James O’Keefe feared by the MSM


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
I like this guy, he gets the left all wee weed up...


James O'keefe & Andrew Breitbart

James O’Keefe’s Breakthrough

July 12, 2013 By Mark Tapson


O’Keefe, like his progressive opponents, recognized early on that law school is not the way to change the world – journalism is. And journalism in the Obama era has been all about protecting the progressive Messiah and furthering his agenda. “The nation’s progressives have been controlling the media narrative for a century,” he says, and “[m]any of these journalists [see] everything through a lens of ‘racial justice.” The way to break their stranglehold on that narrative, O’Keefe realized, is with the powerful evidence of hard-hitting, strategic video – like that taken in the ACORN sting by guerrillas outside the mainstream news media.

Regarding that sting, O’Keefe writes, “What our videos were doing was ripping a hole through [the media] narrative and allowing the people inside to expose that narrative for the fraud it was”:

In another era, or with a different target, every major newsroom in America would have unleashed its own Woodward and Bernstein to follow up on our work and track this corruption to its source, but that’s not the way the media roll if you’re investigating and exposing big government.

Realizing he was a threat, critics rushed to decry his unofficial status and modus operandi. He wasn’t a “real” journalist, they said. He was just a young “prankster” pulling a “stunt” – as if journalists suddenly decided that undercover video stings were immoral and beneath them. In fact, he was exposing not just ACORN but the big media who conspired to suppress the truth. “The beauty of video, especially as amplified by the internet,” O’Keefe explains, “is to allow a handful of citizen journalists working on a shoestring to end-run the biggest news organizations in the world.”

But he had no illusions about what this meant for himself and others like him. As a thorn in the mainstream media’s side,

[t]here would be no Pulitzers waiting for us at the end of the day, no speaking engagements at prestigious J-schools. Instead we would face a continuing blizzard of legal challenges, a swarm of snippy media crickets, and a tsunami of insider outrage at the slightest accusation of impropriety.


O’Keefe is quick to clarify exactly how the little guys of citizen journalism upend traditional news media. “We [at Project Veritas] don’t have the wherewithal to discredit the media,” he says:

We merely scoop them. They discredit themselves by refusing to cover stories with national implications that much of America already knows to be news. Once discredited, however, the media do not apologize or reform. They dig in, knowing that their “competitors” have as much interest as they do in protecting the myth that the major media “really, really try to be unbiased.”


James O?Keefe?s Breakthrough | FrontPage Magazine
Letten, 'guerrilla journalist' O'Keefe share heated exchange

David Hammer / Eyewitness News
Email: [email protected] | Twitter: [MENTION=11599]David[/MENTION]hammerWWL

NEW ORLEANS -- Self-proclaimed “guerrilla journalist” James O’Keefe was removed from the Tulane campus last week after he went to former U.S. Attorney Jim Letten’s Metairie home and tried to talk to Letten’s wife, then on to the university’s Uptown campus to confront Letten directly.

Letten is a dean at the school, and a Tulane police report shows he got into a verbal altercation with O’Keefe last Wednesday. That was after O’Keefe and five others went to Letten’s home and tried to talk to his wife on camera, sources tell Eyewitness News.

O’Keefe became a national sensation among conservatives when he posed as a pimp and secretly filmed himself seeking help from the liberal, New Orleans-based community group ACORN.


Letten, 'guerrilla journalist' O'Keefe share heated exchange | wwltv.com New Orleans
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"James O’Keefe feared by the MSM"

If by "feared" you mean "ridiculed for being so incredibly dishonest and such a total loser." then yeah.
"James O’Keefe feared by the MSM"

If by "feared" you mean "ridiculed for being so incredibly dishonest and such a total loser." then yeah.

When you liberals get wee weed up you use ridicule just like them cuckolds on msdnc & the daily krap. It's in the salunsky rule # 5...:eusa_drool:
"James O’Keefe feared by the MSM"

If by "feared" you mean "ridiculed for being so incredibly dishonest and such a total loser." then yeah.

Tell that to ACORN. I'm sure they would love for your statement to be true.....only it isn't..
On the contrary, it is. You do know that his little film was heavily post-edited and was summarily debunked.

He's a clown.

Why don't any of the far right heroes have a shred of integrity?
James O'Keefe visits South Jersey to talk undercover videos and voter ID

July 12, 2013
By Eugene Sonn

James O'Keefe, the man behind undercover videos that helped force the group ACORN to fold and push out an NPR executive, is speaking in Medford, New Jersey, Friday night.

O'Keefe is visiting the West Jersey Tea Party to promote his new book.

This spring, O'Keefe paid a former ACORN employee in California $100,000 to settle a lawsuit tied to one of his videos, but he says he's not backing off.

He says undercover videos have immense power and can be used to get around the mainstream media.

"People don't believe it until they see it. And even when they see it, they say, 'It's fake, it's doctored, it's edited,' but they can say that all they want but then the people resign. And they admit they say what they say," said O'Keefe. "In every single case, people resign or laws get changed. So it's not fake when people resign and laws get changed."


James O'Keefe visits South Jersey to talk undercover videos and voter ID ? NewsWorks

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