapper, the former director of national intelligence. “I think as well our institutions are under assault internally.”

When he was asked, “Internally, from the president?” Clapper said, “Exactly.”

Clapper spoke following Trump’s sudden firing of Comey last week, which drew sharp criticism because it came amid the FBI’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election. Clapper said America’s founding fathers had created three co-equal branches of government with checks and balances, but with Trump as president, that was now “eroding.”

Lawmakers from both parties reprimanded Trump’s actions, which included shifting explanations from the White House for Comey’s dismissal and an ominous tweet by Trump that warned Comey against leaks to the press because he may have “tapes” of their conversations. The lawmakers called for a new FBI director without any political background and said Trump would need to hand over to Congress any taped conversations with Comey, if they exist.

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, a member of the Judiciary Committee, said selecting an FBI agent to lead the agency would allow the nation to “reset.” He dismissed as less desirable at least two of the 14 candidates under consideration by Trump, former Rep. Mike Rogers of Michigan and Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, explaining that “these are not normal circumstances.”
James Clapper: U.S. government “under assault” by Trump after Comey firing – The Denver Post

And the pounding goes on--this from James Clapper who Trump tweeted out last week--claiming he stated there was no evidence against him--when Clapper stated "he knew of no evidence" and then clarified the next day that he would not have been privy to any information regarding the Russian investigtion, and in fact didn't know that there was an ongoing investigation into Trump & his surrogates that started last July.
The FBI Has Been Investigating Trump’s Russia Ties Since July


james clapper also said there was no russia collussion. who do you believe?

Well if you didn't have reading comprehension problems along with an attention span of a gnat you would have seen that Clapper did NOT say that. He stated he hasn't "seen" any evidence of collusion, not that it didn't exist.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said Friday he doesn’t know whether evidence exists of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the presidential election, contradicting President Trump’s tweeted claim that Clapper “and virtually everyone else with knowledge of the witch hunt” said there is no collusion. Earlier Friday, Trump tweeted, “When James Clapper himself, and virtually everybody else with knowledge of the witch hunt, says there is no collusion, when does it end?”

“I don’t know if there was collusion or not,” Clapper said in an interview on MSNBC. “I don’t know if there’s evidence of collusion or not, nor should I have known.
Clapper rebuts Trump: ‘I don’t know if there was collusion or not’


The CIA was too busy spying on Conservatives to pay attention to the Russians
Obama, Hillary, and Lynch created the Comey mess why must you liberals LIE?
BH Obama had his chance to fire Comey but did not take it.

Trump has no right nor reason other than obstruction of justice.

Dumb ass he has every right, he's the president. Did you flunk US History and civics?

He has the right to make his intelligence and military leaders to look like idiots by over stepping an ally's agreement not to release the information yet? Yep, he does, and all those people have the right to not trust Trump with "need to know" information anymore...
Obama, Hillary, and Lynch created the Comey mess why must you liberals LIE?
BH Obama had his chance to fire Comey but did not take it.

Trump has no right nor reason other than obstruction of justice.

Dumb ass he has every right, he's the president. Did you flunk US History and civics?

He has the right to make his intelligence and military leaders to look like idiots by over stepping an ally's agreement not to release the information yet? Yep, he does, and all those people have the right to not trust Trump with "need to know" information anymore...

No they don't Trump is the president, that you are pissed that he beat Hillary does not change the laws in this country.
Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia!!!


Can't you go explore some other conspiracy theory? Most of them are much more creative, original and exciting than this one.
Obama, Hillary, and Lynch created the Comey mess why must you liberals LIE?
BH Obama had his chance to fire Comey but did not take it.

Trump has no right nor reason other than obstruction of justice.

Dumb ass he has every right, he's the president. Did you flunk US History and civics?

He has the right to make his intelligence and military leaders to look like idiots by over stepping an ally's agreement not to release the information yet? Yep, he does, and all those people have the right to not trust Trump with "need to know" information anymore...

No they don't Trump is the president, that you are pissed that he beat Hillary does not change the laws in this country.

I'm not pissed he beat Hillary, I didn't want either of them to win...

But just like when he fucked up and pissed off all the intelligence agencies and burned those bridges, he's doing the same thing now. Soon he will have no one looking out for him, and he'll be FUCKED.
Trump is a lot like Putin as he shits on the opposition, shits on our freedom of speech, shits on our free media and attacks are rights.

The guy needs to be impeached.

Or you could get a bunch of people to vote for someone you think would be a better President, Matthew...it's what you do in a democracy! What you don't do...is whine constantly because you lost a political race. Trump won...GET OVER IT!

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