James ConJob needs to be jailed for his fake Hillary email bullshit...

BTW, if she refuses to just step aside and joins in on the BS recount, then I say pay her back with a grand jury.

And how did I know that as soon as the recount started her emails would be all over the threads again...?

Hillary supporters started it up again as if it matters now.

The email thing didn't effect my vote at all, the SCOTUS was my ONLY issue.

How about you? How did it effect your vote?

It is not about her winning or losing Freewill, Crap .... I am pissed about the way a Paid Government Employee fucked with us like he did. You know it was as crooked as shit..but you are ok with that I guess...rolls eyes..
Don't fucking say I am a liberal, I am a independent and I am pissed off by the " All of a Sudden quietness in Hillary Email Bullshit brought up by a person in high ranking....It was all a political move and we all know it.

Why do you find what he did to be ok morally, or ethically... Don't fucking turn it around that Hillary was wrong..we are talking about what he did to help win the election..

If Comey’s goal was to protect the Bureau (manage internal dissent, maximize public faith in its independence, preserve his reputation as a distinguished public servant) he has accomplished just the opposite.

Clinton’s critics have used Comey’s letter to falsely claim she is once again the subject of a criminal investigation—and that Comey wouldn’t have intervened unless the content of the emails were especially damning, when, in Comey’s words, “we don’t know the significance of this newly discovered collection of emails.”

How James Comey Can Clean Up the Mess He Made of Hillary Clinton’s Emails

FBI clears Clinton -- again - CNNPolitics.com

In Opinion: FBI Director James Comey is unfit for public service

Maybe, but she is a crooked evil bitch and will never be president, so it all turned out. You liberals need to get some therapy so you can let it go.
I have posted dozens of links when we have repeatedly gone through this BS because libs keep lying to cover Hillary's ass - feel free to look them up.

So Easy you don't want to give me a legitimate link showing me that Obama made them let her off the hook...or that all of a sudden it is all cleared up...miraculously after she loses because of the kindness of the FBI..

Just get off the thread Easy you are embarrassing yourself..

Eagle, it doesn't matter if you are a Snowflake, a RWer, or an independent ... you're still an IDIOT!


Illegal Possession of Classified
- Once she left the State Dept it was illegal for her to have classified info in her possession. She had THOUSANDS, each carrying 1 criminal count each.

Illegal Possession, Handling, Storage, & Destruction of Classified
- Unauthorized, Unapproved, Unencrypted server and devices that were eventually hacked
- illegal access to classified given to people who had no security clearances: aides, lawyers, tech firms, MAIDS..
- Classified carried around in paper form - no cover sheets, no carrier pouches, left in foreign hotels; carried around on a usb drive by lawyers who did not have security clearances
- Illegal destruction of classified data and systems, in violation of security laws & codes

- Destroyed e-mails AFTER they had been subpoenaed

- Lied about using only 1 device
- Lied about 'not' sending / receiving classified
- Lied about turning all work related documents in

Violations of FOIA / Federal Records Act
- Comey testified the FBI found THOUSANDS of work-related documents Hillary had not turned in; the State Department confirmed this, stating Hillary had failed to turn over the documents the FBI released to them.

...and this isn't even anywhere NEAR all of the criminal acts Hillary perpetrated.

1. The fact that you and so many other idiots on this board kept declaring she broke no laws despite all of this proves you / they have no f*ing clue what you're talking about, that you have never handled classified (legally).

2. Another point libs tried to make - which is a big f*ing lie - is that there has to be a conviction for a law to have been broken / a crime committed. Barry and his criminal DOJ refused to indict Hillary. Just because a criminal President and AG protects a criminal Dem doesn't mean she did nothing wrong. Others have been prosecuted for FAR less

Forget Comey - Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, & even Barak Obama deserve to be in jail....along with Julian Castro, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Charlie 'Tax cheat' Rangel, and quite a few others from across the aisle as well.

But Hillary Clinton MOST CERTAINLY DID break the law....MANY of them.

Dumb Dumb....What happened to the investigation...?????

Fox News has already forgotten about it..


It is called letting her fade off into obscurity. It is exactly what I said should happen. No need to drag the country through another trial, let it go.

But you keep pushing your line of thinking and maybe her criminal behavior will be revisited.

