Jan 6 4th hearing thread: Schiff leads today’s hearing on Trump pressuring state officials & the fake electors scheme,+Trump's ranting on Truth Social

That is an encouraging story.
Being a bit of a birder I applaud your sense of responsibility towards wildlife.
Good for you.


Patience, Grasshopper. Wait till the DOJ weighs in. They are the carrier of the hammer. Not Congress. The DOJ may....or may not.....bring an action that signals their belief that a crime(s) was indeed committed. I dunno, myself. I ain't a lawyer. Nonetheless, today's testimony could not have been a pride-filled experience for the Trump folks. It smacked of coercive terror by the leader-du-jour of the American people....against that people. IMHO

We'll see if the DOJ views it the same. Time will tell.


Ah, poor poster Leo. You still stuck in the RWNJ fantagasm that this Congressional 'hearing' is a court 'trial'?
You should move away from that sad fiction.
It makes your poor avatar look like he doesn't pay attention.
You are better than that.

Ah, that's too bad, poster Struth. Too bad that you didn't actually watch today's hearings (or any others?). If you had you'd be a bit more measured and prudent in you postings. IMHO.
In fact, be better informed.
That you are not....well, mon ami, that is on you.
Stupid little Chili, I said it was NOT a real court trial. Little Chili took aim with his pop-gun and missed again......

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That is an encouraging story.
Being a bit of a birder I applaud your sense of responsibility towards wildlife.
Good for you.


Patience, Grasshopper. Wait till the DOJ weighs in. They are the carrier of the hammer. Not Congress. The DOJ may....or may not.....bring an action that signals their belief that a crime(s) was indeed committed. I dunno, myself. I ain't a lawyer. Nonetheless, today's testimony could not have been a pride-filled experience for the Trump folks. It smacked of coercive terror by the leader-du-jour of the American people....against that people. IMHO

We'll see if the DOJ views it the same. Time will tell.


Ah, poor poster Leo. You still stuck in the RWNJ fantagasm that this Congressional 'hearing' is a court 'trial'?
You should move away from that sad fiction.
It makes your poor avatar look like he doesn't pay attention.
You are better than that.

Ah, that's too bad, poster Struth. Too bad that you didn't actually watch today's hearings (or any others?). If you had you'd be a bit more measured and prudent in you postings. IMHO.
In fact, be better informed.
That you are not....well, mon ami, that is on you.
You get a Yuri reward!

The demented avenger demoralized zombies can't help themselves; personified by nose rings, lol, jk; well, not really.
Because the fund didn't exist that Trump wanted donations for, that's why. The whole deal was a scam.
so any of the people that paid complaining? and proof donations didn’t go to any of the lawsuits filed?

or is this more adam shifty parody?
You get a Yuri reward!

The demented avenger demoralized zombies can't help themselves; personified by nose rings, lol, jk; well, not really.

I have yet to see any indication that you know anything about any of this material at all. In fact, your postings make you look like a paid Russian troll.
Why did Schiff decide to suddenly take over the committee today? Was he afraid a Black man and a woman were getting too much air time?

He disgraced himself with his false claim of "more than circumstantial evidence," so maybe he thinks this is a chance to redeem himself?
I have yet to see any indication that you know anything about any of this material at all. In fact, your postings make you look like a paid Russian troll.
I'd like to debate your refutations of everything Yuri said, but sadly you have none.

It's so obvious, even a Neanderthal can see it.

I said it was NOT a real court trial.
To which I agreed. Are you looking for ghosts here, poster Leo.
It wasn't a 'trial'. Of any kind, 'real' or otherwise.

Why did Schiff decide to suddenly take over the committee today?

Ah, poor poster Flops.....you really need to begin from the beginning. The first hearing.
I'll betcha....smart guy that you must be.....that you'll see a pattern emerge.
A rotation. Four hearings....four lead questioners.
Each panelist is gonna get an opportunity to ask questions.

Please don't go all 'conspiracy-nutter' on us. We have enough of those slow-leaks here already.
And besides, oft-times you seem smart enough to NOT slap that QAnon tarbaby.
I sincerely hope so.
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We're going on SIX YEARS of the government using Soviet tactics to find Trump guilty of SoMetHInG. :rolleyes:

No. Self. Awareness.
Why did Schiff decide to suddenly take over the committee today? Was he afraid a Black man and a woman were getting too much air time?

He disgraced himself with his false claim of "more than circumstantial evidence," so maybe he thinks this is a chance to redeem himself?
Pathetic, attention seeking post.

As if you watched one second of the hearings.
Sockpuppet did not watch any of the hearings.
You did, though.

Lapped up the partisan lies and bullshit.

Are you proud? Care to outline any logical, and legal points from this cabal of HACKS?

You've been lied to for a long time without engaging your own critical thinking based on logic and reason.

That's on you.

Get well soon, and good luck.
When do the hearings begin on gas and food prices, and the border crisis?? You know, real problems.

In the interest of showing us this is not just the pathetic baby mewling of a terrified cultist...

Who should they call, and why?
The parents of DEAD American kids killed by Biden and Dems open borders. Any more questions you stupid Demtard?
You sound very, very stupid, given you don't even know the content of the hearings.

Cultism on parade.

Low information, low education, low ethics

Perfect Trump soldier
Your surrender is acknowledged, as well as your projection.

I wish you well.

In the interest of showing us this is not just the pathetic baby mewling of a terrified cultist...

Who should they call, and why?
i’d like to hear from some of the folks on the border impacted by xiden and the dems pro-cartel policy on the border

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