James ConJob needs to be jailed for his fake Hillary email bullshit...

What he did was wrong, he played AG and Grand Jury. But what he really did was let Hillary off. Maybe if you bitch about how he did it some more he might have a change in heart. I hope you are successful.

I guess you missed the part where Liretta Lynch said DURING the investigation that she saw no reason for an indictment and how at the end she put it all in Comey's lap by saying if Comey said no indictment was necessary then there wouldn't be one.

Her f*ing job was to take his evidence to a Grand Jury whose job it was to determine if there was a case.

Loretta Lynch should be cleaning bathrooms in highway rest areas rather than doing anything that has to do with the law.
I agree, Comey should have made Lynch be the one that let her off the hook. But I am thinking that if he put it in her lap she would be obligated to call a grand jury. They are obviously in it together. I hope one of Trump's first actions is to fire Comey.

Why would Trump fire Comey?
The congressional Republicans' witch hunt was a political scam from day one, but conservatives are too stupid to realize this.

They believed every lie, and surprised the Republican establishment by electing Trump.

However, the Trump-bots are also getting a surprise as Trump becomes one of the establishment Republicans he campaigned against.

If this were true that it was all a scam, then why did Clinton's senior staff demand immunity from prosecution before talking to the FBI?

Link? Credible proof? BTW, that is a common practice among educated smart people.
"The more we learn about the Justice Department’s investigation ofHillary Clinton’s private email, the worse it looks. The latest revelation is that, along with granting immunity to two Clinton aides, Justice agreed to secret side deals that provided highly unusual protections from potential prosecution.

The side agreements came to light this week in a letter from House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte to Attorney General Loretta Lynch. Mr. Goodlatte says he learned about the side deals by examining the immunity agreements, which haven’t been released to the public.

We already knew that Justice offered immunity to at least five central figures in the private email probe, including Cheryl Mills andHeather Samuelson, the aides in charge of deciding which of the former Secretary of State’s emails on her private server would be turned over to the State Department. FBI Director James Comeystruggled to explain to Congress last week why immunity was necessary to obtain the laptops the two had used for sorting the emails.

Now we learn that Ms. Mills and Ms. Samuelson also obtained guarantees that investigators would not search these laptops after Jan. 31, 2015. More amazing, Justice agreed to destroy both laptops after examining them. Think about that: Before the authorities knew what was on the laptops, they agreed to destroy potential evidence in their investigation. The evidence was also under a congressional subpoena and preservation order."

Cheryl Mills’s Legal Privileges

Perhaps if you weren't so abysmally ignorant, you wouldn't put up such stupid posts.

So what? Even if true, the FBI violated standard protocol by releasing any information regarding an ongoing investigation within 60 day of an election. Then, as it turned out - there was no there there. Comey must be brought to justice for his malfeasance.

Comey must be brought to justice for his malfeasance.

Yes, for reminding the people of Hillary's crimes, he must be punished!!!
And if Hillary had used a State Department email
Server like she should have, there would have not been any investigation and she would likely be POTUS.

Hillary fucked herself. Anyone crying about the election need only blame Hillary.

Powell and Rice should be brought up on charges too?

You bet, if they had a private server with classified info on it, like Hillary, they should be charged like Hillary should be charged.
And if Hillary had used a State Department email
Server like she should have, there would have not been any investigation and she would likely be POTUS.

Hillary fucked herself. Anyone crying about the election need only blame Hillary.

Powell and Rice should be brought up on charges too?

You bet, if they had a private server with classified info on it, like Hillary, they should be charged like Hillary should be charged.
It is not that she just had a private server, that was bad enough. The reason she had the server is the real problem with Hillary and the establishment. She was trying to hide from FOIA requests. I am not sure that is a crime but it certainly doesn't seem right. What is great is that EVERYTHING ended up coming out, that once again proves that the end result is always the opposite of a liberal's stated intent. (or not stated)
And if Hillary had used a State Department email
Server like she should have, there would have not been any investigation and she would likely be POTUS.

Hillary fucked herself. Anyone crying about the election need only blame Hillary.

Powell and Rice should be brought up on charges too?

You bet, if they had a private server with classified info on it, like Hillary, they should be charged like Hillary should be charged.

They did, they won't, and neither will Clinton.
And if Hillary had used a State Department email
Server like she should have, there would have not been any investigation and she would likely be POTUS.

Hillary fucked herself. Anyone crying about the election need only blame Hillary.