Now ya see, this is where I think Trump failed, when he said he wouldn't have her investigated. ANYONE that is suspected of criminal activity should be thoroughly investigated to determine guilt or innocence. Especially anyone in or running for public office. The people have the right to, and deserve to know the truth.
The FBI is continuing its investigation of the Cliton Foundation. No way they bring evidence of crimes to him and he kills the investigation.
And if Hillary had used a State Department email
Server like she should have, there would have not been any investigation and she would likely be POTUS.

Hillary fucked herself. Anyone crying about the election need only blame Hillary.

Powell and Rice should be brought up on charges too?
Eagle, it doesn't matter if you are a Snowflake, a RWer, or an independent ... you're still an IDIOT!


Illegal Possession of Classified
- Once she left the State Dept it was illegal for her to have classified info in her possession. She had THOUSANDS, each carrying 1 criminal count each.

Illegal Possession, Handling, Storage, & Destruction of Classified
- Unauthorized, Unapproved, Unencrypted server and devices that were eventually hacked
- illegal access to classified given to people who had no security clearances: aides, lawyers, tech firms, MAIDS..
- Classified carried around in paper form - no cover sheets, no carrier pouches, left in foreign hotels; carried around on a usb drive by lawyers who did not have security clearances
- Illegal destruction of classified data and systems, in violation of security laws & codes

- Destroyed e-mails AFTER they had been subpoenaed

- Lied about using only 1 device
- Lied about 'not' sending / receiving classified
- Lied about turning all work related documents in

Violations of FOIA / Federal Records Act
- Comey testified the FBI found THOUSANDS of work-related documents Hillary had not turned in; the State Department confirmed this, stating Hillary had failed to turn over the documents the FBI released to them.

...and this isn't even anywhere NEAR all of the criminal acts Hillary perpetrated.

1. The fact that you and so many other idiots on this board kept declaring she broke no laws despite all of this proves you / they have no f*ing clue what you're talking about, that you have never handled classified (legally).

2. Another point libs tried to make - which is a big f*ing lie - is that there has to be a conviction for a law to have been broken / a crime committed. Barry and his criminal DOJ refused to indict Hillary. Just because a criminal President and AG protects a criminal Dem doesn't mean she did nothing wrong. Others have been prosecuted for FAR less

Forget Comey - Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, & even Barak Obama deserve to be in jail....along with Julian Castro, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Charlie 'Tax cheat' Rangel, and quite a few others from across the aisle as well.

But Hillary Clinton MOST CERTAINLY DID break the law....MANY of them.

Dumb Dumb....What happened to the investigation...?????

Fox News has already forgotten about it..


It is called letting her fade off into obscurity. It is exactly what I said should happen. No need to drag the country through another trial, let it go.

But you keep pushing your line of thinking and maybe her criminal behavior will be revisited.

Now ya see, this is where I think Trump failed, when he said he wouldn't have her investigated. ANYONE that is suspected of criminal activity should be thoroughly investigated to determine guilt or innocence. Especially anyone in or running for public office. The people have the right to, and deserve to know the truth.
The FBI is continuing its investigation of the Cliton Foundation. No way they bring evidence of crimes to him and he kills the investigation.

That's a lie. Are you a Russian?
Now ya see, this is where I think Trump failed, when he said he wouldn't have her investigated. ANYONE that is suspected of criminal activity should be thoroughly investigated to determine guilt or innocence. Especially anyone in or running for public office. The people have the right to, and deserve to know the truth.

Right like he ever felt she needed a full investigation....that is foolish....Funny how he changed his mind after a year of Slamming her.. And you believe it ...

Come on...
Eagle, it doesn't matter if you are a Snowflake, a RWer, or an independent ... you're still an IDIOT!


Illegal Possession of Classified
- Once she left the State Dept it was illegal for her to have classified info in her possession. She had THOUSANDS, each carrying 1 criminal count each.

Illegal Possession, Handling, Storage, & Destruction of Classified
- Unauthorized, Unapproved, Unencrypted server and devices that were eventually hacked
- illegal access to classified given to people who had no security clearances: aides, lawyers, tech firms, MAIDS..
- Classified carried around in paper form - no cover sheets, no carrier pouches, left in foreign hotels; carried around on a usb drive by lawyers who did not have security clearances
- Illegal destruction of classified data and systems, in violation of security laws & codes

- Destroyed e-mails AFTER they had been subpoenaed

- Lied about using only 1 device
- Lied about 'not' sending / receiving classified
- Lied about turning all work related documents in

Violations of FOIA / Federal Records Act
- Comey testified the FBI found THOUSANDS of work-related documents Hillary had not turned in; the State Department confirmed this, stating Hillary had failed to turn over the documents the FBI released to them.

