James Woods...gotta love him.

i was under the impression that military graveyards had budgets.....i am not sure what grave yards are run down? when i visit either grave yard at ft bragg they are both in great shape...it is amusing that a 4 time draft dodger..remember the bone spurs ...uses the military for such self promotion...

i would rather there be less graves in the military grave yards....i wonder if he is just going to expand them and call that an improvement

Oh good God bones, talk about a negative spin.
On one hand, of course he did this to garner political support, otherwise he would have done it before running for President. But at the same time, it is still a good thing.
But the Korean story is a whole other ballgame. Soldiers kept in captivity, and then remained in captivity even after death - finally after all these years NK relents and releases their bodies.
And you should be asking why indeed is the MSM ignoring it.
James Woods on Twitter

Any other gems I have not seen yet?

Woods has stated that he was a member of the Democratic Party up until the impeachment of Bill Clinton, commenting that "every single Democrat without exception stood behind a convicted perjurer. That was the end."[

Yet he backs a serial adulterer and compulsive liar.
James Woods does not back the Clintons, and he didn't back Bathhouse Barry.
You of all people have no room to talk about people backing adulterers and liars. You backed a couple of world class individuals with that in their resumes.

This is his words not mine, I bet he did back the Clintons, he use to be a Democrat , but a lie turned off and he became a Republican, and now he supports a chronic liar.

So we donated the money to rebuild a cemetery. Glad to see our tax money is going to good use. Remember the man works for us, so we donated that money, not him.

PS: they approved the military spending of 7.1 billion for next year.

No, we didn't donate the money, he did. It was paid to him as a salary and was his to use as he saw fit. He chose to donate it. I don't care how deep your irrational hate for Trump is, he decided to donate, not you. Unless, of course, you want to make the case that we fund drug dealers every time a welfare recipient trades food stamps for pot and thus should cut food stamps.
James Woods on Twitter

Any other gems I have not seen yet?

This is what happens when you realize that the muslim terrorists who murdered over 3,000 people were practicing for the attack on one of the flights you were on........ That is the thing that helped James Woods wake up to the moronic way left wingers see the world....
There is only one reason to from over 300 shell companies , and that is to launder money, which he is guilty of and I sure hope he is found guilty of when he leaves office in shame.
This whole thing is political bull crap. Yes, it's Trumps money and he has the right to spend it anyway he wishes. And the Vet Cemetery has been ill funded. That money has been well spent. I don't have much use for Trump and won't vote for him but I will give him this one. Now how about stopping this sniping form both sides. Sounds like a bunch of traitors from both sides. The issue is with the returned soldiers and their families and not about you crackpots.
If Obama had done that, the MSM would be showering him with love and adoration...and yet, millions of Americans can't see the game being played. In fact, they willingly fall for the game.

The MSM has built Trump into such a mindless monster, they can't now report something good he has done.

Another example of this is the near total lack of reporting on the Korean War soldiers returning home. The entire MSM just about ignored this story. Trump manages to get their bodies home, after all previous presidents had failed, yet he gets no credit by the MSM.

Much like the right wing press refused to commend BO. The left wing press can't commend Trump. Is it any wonder Americans are so divided?
They can't give him good press, after they have been trying so hard to bring his support down.

On the plus side...it's funny to watch them implode knowing the public thinks they suck.
James Woods on Twitter

Any other gems I have not seen yet?

Woods has stated that he was a member of the Democratic Party up until the impeachment of Bill Clinton, commenting that "every single Democrat without exception stood behind a convicted perjurer. That was the end."[

Yet he backs a serial adulterer and compulsive liar.
So do libtards. Do you really want to go there....again?

Libs. Always talking out of both sides of their face.
If Obama had done that, the MSM would be showering him with love and adoration...and yet, millions of Americans can't see the game being played. In fact, they willingly fall for the game.

The MSM has built Trump into such a mindless monster, they can't now report something good he has done.

Another example of this is the near total lack of reporting on the Korean War soldiers returning home. The entire MSM just about ignored this story. Trump manages to get their bodies home, after all previous presidents had failed, yet he gets no credit by the MSM.

Much like the right wing press refused to commend BO. The left wing press can't commend Trump. Is it any wonder Americans are so divided?

Like those bones belonged to US Vets MIA.:rolleyes: Actually we pay his salary, and I'd rather see it go to the homeless and food shelters rather than the dead.
Fuck the nanny state...

Fuck the cemeteries.
No. Fuck you.

Our money you mean.
If Obama had done that, the MSM would be showering him with love and adoration...and yet, millions of Americans can't see the game being played. In fact, they willingly fall for the game.

The MSM has built Trump into such a mindless monster, they can't now report something good he has done.

Another example of this is the near total lack of reporting on the Korean War soldiers returning home. The entire MSM just about ignored this story. Trump manages to get their bodies home, after all previous presidents had failed, yet he gets no credit by the MSM.

Much like the right wing press refused to commend BO. The left wing press can't commend Trump. Is it any wonder Americans are so divided?

Like those bones belonged to US Vets MIA.:rolleyes: Actually we pay his salary, and I'd rather see it go to the homeless and food shelters rather than the dead.
Typical Liberal. Trying to tell someone how and where to donate their money.

Just trying to get votes. And that is our money, and he works for us. He has forgot that part, and I am a Dem and so I am his enemy, according to his words.

You keep saying he works for us. Yes he does, along with a crapillion other folks with jobs in government. He works for his pay and once he gets that check, it's no longer our money.

It's his money.

And I don't give a furry yaks ass about bitches like you belittling his generosity... I think it's a wonderful gesture.

And try to remember when you say fuck those cemeteries that you are dismissing and disrespecting graves of the very men and women that helped to ensure you have the ability to be a horses ass with your ignorant, hateful and shit sucking posts.
James Woods on Twitter

Any other gems I have not seen yet?

Woods has stated that he was a member of the Democratic Party up until the impeachment of Bill Clinton, commenting that "every single Democrat without exception stood behind a convicted perjurer. That was the end."[

Yet he backs a serial adulterer and compulsive liar.
...who is also a bigot and racist.

It's pretty pitiful when you know the lefties are either wrong or lying so often you can safely assume the opposite of everything they say is the truth.
Love him or hate him..whatever floats boats. Personally, I love everything he posts and follow him religiously, lol.

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