James ConJob needs to be jailed for his fake Hillary email bullshit...

As pointd out, the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES - and rabid liberal - met over a dozen times with (according to the Wzh visitors log) the man Hillary's campaign hired to organize the violence against the GOP and Trump supporters.

Being connected to the man who organized violence against American citizens for political gain IMO is an Impeachable offense.

It wasn't enough he spied on Americans and used tbe IRS against them - he had to help coordinate violence against citizens, too?!

(Bill Ayers must have been so proud...)
Don't fucking say I am a liberal, I am a independent and I am pissed off by the " All of a Sudden quietness in Hillary Email Bullshit brought up by a person in high ranking....It was all a political move and we all know it.

Why do you find what he did to be ok morally, or ethically... Don't fucking turn it around that Hillary was wrong..we are talking about what he did to help win the election..

If Comey’s goal was to protect the Bureau (manage internal dissent, maximize public faith in its independence, preserve his reputation as a distinguished public servant) he has accomplished just the opposite.

Clinton’s critics have used Comey’s letter to falsely claim she is once again the subject of a criminal investigation—and that Comey wouldn’t have intervened unless the content of the emails were especially damning, when, in Comey’s words, “we don’t know the significance of this newly discovered collection of emails.”

How James Comey Can Clean Up the Mess He Made of Hillary Clinton’s Emails

FBI clears Clinton -- again - CNNPolitics.com

In Opinion: FBI Director James Comey is unfit for public service
I agree. He used his position of power to mess with a national election. He should be prosecuted for it. She was way ahead in the polls before he did that and may well have won.

If I had my way, he'd be drawn and quartered.
As pointd out, the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES - and rabid liberal - met over a dozen times with (according to the Wzh visitors log) the man Hillary's campaign hired to organize the violence against the GOP and Trump supporters.

Being connected to the man who organized violence against American citizens for political gain IMO is an Impeachable offense.

It wasn't enough he spied on Americans and used tbe IRS against them - he had to help coordinate violence against citizens, too?!

(Bill Ayers must have been so proud...)

Just stop you idiot...........You know ConJob was wrong and you are being paid per post and more for threads like you have for a year..

I have seen past your bullshit links for a year..

Don't fucking say I am a liberal, I am a independent and I am pissed off by the " All of a Sudden quietness in Hillary Email Bullshit brought up by a person in high ranking....It was all a political move and we all know it.

Why do you find what he did to be ok morally, or ethically... Don't fucking turn it around that Hillary was wrong..we are talking about what he did to help win the election..

If Comey’s goal was to protect the Bureau (manage internal dissent, maximize public faith in its independence, preserve his reputation as a distinguished public servant) he has accomplished just the opposite.

Clinton’s critics have used Comey’s letter to falsely claim she is once again the subject of a criminal investigation—and that Comey wouldn’t have intervened unless the content of the emails were especially damning, when, in Comey’s words, “we don’t know the significance of this newly discovered collection of emails.”

How James Comey Can Clean Up the Mess He Made of Hillary Clinton’s Emails

FBI clears Clinton -- again - CNNPolitics.com

In Opinion: FBI Director James Comey is unfit for public service

If he had done his job he would had recommended charges. He did everything he could to let her off the hook.

His conclusion was Hillary and her staff broke the law regarding handling classified information, but she was too stupid to know she was breaking the law.
Yeah we swift boated Hillary good with Comey's letter to congress, that threw her right under bus then we backed over her a few times. These are the best of times I tell ya :eusa_dance:

Perfect example of the lack of right wing honor.

Reminding people of her crimes is not honorable. DERP!

Yet multiple right wing led investigations and over the last 30 years you can't point to a single example of proven wrong doing. You hate her, but you have no rational reason why.

She was just a really good cattle trader, eh?
The congressional Republicans' witch hunt was a political scam from day one, but conservatives are too stupid to realize this.

They believed every lie, and surprised the Republican establishment by electing Trump.