...and this isn't even anywhere NEAR all of the criminal acts Hillary perpetrated.

1. The fact that you and so many other idiots on this board kept declaring she broke no laws despite all of this proves you / they have no f*ing clue what you're talking about, that you have never handled classified (legally).

2. Another point libs tried to make - which is a big f*ing lie - is that there has to be a conviction for a law to have been broken / a crime committed. Barry and his criminal DOJ refused to indict Hillary. Just because a criminal President and AG protects a criminal Dem doesn't mean she did nothing wrong. Others have been prosecuted for FAR less

Forget Comey - Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, & even Barak Obama deserve to be in jail....along with Julian Castro, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Charlie 'Tax cheat' Rangel, and quite a few others from across the aisle as well.

But Hillary Clinton MOST CERTAINLY DID break the law....MANY of them.

Dumb Dumb....What happened to the investigation...?????

Fox News has already forgotten about it..


It is called letting her fade off into obscurity. It is exactly what I said should happen. No need to drag the country through another trial, let it go.

But you keep pushing your line of thinking and maybe her criminal behavior will be revisited.

Now ya see, this is where I think Trump failed, when he said he wouldn't have her investigated. ANYONE that is suspected of criminal activity should be thoroughly investigated to determine guilt or innocence. Especially anyone in or running for public office. The people have the right to, and deserve to know the truth.
The FBI is continuing its investigation of the Cliton Foundation. No way they bring evidence of crimes to him and he kills the investigation.

I can only hope you're right about that.
I have posted dozens of links when we have repeatedly gone through this BS because libs keep lying to cover Hillary's ass - feel free to look them up.

So Easy you don't want to give me a legitimate link showing me that Obama made them let her off the hook...or that all of a sudden it is all cleared up...miraculously after she loses because of the kindness of the FBI..

Just get off the thread Easy you are embarrassing yourself..

I have posted dozens of links, repeatedly. If you're going to bring this sorry-ass disproven 'Hillary did nothing wrong- get Comey' shit up AGAIN then you can get off your lazuly, ignorant ass and look 'em up because I'm not posting them AGAIN!

You're wrong.

Hillary broke NUMEROUS laws.

It was so obvious - to intelligent, expetienced people - that it proved much of the nation, nd almost all Hillary supporters, are idiots.

She was protected from prosecution by a criminal administration.

Hillary belongs in jail.

Barry belongs in jail. Barry testified he learned of Hillary's server from the news when in fact he had been emailing her using an alias.

People need to wake the hell up, & stop defending criminals.
Eagle, it doesn't matter if you are a Snowflake, a RWer, or an independent ... you're still an IDIOT!


Illegal Possession of Classified
- Once she left the State Dept it was illegal for her to have classified info in her possession. She had THOUSANDS, each carrying 1 criminal count each.

Illegal Possession, Handling, Storage, & Destruction of Classified
- Unauthorized, Unapproved, Unencrypted server and devices that were eventually hacked
- illegal access to classified given to people who had no security clearances: aides, lawyers, tech firms, MAIDS..
- Classified carried around in paper form - no cover sheets, no carrier pouches, left in foreign hotels; carried around on a usb drive by lawyers who did not have security clearances
- Illegal destruction of classified data and systems, in violation of security laws & codes

- Destroyed e-mails AFTER they had been subpoenaed

- Lied about using only 1 device
- Lied about 'not' sending / receiving classified
- Lied about turning all work related documents in

Violations of FOIA / Federal Records Act
- Comey testified the FBI found THOUSANDS of work-related documents Hillary had not turned in; the State Department confirmed this, stating Hillary had failed to turn over the documents the FBI released to them.

...and this isn't even anywhere NEAR all of the criminal acts Hillary perpetrated.

1. The fact that you and so many other idiots on this board kept declaring she broke no laws despite all of this proves you / they have no f*ing clue what you're talking about, that you have never handled classified (legally).

2. Another point libs tried to make - which is a big f*ing lie - is that there has to be a conviction for a law to have been broken / a crime committed. Barry and his criminal DOJ refused to indict Hillary. Just because a criminal President and AG protects a criminal Dem doesn't mean she did nothing wrong. Others have been prosecuted for FAR less

Forget Comey - Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, & even Barak Obama deserve to be in jail....along with Julian Castro, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Charlie 'Tax cheat' Rangel, and quite a few others from across the aisle as well.

