Jan 6 4th hearing thread: Schiff leads today’s hearing on Trump pressuring state officials & the fake electors scheme,+Trump's ranting on Truth Social

Mediabias is a far left 'fact check' site. You got suckered.

"Any site attempting to measure the highly subjective issue of bias should be taken with a grain of salt, if not a heaping tablespoon. That appears to be the case with the popular Media Bias / FactCheck web site. The well-respected nonprofit journalism organizations Poynter Institute and the Columbia Journalism Review have raised questions about the site, its research credentials and owner Dave Van Zandt."

"Most troubling is its lack of serious research methods or credentials. Owner and editor Van Zandt is a self-described “armchair media analyst. Van Zandt said in a response (below) that he has worked in a research-related capacity in the healthcare industry."

Do your own research and get back. Stop being lazy.

You don't know what quora.com is, do ya? :eusa_doh:
If they are selecting facts or misrepresenting testimony why aren't any of the witnesses speaking out about it? Oh.......wait.........let me guess..........they've been co-opted by the non-existent Deep State.

The are selecting testimony that they want to hear only. 'Someone said something to someone.' There is no counsel for Trump, there is no cross examination of witnesses, there is no discovery for the defense. IOW this is a kangaroo show trial. You seem pretty dense to me.
Cheney hates Trump with a passion and has LONG before 1/6 happened. You know it. I know it. Nancy Pelosi sure as hell knew it! She was picked because Pelosi knew she'd happily go along with the show trial.

Why does the Trump Cult continue to claim that people refused to lie, cheat or break the law on Trump's behalf because they "hate" him. That those who are willing to call out his criminal activities are "disloyal" to the party. Everyone who has testified at this Hearing, has been a Republican, who voted for Trump, or worked for Trump. And every single one of them has testified that Trump lost the election and Trump knew he lost the election.

Look at all of the Trump "loyalists" who ended up convicted of crimes and jailed, for doing Trump's bidding.

Liz Cheney voted for Trump's legislation 100% of the time. But she wouldn't lie and say he won the election. That's not hate. That's being a honest person who is prepared to uphold her Oath to protect the Constitution.
Speaking of 'fear', poster beagle9.....well, I think America and the world saw evidence of that today in the hearing when Arizona legislator Bowers talked of RWNJs assembling outside of his home as he and his wife tended to their terminally ill daughte (who has since died).....and with bullhorns laid out threats to him and his family.
Or Raffensberger talking of threats to wife and children.
Or the female poll workers from Fulton county who after the terror targeting by Don Trump they had to leave their homes and hide. Afraid now to go to the supermarket, to even speak their own name in a public setting......fearful that some Trump fanboy will harm them.

Yeah, I think I saw some unsettling signs of fear.


After you watched the hearing today, poster 2Iron, what did you think of Bower's testimony? What about Raffensberger's grasp of the numbers. That guy was not afraid to get into the weeds on the details.
So what did you think 2Iron?

And you too, BillyBob, what did you think of the Freeman women's emotional testimony of the terrorism they were subject to? Resulting from the targeting by Don Trump?
You know son, I didn't get a chance to witness that spectacle. Today, I was actually helping a young cardinal that had fallen out of its nest... mom and dad were flying around and dive bombing me, but I did manage to get it back in its nest. It was so cute.

Listen, if witnessing that kind of excruciating mental illness gets you through the night, no judgement here. I'll dream about a young birdie learning to fly.... and you wake up screaming to your night terrors about a 30 foot orange nutsack smothering you.

"We do the best we can with what we've got". - Louise Hay
The American Stinker???? You really need to improve the quality of your reading material!!! No wonder you're so ill informed. All you're reading is lies and bullshit published by American billionaires who are making big money on the tax cuts.

  • Overall, we rate the American Thinker, Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracy theories/pseudoscience, use of poor sources, and several failed fact checks.

  • Overall, we rate Breitbart Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, the publication of conspiracy theories and propaganda, as well as numerous false claims.
Fuckwit KKKanadian lying sack of shit has nothing beyond whining and crying about who is reporting the facts.

Or sit down and STFU you stupid cow.
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Why does the Trump Cult continue to claim that people refused to lie, cheat or break the law on Trump's behalf because they "hate" him. That those who are willing to call out his criminal activities are "disloyal" to the party. Everyone who has testified at this Hearing, has been a Republican, who voted for Trump, or worked for Trump. And every single one of them has testified that Trump lost the election and Trump knew he lost the election.

Look at all of the Trump "loyalists" who ended up convicted of crimes and jailed, for doing Trump's bidding.

Liz Cheney voted for Trump's legislation 100% of the time. But she wouldn't lie and say he won the election. That's not hate. That's being a honest person who is prepared to uphold her Oath to protect the Constitution.
There is no 'Trump cult.' Trump never asked anyone to break the law. Where is your evidence? There are many more in his administration that say the opposite but this Pelosi Selected Committee won't let you hear their testimony. You are being led by the nose which is easy because you have a bad case of TDS because of your obvious serious lack of real information. Those loyalists were mostly falsely convicted as we have seen. Liz Cheney (Miss Piggy) hates Trump because he talked mean about her daddy.
The 6 being held without bail tried to overthrow the duly elected government of the United States of America. Actions have consequences.

You need to be careful who you give your trust and your loyalty to. Are they decent and honourable. When you believe liars, conmen and thieves, you're fucked, and if you do their bidding, you'll end up in jail.
They did? Link?

Come on Dragonlady prove to us once in your pathetic life that you aren't just a lying sack of KKKanadian shit. Bring a link.
The are selecting testimony that they want to hear only. 'Someone said something to someone.' There is no counsel for Trump, there is no cross examination of witnesses, there is no discovery for the defense. IOW this is a kangaroo show trial. You seem pretty dense to me.

This isn't a trial or anything like one. There will be criminal trials at the end of the day, but Trump can't even find a lawyer who will work for him. He's the worst kind of client - never listens to good advice. And he doesn't pay his legal bills.

That's why he only gets second rate lawyers like Rudy Guiliani.
This isn't a trial or anything like one. There will be criminal trials at the end of the day, but Trump can't even find a lawyer who will work for him. He's the worst kind of client - never listens to good advice. And he doesn't pay his legal bills.

That's why he only gets second rate lawyers like Rudy Guiliani.
You think Trump is going to jail?
Did Schiff try to overthrow the 2016 election? Did he inspire a mob to attack the US Capitol. The trouble with trump is he has no morals....no conscience....and not ethics. He is an empty suit. His cult is not more than he is.
yea adam shifty did all those things and worse
Were you frightened by puppets as a child?
No, but this guy made you shit your sheets for months so far.....

After, what is it? SIX years of our government and media going bat~shit CRAZY over Trump without any evidence of crimes?

Self-awareness is LOST on the left! From Congressional Hearings to The View; they're hitting rock bottom. As much as I love summertime, I can't wait for November.

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