However, the Trump-bots are also getting a surprise as Trump becomes one of the establishment Republicans he campaigned against.

If this were true that it was all a scam, then why did Clinton's senior staff demand immunity from prosecution before talking to the FBI?

Link? Credible proof? BTW, that is a common practice among educated smart people.
"The more we learn about the Justice Department’s investigation ofHillary Clinton’s private email, the worse it looks. The latest revelation is that, along with granting immunity to two Clinton aides, Justice agreed to secret side deals that provided highly unusual protections from potential prosecution.

The side agreements came to light this week in a letter from House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte to Attorney General Loretta Lynch. Mr. Goodlatte says he learned about the side deals by examining the immunity agreements, which haven’t been released to the public.

We already knew that Justice offered immunity to at least five central figures in the private email probe, including Cheryl Mills andHeather Samuelson, the aides in charge of deciding which of the former Secretary of State’s emails on her private server would be turned over to the State Department. FBI Director James Comeystruggled to explain to Congress last week why immunity was necessary to obtain the laptops the two had used for sorting the emails.

Now we learn that Ms. Mills and Ms. Samuelson also obtained guarantees that investigators would not search these laptops after Jan. 31, 2015. More amazing, Justice agreed to destroy both laptops after examining them. Think about that: Before the authorities knew what was on the laptops, they agreed to destroy potential evidence in their investigation. The evidence was also under a congressional subpoena and preservation order."

Cheryl Mills’s Legal Privileges

Perhaps if you weren't so abysmally ignorant, you wouldn't put up such stupid posts.

So what? Even if true, the FBI violated standard protocol by releasing any information regarding an ongoing investigation within 60 day of an election. Then, as it turned out - there was no there there. Comey must be brought to justice for his malfeasance.
Even for you a particularly stupid post. He reported to Congress and Congress released the letter.
Don't fucking say I am a liberal, I am a independent and I am pissed off by the " All of a Sudden quietness in Hillary Email Bullshit brought up by a person in high ranking....It was all a political move and we all know it.

Why do you find what he did to be ok morally, or ethically... Don't fucking turn it around that Hillary was wrong..we are talking about what he did to help win the election..

If Comey’s goal was to protect the Bureau (manage internal dissent, maximize public faith in its independence, preserve his reputation as a distinguished public servant) he has accomplished just the opposite.

Clinton’s critics have used Comey’s letter to falsely claim she is once again the subject of a criminal investigation—and that Comey wouldn’t have intervened unless the content of the emails were especially damning, when, in Comey’s words, “we don’t know the significance of this newly discovered collection of emails.”

How James Comey Can Clean Up the Mess He Made of Hillary Clinton’s Emails

FBI clears Clinton -- again - CNNPolitics.com

In Opinion: FBI Director James Comey is unfit for public service
What a liberal....
The entire system in DC is corrupt as fuck. DOJ, FBI, etc. The whole lot of em.

Though for the record the reason Clinton put out that the Wikileaks release is "probably" false statement is because Anonymous was threatening to drop a bomb video of Bill raping a 15 year old girl as well as the whole #pizzagate pedo child trafficking thing that's in the Wikileaks and goes all the way to the top. (Regardless of if you consider that a hoax/conspiracy theory, that is what she was preemptively reacting to.)
And if Hillary had used a State Department email
Server like she should have, there would have not been any investigation and she would likely be POTUS.

Hillary fucked herself. Anyone crying about the election need only blame Hillary.
That's simply not true....the only government email account she could have, like all her staff, was a State.gov.email account, and State.gov email system is an UNCLASSIFIED email server....just like her private server.....

Emails CLASSIFIED secret on the State.gov UNCLASSIFIED system was not ok either.....
And if Hillary had used a State Department email
Server like she should have, there would have not been any investigation and she would likely be POTUS.