But Hillary Clinton MOST CERTAINLY DID break the law....MANY of them.

Dumb Dumb....What happened to the investigation...?????

Fox News has already forgotten about it..


It is called letting her fade off into obscurity. It is exactly what I said should happen. No need to drag the country through another trial, let it go.

But you keep pushing your line of thinking and maybe her criminal behavior will be revisited.

Now ya see, this is where I think Trump failed, when he said he wouldn't have her investigated. ANYONE that is suspected of criminal activity should be thoroughly investigated to determine guilt or innocence. Especially anyone in or running for public office. The people have the right to, and deserve to know the truth.
The FBI is continuing its investigation of the Cliton Foundation. No way they bring evidence of crimes to him and he kills the investigation.

I can only hope you're right about that.

Don't listen to Easy...he is full of crap

7:55 p.m. EST November 6, 2016

FBI declares it is finally done investigating Hillary Clinton's email

FBI declares it is finally done investigating Hillary Clinton's email
Powell and Rice should be brought up on charges too?

Cheney and Bush too...
More liberal BS lies in an atempt to justify Hillary's crimes. Already proven false.

In fact Powel got pissed Hillary tried to throw him under the bus. Neither he nor Rice ever did the criminal things Hillary did.

Still, interesting how the racist bi@tch tried to throw 2 blacks under the bus to justify her crimial actions.
Now ya see, this is where I think Trump failed, when he said he wouldn't have her investigated. ANYONE that is suspected of criminal activity should be thoroughly investigated to determine guilt or innocence. Especially anyone in or running for public office. The people have the right to, and deserve to know the truth.

Right like he ever felt she needed a full investigation....that is foolish....Funny how he changed his mind after a year of Slamming her.. And you believe it ...

Come on...

Yeah, "and you believe it....come on"

James ConJob needs to be jailed for his fake Hillary email bullshit

Don't fucking say I am a liberal, I am a independent and I am pissed off by the " All of a Sudden quietness in Hillary Email Bullshit brought up by a person in high ranking....It was all a political move and we all know it.

Why do you find what he did to be ok morally, or ethically... Don't fucking turn it around that Hillary was wrong..we are talking about what he did to help win the election..

If Comey’s goal was to protect the Bureau (manage internal dissent, maximize public faith in its independence, preserve his reputation as a distinguished public servant) he has accomplished just the opposite.

Clinton’s critics have used Comey’s letter to falsely claim she is once again the subject of a criminal investigation—and that Comey wouldn’t have intervened unless the content of the emails were especially damning, when, in Comey’s words, “we don’t know the significance of this newly discovered collection of emails.”
Now ya see, this is where I think Trump failed, when he said he wouldn't have her investigated. ANYONE that is suspected of criminal activity should be thoroughly investigated to determine guilt or innocence. Especially anyone in or running for public office. The people have the right to, and deserve to know the truth.

Right like he ever felt she needed a full investigation....that is foolish....Funny how he changed his mind after a year of Slamming her.. And you believe it ...

Come on...

Yeah, "and you believe it....come on"

James ConJob needs to be jailed for his fake Hillary email bullshit

Don't fucking say I am a liberal, I am a independent and I am pissed off by the " All of a Sudden quietness in Hillary Email Bullshit brought up by a person in high ranking....It was all a political move and we all know it.

Why do you find what he did to be ok morally, or ethically... Don't fucking turn it around that Hillary was wrong..we are talking about what he did to help win the election..

If Comey’s goal was to protect the Bureau (manage internal dissent, maximize public faith in its independence, preserve his reputation as a distinguished public servant) he has accomplished just the opposite.

Clinton’s critics have used Comey’s letter to falsely claim she is once again the subject of a criminal investigation—and that Comey wouldn’t have intervened unless the content of the emails were especially damning, when, in Comey’s words, “we don’t know the significance of this newly discovered collection of emails.”

I Rest My Case, it was all nothing but a sham....What Fucking ConJOB did a week before the election and he needs to be investigated..

FBI declares it is finally done investigating Hillary Clinton's email a few Days before the Election...
Dumb Dumb....What happened to the investigation...?????

Fox News has already forgotten about it..


It is called letting her fade off into obscurity. It is exactly what I said should happen. No need to drag the country through another trial, let it go.

But you keep pushing your line of thinking and maybe her criminal behavior will be revisited.

