James Comey in Interview: President Trump Shouldn't Be Impeached

He is laying out the real DNC plan. Try to vote Trump/Pence out instead of attempting a half-assed impeachment. Sounds like the talking points put out by the DNC this weekend. They ordered the cooling of impeachment talk.
The interview was a disgrace. Comey lies lies lies.

You think Comey doesn't want the President impeached?

He is a freaking liar!
I wonder what Mueller has to say about this?

Video is in the Twitter link.

James Comey is not in charge of this investigation, nor has he been for over a year now. Robert Mueller is so James Comey's opinion is about as significant as a mosquito on an elephants ass.
I listened carefully to Comey's interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC. Comey is a pompous, self-serving asshole! He needlessly cost Hillary the presidency. He negated the millions of voters who voted for Hillary - 3 million more than Trump. Why didn't he also mention right before the election that Trump had also been under FBI investigation since July 2016? He didn't tell us that fact until March 20, 2017 - after Trump had been president for 2 months. Comey's Daffy Duck stupidity has set America back decades.

March 20, 2017: Comey Confirms FBI Investigation of Trump
The interview was a disgrace. Comey lies lies lies.

You think Comey doesn't want the President impeached?

He is a freaking liar!

Comey is one of the most respected men in government by his peers, known for his honesty.

you're an idiot.
Comey is one of the most respected men in government by his peers, known for his honesty.

He's a veritable GIANT among men. Yes, all those in the deeply entrenched Deep State trying to hold onto their power all think the world of him.
I listened carefully to Comey's interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC. Comey is a pompous, self-serving asshole! He needlessly cost Hillary the presidency. He negated the millions of voters who voted for Hillary - 3 million more than Trump. Why didn't he also mention right before the election that Trump had also been under FBI investigation since July 2016? He didn't tell us that fact until March 20, 2017 - after Trump had been president for 2 months. Comey's Daffy Duck stupidity has set America back decades.

March 20, 2017: Comey Confirms FBI Investigation of Trump

Exact same post in multiple threads? Damn you're lazy.

if Mueller has to make a decision about who tells him the truth , Trumps world record 2000 known lies in one year vs Comey who has never been caught in a lie wont even be a decision .
Can the retarded idiot Jeff Session please resign and can the Republicans do their fucking job and impeach Rosenstine (and then the idiot douchebag, liar and trampler of the US Constitution Mueller can be charged for his crimes) and then have Julian Assange testify as to how he obtained the DNC emails (and clear up the fake Russian collusion hoax) so we can stop hearing about how Stormy Daniels did not age well and even double murderer OJ would not do her now.
I would have fired Comey just for this.

The idiot trump must NOT be impeached.

His presidency MUST be declared illegitimate, and therefore be nullified by the courts. (Gorsuch can have no part in any decision by the USSC, as his appointment is in question.)

Every bill and executive order signed by the idiot trump will then be voided as will all his appointments to federal agencies and courts.

An interim executive committee should then be established consisting of equal numbers of Republicans and Democrats.

A special election will be scheduled within six months of the interim committee's creation, during which primary campaigns can be launched and nominees chosen. One week later, a new president and vice president will be elected by popular vote, to be inaugurated no less than two weeks following that election.

Failing this, the United States will remain in the state of chaos created by the idiot trump and his criminal organization. Which will inevitably end the United States as a nation.

The idiot trump must NOT be impeached.

His presidency MUST be declared illegitimate, and therefore be nullified by the courts. (Gorsuch can have no part in any decision by the USSC, as his appointment is in question.)

Every bill and executive order signed by the idiot trump will then be voided as will all his appointments to federal agencies and courts.

An interim executive committee should then be established consisting of equal numbers of Republicans and Democrats.

A special election will be scheduled within six months of the interim committee's creation, during which primary campaigns can be launched and nominees chosen. One week later, a new president and vice president will be elected by popular vote, to be inaugurated no less than two weeks following that election.

Failing this, the United States will remain in the state of chaos created by the idiot trump and his criminal organization. Which will inevitably end the United States as a nation.