Powell and Rice should be brought up on charges too?

You bet, if they had a private server with classified info on it, like Hillary, they should be charged like Hillary should be charged.
It is not that she just had a private server, that was bad enough. The reason she had the server is the real problem with Hillary and the establishment. She was trying to hide from FOIA requests. I am not sure that is a crime but it certainly doesn't seem right. What is great is that EVERYTHING ended up coming out, that once again proves that the end result is always the opposite of a liberal's stated intent. (or not stated)

Quit making stuff up. Trump is the real problem for you, and what he is going to do to the middle class.
And if Hillary had used a State Department email
Server like she should have, there would have not been any investigation and she would likely be POTUS.

Hillary fucked herself. Anyone crying about the election need only blame Hillary.

Powell and Rice should be brought up on charges too?

You bet, if they had a private server with classified info on it, like Hillary, they should be charged like Hillary should be charged.
It is not that she just had a private server, that was bad enough. The reason she had the server is the real problem with Hillary and the establishment. She was trying to hide from FOIA requests. I am not sure that is a crime but it certainly doesn't seem right. What is great is that EVERYTHING ended up coming out, that once again proves that the end result is always the opposite of a liberal's stated intent. (or not stated)

Quit making stuff up. Trump is the real problem for you, and what he is going to do to the middle class.

Ah, what did I "make up?" Why do you think she had a private server? Why do you think she deleted so many emails both private and not?

Trump ain't a problem for me. The Republic was saved from hillary nominating SCOTUS justices, that was my only real concern.

Besides, what Trump does to the middle class can't be any worse then what obama has done for 8 years and Hillary for 30. THAT is why she was rejected.
And if Hillary had used a State Department email
Server like she should have, there would have not been any investigation and she would likely be POTUS.

Hillary fucked herself. Anyone crying about the election need only blame Hillary.

Powell and Rice should be brought up on charges too?

You bet, if they had a private server with classified info on it, like Hillary, they should be charged like Hillary should be charged.
It is not that she just had a private server, that was bad enough. The reason she had the server is the real problem with Hillary and the establishment. She was trying to hide from FOIA requests. I am not sure that is a crime but it certainly doesn't seem right. What is great is that EVERYTHING ended up coming out, that once again proves that the end result is always the opposite of a liberal's stated intent. (or not stated)

Quit making stuff up. Trump is the real problem for you, and what he is going to do to the middle class.

Ah, what did I "make up?" Why do you think she had a private server? Why do you think she deleted so many emails both private and not?

Trump ain't a problem for me. The Republic was saved from hillary nominating SCOTUS justices, that was my only real concern.

Besides, what Trump does to the middle class can't be any worse then what obama has done for 8 years and Hillary for 30. THAT is why she was rejected.
Give it up. Clinton supporters simply don't care what crimes she may have committed or how much of what they think they know about is made up of Clinton's lies. For reasons they don't understand, they have committed to supporting her no matter what.
And if Hillary had used a State Department email
Server like she should have, there would have not been any investigation and she would likely be POTUS.

Hillary fucked herself. Anyone crying about the election need only blame Hillary.

Powell and Rice should be brought up on charges too?

You bet, if they had a private server with classified info on it, like Hillary, they should be charged like Hillary should be charged.
It is not that she just had a private server, that was bad enough. The reason she had the server is the real problem with Hillary and the establishment. She was trying to hide from FOIA requests. I am not sure that is a crime but it certainly doesn't seem right. What is great is that EVERYTHING ended up coming out, that once again proves that the end result is always the opposite of a liberal's stated intent. (or not stated)

Quit making stuff up. Trump is the real problem for you, and what he is going to do to the middle class.

Here read this article about your darling Hillary:
Why Did Hillary Clinton Need a Private Server? The Answer Makes Bernie Sanders President | The Huffington Post
And if Hillary had used a State Department email
Server like she should have, there would have not been any investigation and she would likely be POTUS.

Hillary fucked herself. Anyone crying about the election need only blame Hillary.

Powell and Rice should be brought up on charges too?

You bet, if they had a private server with classified info on it, like Hillary, they should be charged like Hillary should be charged.
It is not that she just had a private server, that was bad enough. The reason she had the server is the real problem with Hillary and the establishment. She was trying to hide from FOIA requests. I am not sure that is a crime but it certainly doesn't seem right. What is great is that EVERYTHING ended up coming out, that once again proves that the end result is always the opposite of a liberal's stated intent. (or not stated)

Quit making stuff up. Trump is the real problem for you, and what he is going to do to the middle class.