Now ya see, this is where I think Trump failed, when he said he wouldn't have her investigated. ANYONE that is suspected of criminal activity should be thoroughly investigated to determine guilt or innocence. Especially anyone in or running for public office. The people have the right to, and deserve to know the truth.
The FBI is continuing its investigation of the Cliton Foundation. No way they bring evidence of crimes to him and he kills the investigation.

I can only hope you're right about that.

Don't listen to Easy...he is full of crap

7:55 p.m. EST November 6, 2016

FBI declares it is finally done investigating Hillary Clinton's email

FBI declares it is finally done investigating Hillary Clinton's email
You're proving you are STILL an IDIOT!

The email investigation IS over, but the FBI investigation STILL ON-GOING has NOTHING to do with her e-mails.

The FBI is currently investigating the Clinton Foundation for possible criminal violations of CORRUPTION, BRIBERY, INFLUENCE PEDDLING, and other crimes.

Also the Governor of New York is also under investigation for those same crimes - 4 members of his inner circle have already been indicted by the NY AG...who also says there is a possible connection to Hillary Clinton.

Her troubles are FaR from over...

And you REALLY need to educate yourself before you make any more false declarations as if they are fact and as if you have a clue what's going on.

This last statement of yours is just further proof that you are ignorant of the facts, and everything you say from now on should be ignored.
What Fucking ConJOB did a week before the election and he needs to be investigated..

So in any other type of investigation, if the police found possible new evidence in the case, they shouldn't bring it forward because of inconvenience? Wouldn't that be either suppression of evidence or some such injustice?
Now ya see, this is where I think Trump failed, when he said he wouldn't have her investigated. ANYONE that is suspected of criminal activity should be thoroughly investigated to determine guilt or innocence. Especially anyone in or running for public office. The people have the right to, and deserve to know the truth.

Right like he ever felt she needed a full investigation....that is foolish....Funny how he changed his mind after a year of Slamming her.. And you believe it ...

Come on...

Yeah, "and you believe it....come on"

James ConJob needs to be jailed for his fake Hillary email bullshit

Don't fucking say I am a liberal, I am a independent and I am pissed off by the " All of a Sudden quietness in Hillary Email Bullshit brought up by a person in high ranking....It was all a political move and we all know it.

Why do you find what he did to be ok morally, or ethically... Don't fucking turn it around that Hillary was wrong..we are talking about what he did to help win the election..

If Comey’s goal was to protect the Bureau (manage internal dissent, maximize public faith in its independence, preserve his reputation as a distinguished public servant) he has accomplished just the opposite.

Clinton’s critics have used Comey’s letter to falsely claim she is once again the subject of a criminal investigation—and that Comey wouldn’t have intervened unless the content of the emails were especially damning, when, in Comey’s words, “we don’t know the significance of this newly discovered collection of emails.”

I Rest My Case, it was all nothing but a sham....What Fucking ConJOB did a week before the election and he needs to be investigated..

FBI declares it is finally done investigating Hillary Clinton's email a few Days before the Election...
You have NO case. Everything you have said has been WRONG! The only correct case you've made is that you have no clue what you are talking about.
It is called letting her fade off into obscurity. It is exactly what I said should happen. No need to drag the country through another trial, let it go.

But you keep pushing your line of thinking and maybe her criminal behavior will be revisited.

Now ya see, this is where I think Trump failed, when he said he wouldn't have her investigated. ANYONE that is suspected of criminal activity should be thoroughly investigated to determine guilt or innocence. Especially anyone in or running for public office. The people have the right to, and deserve to know the truth.
The FBI is continuing its investigation of the Cliton Foundation. No way they bring evidence of crimes to him and he kills the investigation.

I can only hope you're right about that.

Don't listen to Easy...he is full of crap

7:55 p.m. EST November 6, 2016

FBI declares it is finally done investigating Hillary Clinton's email

FBI declares it is finally done investigating Hillary Clinton's email
You're proving you are STILL an IDIOT!

The email investigation IS over, but the FBI investigation STILL ON-GOING has NOTHING to do with her e-mails.

The FBI is currently investigating the Clinton Foundation for possible criminal violations of CORRUPTION, BRIBERY, INFLUENCE PEDDLING, and other crimes.

Also the Governor of New York is also under investigation for those same crimes - 4 members of his inner circle have already been indicted by the NY AG...who also says there is a possible connection to Hillary Clinton.

Her troubles are FaR from over...

And you REALLY need to educate yourself before you make any more false declarations as if they are fact and as if you have a clue what's going on.

This last statement of yours is just further proof that you are ignorant of the facts, and everything you say from now on should be ignored.