Hillary fucked herself. Anyone crying about the election need only blame Hillary.
The email scandal is just the tip of the iceberg. The only reason she would commit a crime by deleting the emails (destroy evidence) is to cover up a much worse crime(s). I think that's pretty fucking obvious.
^ Agreed. The bigger question is what the scandal is. I /really/ hope this pizzagate shit is just that. Though the other suggested option isn't a hell of a lot better - abusing natural disasters in order to get rich and sell political/business influence through the Clinton Foundation...
Don't fucking say I am a liberal, I am a independent and I am pissed off by the " All of a Sudden quietness in Hillary Email Bullshit brought up by a person in high ranking....It was all a political move and we all know it.

Why do you find what he did to be ok morally, or ethically... Don't fucking turn it around that Hillary was wrong..we are talking about what he did to help win the election..

If Comey’s goal was to protect the Bureau (manage internal dissent, maximize public faith in its independence, preserve his reputation as a distinguished public servant) he has accomplished just the opposite.

Clinton’s critics have used Comey’s letter to falsely claim she is once again the subject of a criminal investigation—and that Comey wouldn’t have intervened unless the content of the emails were especially damning, when, in Comey’s words, “we don’t know the significance of this newly discovered collection of emails.”

How James Comey Can Clean Up the Mess He Made of Hillary Clinton’s Emails

FBI clears Clinton -- again - CNNPolitics.com

In Opinion: FBI Director James Comey is unfit for public service

If he had done his job he would had recommended charges. He did everything he could to let her off the hook.

His conclusion was Hillary and her staff broke the law regarding handling classified information, but she was too stupid to know she was breaking the law.

She knew she was breaking the law, but Clintons have become accustomed to getting away with things most other could never get away with.

If Comey was an honest man, he would have forwarded his investigation to a Grand Jury for them to decide on charges. Instead, he, Lynch and Clinton's conspired to get lynch off the hook by giving his recommendation which is not FBI protocol.
Now ya see, this is where I think Trump failed, when he said he wouldn't have her investigated. ANYONE that is suspected of criminal activity should be thoroughly investigated to determine guilt or innocence. Especially anyone in or running for public office. The people have the right to, and deserve to know the truth.
The FBI is continuing its investigation of the Cliton Foundation. No way they bring evidence of crimes to him and he kills the investigation.

I can only hope you're right about that.

Don't listen to Easy...he is full of crap

7:55 p.m. EST November 6, 2016

FBI declares it is finally done investigating Hillary Clinton's email

FBI declares it is finally done investigating Hillary Clinton's email
You're proving you are STILL an IDIOT!

The email investigation IS over, but the FBI investigation STILL ON-GOING has NOTHING to do with her e-mails.

The FBI is currently investigating the Clinton Foundation for possible criminal violations of CORRUPTION, BRIBERY, INFLUENCE PEDDLING, and other crimes.

Also the Governor of New York is also under investigation for those same crimes - 4 members of his inner circle have already been indicted by the NY AG...who also says there is a possible connection to Hillary Clinton.

Her troubles are FaR from over...

And you REALLY need to educate yourself before you make any more false declarations as if they are fact and as if you have a clue what's going on.

This last statement of yours is just further proof that you are ignorant of the facts, and everything you say from now on should be ignored.

Dude....This thread is about The Conman....and The Emails.....Stop throwing blank Bullets..

But....try educating yourself..

Fox New anchor Bret Baier conceded Friday it was a "mistake" for him to report that an indictment is "likely" in an ongoing FBI inquiry into the Clinton Foundation.
His comment came a day after several news outlets rebutted the Fox News report.

Fox News anchor: It was 'mistake' to report possible Clinton Foundation indictment


Comey may be responsible for her not being President, but he's also responsible for her not facing jail time as well. If anything, Hillary owes him the world.
What he did was wrong, he played AG and Grand Jury. But what he really did was let Hillary off. Maybe if you bitch about how he did it some more he might have a change in heart. I hope you are successful.