That's what we should have done with Obama since he was never a natural born citizen and therefore not constitutionally eligible the presidency via Article 2 Section 1. Since Trump (with a valid birth certificate) was born of two U.S.Citizen parents on American soil, he's a genuine Article 2 Section 1 natural born citizen and therefore constitutionally eligible to be president. His presidency is legitimate.
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The idiot trump must NOT be impeached.

His presidency MUST be declared illegitimate, and therefore be nullified by the courts. (Gorsuch can have no part in any decision by the USSC, as his appointment is in question.)

Every bill and executive order signed by the idiot trump will then be voided as will all his appointments to federal agencies and courts.

An interim executive committee should then be established consisting of equal numbers of Republicans and Democrats.

A special election will be scheduled within six months of the interim committee's creation, during which primary campaigns can be launched and nominees chosen. One week later, a new president and vice president will be elected by popular vote, to be inaugurated no less than two weeks following that election.

Failing this, the United States will remain in the state of chaos created by the idiot trump and his criminal organization. Which will inevitably end the United States as a nation.

That's what we should have done with Obama since he was never a natural born citizen and therefore not constitutionally eligible the presidency via Article 2 Section 1. Since Trump (with a valid birth certificate) was born of two U.S.Citizen parents on American soil, he's a genuine Article 2 Section 1 natural born citizen and therefore constitutionally eligible to be president. His presidency is legitimate.

The idiot trump must NOT be impeached.

His presidency MUST be declared illegitimate, and therefore be nullified by the courts. (Gorsuch can have no part in any decision by the USSC, as his appointment is in question.)

Every bill and executive order signed by the idiot trump will then be voided as will all his appointments to federal agencies and courts.

An interim executive committee should then be established consisting of equal numbers of Republicans and Democrats.

A special election will be scheduled within six months of the interim committee's creation, during which primary campaigns can be launched and nominees chosen. One week later, a new president and vice president will be elected by popular vote, to be inaugurated no less than two weeks following that election.

Failing this, the United States will remain in the state of chaos created by the idiot trump and his criminal organization. Which will inevitably end the United States as a nation.

That's what we should have done with Obama since he was never a natural born citizen and therefore not constitutionally eligible the presidency via Article 2 Section 1. Since Trump (with a valid birth certificate) was born of two U.S.Citizen parents on American soil, he's a genuine Article 2 Section 1 natural born citizen and therefore constitutionally eligible to be president. His presidency is legitimate.
So Trump lied yet again when he said Obama was born in the US?

The idiot trump must NOT be impeached.

His presidency MUST be declared illegitimate, and therefore be nullified by the courts. (Gorsuch can have no part in any decision by the USSC, as his appointment is in question.)

Every bill and executive order signed by the idiot trump will then be voided as will all his appointments to federal agencies and courts.

An interim executive committee should then be established consisting of equal numbers of Republicans and Democrats.

A special election will be scheduled within six months of the interim committee's creation, during which primary campaigns can be launched and nominees chosen. One week later, a new president and vice president will be elected by popular vote, to be inaugurated no less than two weeks following that election.

Failing this, the United States will remain in the state of chaos created by the idiot trump and his criminal organization. Which will inevitably end the United States as a nation.

That's what we should have done with Obama since he was never a natural born citizen and therefore not constitutionally eligible the presidency via Article 2 Section 1. Since Trump (with a valid birth certificate) was born of two U.S.Citizen parents on American soil, he's a genuine Article 2 Section 1 natural born citizen and therefore constitutionally eligible to be president. His presidency is legitimate.
So Trump lied yet again when he said Obama was born in the US?

You can still be born in the US and not be considered a natural born citizen.
if Mueller has to make a decision about who tells him the truth , Trumps world record 2000 known lies in one year vs Comey who has never been caught in a lie wont even be a decision .
Comey, Trump, Mueller, etc...its all bullshit designed to deceive the American people. Plus the MSM loves deceiving the American people all for the benefit of the ruling class.

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