Dude....This thread is about The Conman....and The Emails.....Stop throwing blank Bullets..

But....try educating yourself..

Fox New anchor Bret Baier conceded Friday it was a "mistake" for him to report that an indictment is "likely" in an ongoing FBI inquiry into the Clinton Foundation.
His comment came a day after several news outlets rebutted the Fox News report.

Fox News anchor: It was 'mistake' to report possible Clinton Foundation indictment

Now ya see, this is where I think Trump failed, when he said he wouldn't have her investigated. ANYONE that is suspected of criminal activity should be thoroughly investigated to determine guilt or innocence. Especially anyone in or running for public office. The people have the right to, and deserve to know the truth.
The FBI is continuing its investigation of the Cliton Foundation. No way they bring evidence of crimes to him and he kills the investigation.

I can only hope you're right about that.

Don't listen to Easy...he is full of crap

7:55 p.m. EST November 6, 2016

FBI declares it is finally done investigating Hillary Clinton's email

FBI declares it is finally done investigating Hillary Clinton's email
You're proving you are STILL an IDIOT!

The email investigation IS over, but the FBI investigation STILL ON-GOING has NOTHING to do with her e-mails.

The FBI is currently investigating the Clinton Foundation for possible criminal violations of CORRUPTION, BRIBERY, INFLUENCE PEDDLING, and other crimes.

Also the Governor of New York is also under investigation for those same crimes - 4 members of his inner circle have already been indicted by the NY AG...who also says there is a possible connection to Hillary Clinton.

Her troubles are FaR from over...

And you REALLY need to educate yourself before you make any more false declarations as if they are fact and as if you have a clue what's going on.

This last statement of yours is just further proof that you are ignorant of the facts, and everything you say from now on should be ignored.

Dude....This thread is about The Conman....and The Emails.....Stop throwing blank Bullets..

But....try educating yourself..

Fox New anchor Bret Baier conceded Friday it was a "mistake" for him to report that an indictment is "likely" in an ongoing FBI inquiry into the Clinton Foundation.
His comment came a day after several news outlets rebutted the Fox News report.

Fox News anchor: It was 'mistake' to report possible Clinton Foundation indictment

Blah, blah, blah....

You wereproven wrong.
Hillary broke laws.
She jeopardized national security.
She and Barry - the President - PAID for violence against US Citizens (FIREBOMBING a GOP HQ, beating up, bloodying, and putting citizens in the hospital) in an attempt to intimidate voters and affect the outcome of the election....

...and you're worried about a 'con man'

...and after you being WRONG about everything so far we should take your word for it....why?!
Now ya see, this is where I think Trump failed, when he said he wouldn't have her investigated. ANYONE that is suspected of criminal activity should be thoroughly investigated to determine guilt or innocence. Especially anyone in or running for public office. The people have the right to, and deserve to know the truth.
The FBI is continuing its investigation of the Cliton Foundation. No way they bring evidence of crimes to him and he kills the investigation.

I can only hope you're right about that.

Don't listen to Easy...he is full of crap

7:55 p.m. EST November 6, 2016

FBI declares it is finally done investigating Hillary Clinton's email

FBI declares it is finally done investigating Hillary Clinton's email
You're proving you are STILL an IDIOT!

The email investigation IS over, but the FBI investigation STILL ON-GOING has NOTHING to do with her e-mails.

The FBI is currently investigating the Clinton Foundation for possible criminal violations of CORRUPTION, BRIBERY, INFLUENCE PEDDLING, and other crimes.

Also the Governor of New York is also under investigation for those same crimes - 4 members of his inner circle have already been indicted by the NY AG...who also says there is a possible connection to Hillary Clinton.

Her troubles are FaR from over...

And you REALLY need to educate yourself before you make any more false declarations as if they are fact and as if you have a clue what's going on.

This last statement of yours is just further proof that you are ignorant of the facts, and everything you say from now on should be ignored.

Dude....This thread is about The Conman....and The Emails.....Stop throwing blank Bullets..

But....try educating yourself..

Fox New anchor Bret Baier conceded Friday it was a "mistake" for him to report that an indictment is "likely" in an ongoing FBI inquiry into the Clinton Foundation.
His comment came a day after several news outlets rebutted the Fox News report.

Fox News anchor: It was 'mistake' to report possible Clinton Foundation indictment


and yet that investigation IS still going on.......even if the media has to eat crow over the possible indictment or not......in other words, the investigation isn't over yet

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