I guess you missed the part where Liretta Lynch said DURING the investigation that she saw no reason for an indictment and how at the end she put it all in Comey's lap by saying if Comey said no indictment was necessary then there wouldn't be one.

Her f*ing job was to take his evidence to a Grand Jury whose job it was to determine if there was a case.

Loretta Lynch should be cleaning bathrooms in highway rest areas rather than doing anything that has to do with the law.
I agree, Comey should have made Lynch be the one that let her off the hook. But I am thinking that if he put it in her lap she would be obligated to call a grand jury. They are obviously in it together. I hope one of Trump's first actions is to fire Comey.
The FBI is continuing its investigation of the Cliton Foundation. No way they bring evidence of crimes to him and he kills the investigation.

I can only hope you're right about that.

Don't listen to Easy...he is full of crap

7:55 p.m. EST November 6, 2016

FBI declares it is finally done investigating Hillary Clinton's email

FBI declares it is finally done investigating Hillary Clinton's email
You're proving you are STILL an IDIOT!

The email investigation IS over, but the FBI investigation STILL ON-GOING has NOTHING to do with her e-mails.

The FBI is currently investigating the Clinton Foundation for possible criminal violations of CORRUPTION, BRIBERY, INFLUENCE PEDDLING, and other crimes.

Also the Governor of New York is also under investigation for those same crimes - 4 members of his inner circle have already been indicted by the NY AG...who also says there is a possible connection to Hillary Clinton.

Her troubles are FaR from over...

And you REALLY need to educate yourself before you make any more false declarations as if they are fact and as if you have a clue what's going on.

This last statement of yours is just further proof that you are ignorant of the facts, and everything you say from now on should be ignored.

Dude....This thread is about The Conman....and The Emails.....Stop throwing blank Bullets..

But....try educating yourself..

Fox New anchor Bret Baier conceded Friday it was a "mistake" for him to report that an indictment is "likely" in an ongoing FBI inquiry into the Clinton Foundation.
His comment came a day after several news outlets rebutted the Fox News report.

Fox News anchor: It was 'mistake' to report possible Clinton Foundation indictment


Comey may be responsible for her not being President, but he's also responsible for her not facing jail time as well. If anything, Hillary owes him the world.
If he is responsible then we should be sending him a thank you note. But saying he is responsible lets Hillary slip the noose of responsibility once again. Her losing a race she clearly should have won is all on her.
What he did was wrong, he played AG and Grand Jury. But what he really did was let Hillary off. Maybe if you bitch about how he did it some more he might have a change in heart. I hope you are successful.

I guess you missed the part where Liretta Lynch said DURING the investigation that she saw no reason for an indictment and how at the end she put it all in Comey's lap by saying if Comey said no indictment was necessary then there wouldn't be one.

Her f*ing job was to take his evidence to a Grand Jury whose job it was to determine if there was a case.

Loretta Lynch should be cleaning bathrooms in highway rest areas rather than doing anything that has to do with the law.
I agree, Comey should have made Lynch be the one that let her off the hook. But I am thinking that if he put it in her lap she would be obligated to call a grand jury. They are obviously in it together. I hope one of Trump's first actions is to fire Comey.

If I remember correctly, Lynch announced that she would follow Comey's recommendation right after her little airplane meeting with Bill. If Bill didn't tell her to go that route, how did she know Comey was going to make a recommendation in the first place?
What he did was wrong, he played AG and Grand Jury. But what he really did was let Hillary off. Maybe if you bitch about how he did it some more he might have a change in heart. I hope you are successful.

I guess you missed the part where Liretta Lynch said DURING the investigation that she saw no reason for an indictment and how at the end she put it all in Comey's lap by saying if Comey said no indictment was necessary then there wouldn't be one.

Her f*ing job was to take his evidence to a Grand Jury whose job it was to determine if there was a case.