Here read this article about your darling Hillary:
Why Did Hillary Clinton Need a Private Server? The Answer Makes Bernie Sanders President | The Huffington Post

Wow, that's a HUFPO article, too. The snowflakes can't cry about the source as the tend to do when it's shoved up their asses.
Powell and Rice should be brought up on charges too?

You bet, if they had a private server with classified info on it, like Hillary, they should be charged like Hillary should be charged.
It is not that she just had a private server, that was bad enough. The reason she had the server is the real problem with Hillary and the establishment. She was trying to hide from FOIA requests. I am not sure that is a crime but it certainly doesn't seem right. What is great is that EVERYTHING ended up coming out, that once again proves that the end result is always the opposite of a liberal's stated intent. (or not stated)

Quit making stuff up. Trump is the real problem for you, and what he is going to do to the middle class.

Here read this article about your darling Hillary:
Why Did Hillary Clinton Need a Private Server? The Answer Makes Bernie Sanders President | The Huffington Post

Wow, that's a HUFPO article, too. The snowflakes can't cry about the source as the tend to do when it's shoved up their asses.

Don't sell the snowflakes short, yes they can cry they cry about everything.
And if Hillary had used a State Department email
Server like she should have, there would have not been any investigation and she would likely be POTUS.

Hillary fucked herself. Anyone crying about the election need only blame Hillary.

Powell and Rice should be brought up on charges too?

You bet, if they had a private server with classified info on it, like Hillary, they should be charged like Hillary should be charged.
It is not that she just had a private server, that was bad enough. The reason she had the server is the real problem with Hillary and the establishment. She was trying to hide from FOIA requests. I am not sure that is a crime but it certainly doesn't seem right. What is great is that EVERYTHING ended up coming out, that once again proves that the end result is always the opposite of a liberal's stated intent. (or not stated)

She had to hide the pay-for-play evidence.
And if Hillary had used a State Department email
Server like she should have, there would have not been any investigation and she would likely be POTUS.

Hillary fucked herself. Anyone crying about the election need only blame Hillary.

Powell and Rice should be brought up on charges too?

You bet, if they had a private server with classified info on it, like Hillary, they should be charged like Hillary should be charged.

They did, they won't, and neither will Clinton.

They did,

Powell and Rice had a private server? Prove it!
I can only hope you're right about that.

Don't listen to Easy...he is full of crap

7:55 p.m. EST November 6, 2016

FBI declares it is finally done investigating Hillary Clinton's email

FBI declares it is finally done investigating Hillary Clinton's email
You're proving you are STILL an IDIOT!

The email investigation IS over, but the FBI investigation STILL ON-GOING has NOTHING to do with her e-mails.

The FBI is currently investigating the Clinton Foundation for possible criminal violations of CORRUPTION, BRIBERY, INFLUENCE PEDDLING, and other crimes.

Also the Governor of New York is also under investigation for those same crimes - 4 members of his inner circle have already been indicted by the NY AG...who also says there is a possible connection to Hillary Clinton.

Her troubles are FaR from over...

And you REALLY need to educate yourself before you make any more false declarations as if they are fact and as if you have a clue what's going on.

This last statement of yours is just further proof that you are ignorant of the facts, and everything you say from now on should be ignored.

Dude....This thread is about The Conman....and The Emails.....Stop throwing blank Bullets..

But....try educating yourself..

Fox New anchor Bret Baier conceded Friday it was a "mistake" for him to report that an indictment is "likely" in an ongoing FBI inquiry into the Clinton Foundation.
His comment came a day after several news outlets rebutted the Fox News report.

Fox News anchor: It was 'mistake' to report possible Clinton Foundation indictment


Comey may be responsible for her not being President, but he's also responsible for her not facing jail time as well. If anything, Hillary owes him the world.

What about Powell and Rice? Didn't they do exactly the same thing?

Come on. They absolutely did not maintain their own personal private email server for all State Department business.

How do you not know this?
And if Hillary had used a State Department email
Server like she should have, there would have not been any investigation and she would likely be POTUS.

Hillary fucked herself. Anyone crying about the election need only blame Hillary.

Powell and Rice should be brought up on charges too?

You bet, if they had a private server with classified info on it, like Hillary, they should be charged like Hillary should be charged.

They did, they won't, and neither will Clinton.

They did,

Powell and Rice had a private server? Prove it!


Colin Powell defends personal email use

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