Loretta Lynch should be cleaning bathrooms in highway rest areas rather than doing anything that has to do with the law.
I agree, Comey should have made Lynch be the one that let her off the hook. But I am thinking that if he put it in her lap she would be obligated to call a grand jury. They are obviously in it together. I hope one of Trump's first actions is to fire Comey.

If I remember correctly, Lynch announced that she would follow Comey's recommendation right after her little airplane meeting with Bill. If Bill didn't tell her to go that route, how did she know Comey was going to make a recommendation in the first place?
To think that a very popular president, at the time, was brought down by a two bit break in that effected nothing. Now they can lie under oath and obstruct justice and nothing.
Don't fucking say I am a liberal, I am a independent and I am pissed off by the " All of a Sudden quietness in Hillary Email Bullshit brought up by a person in high ranking....It was all a political move and we all know it.

Why do you find what he did to be ok morally, or ethically... Don't fucking turn it around that Hillary was wrong..we are talking about what he did to help win the election..

If Comey’s goal was to protect the Bureau (manage internal dissent, maximize public faith in its independence, preserve his reputation as a distinguished public servant) he has accomplished just the opposite.

Clinton’s critics have used Comey’s letter to falsely claim she is once again the subject of a criminal investigation—and that Comey wouldn’t have intervened unless the content of the emails were especially damning, when, in Comey’s words, “we don’t know the significance of this newly discovered collection of emails.”

How James Comey Can Clean Up the Mess He Made of Hillary Clinton’s Emails

FBI clears Clinton -- again - CNNPolitics.com

In Opinion: FBI Director James Comey is unfit for public service

If he had done his job he would had recommended charges. He did everything he could to let her off the hook.

His conclusion was Hillary and her staff broke the law regarding handling classified information, but she was too stupid to know she was breaking the law.

She knew she was breaking the law, but Clintons have become accustomed to getting away with things most other could never get away with.

If Comey was an honest man, he would have forwarded his investigation to a Grand Jury for them to decide on charges. Instead, he, Lynch and Clinton's conspired to get lynch off the hook by giving his recommendation which is not FBI protocol.
That's not how it works. When the AG has a conflict of interests (such as being a personal friend of the perp) it is the AG's responsibility to recuse themselves from the case and let a special prosecutor take over.

The Prosecutor may forward a case to a grand jury. The FBI director cannot forward a case to a grand jury.
Last edited:
The FBI is continuing its investigation of the Cliton Foundation. No way they bring evidence of crimes to him and he kills the investigation.

I can only hope you're right about that.

Don't listen to Easy...he is full of crap

7:55 p.m. EST November 6, 2016

FBI declares it is finally done investigating Hillary Clinton's email

FBI declares it is finally done investigating Hillary Clinton's email
You're proving you are STILL an IDIOT!

The email investigation IS over, but the FBI investigation STILL ON-GOING has NOTHING to do with her e-mails.

The FBI is currently investigating the Clinton Foundation for possible criminal violations of CORRUPTION, BRIBERY, INFLUENCE PEDDLING, and other crimes.

Also the Governor of New York is also under investigation for those same crimes - 4 members of his inner circle have already been indicted by the NY AG...who also says there is a possible connection to Hillary Clinton.

Her troubles are FaR from over...

And you REALLY need to educate yourself before you make any more false declarations as if they are fact and as if you have a clue what's going on.

This last statement of yours is just further proof that you are ignorant of the facts, and everything you say from now on should be ignored.

Dude....This thread is about The Conman....and The Emails.....Stop throwing blank Bullets..

But....try educating yourself..

Fox New anchor Bret Baier conceded Friday it was a "mistake" for him to report that an indictment is "likely" in an ongoing FBI inquiry into the Clinton Foundation.
His comment came a day after several news outlets rebutted the Fox News report.

Fox News anchor: It was 'mistake' to report possible Clinton Foundation indictment


Comey may be responsible for her not being President, but he's also responsible for her not facing jail time as well. If anything, Hillary owes him the world.

What about Powell and Rice? Didn't they do exactly the same thing?

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