Jan 6 4th hearing thread: Schiff leads today’s hearing on Trump pressuring state officials & the fake electors scheme,+Trump's ranting on Truth Social

^^^ I bitch slapped this Demtard, it deflects because it's a coward.
It was your retarded mistake, as anyone can see.

Face it... you don't know what is going to drool out of your mouth next, and you don't know what drooled out of your mouth 5 minutes ago.

A low IQ manbaby, dancing and prancing around the one club that will let him in.
^^^ I bitch slapped this Demtard, it deflects because it's a coward.
The Cowards are the ones with the R after their name. Shouldn't you change that to a T? Since you all are scared to death of the fat POS.
To which I agreed. Are you looking for ghosts here, poster Leo.
It wasn't a 'trial'. Of any kind, 'real' or otherwise.


Ah, poor poster Flops.....you really need to begin from the beginning. The first hearing.
I'll betcha....smart guy that you must be.....that you'll see a pattern emerge.
A rotation. Four hearings....four lead questioners.
Each panelist is gonna get an opportunity to ask questions.

Please don't go all 'conspiracy-nutter' on us. We have enough of those slow-leaks here already.
And besides, oft-times you seem smart enough to NOT slap that QAnon tarbaby.
I sincerely hope so.
Sorry, I don't watch professional productions from Hollywood very often, much less Democratic Party amateur television dramas.
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It was your retarded mistake, as anyone can see.

Face it... you don't know what is going to drool out of your mouth next, and you don't know what drooled out of your mouth 5 minutes ago.

A low IQ manbaby, dancing and prancing around the one club that will let him in.
You mad bro? DEAD Americans, it's Biden/Dems fault. Another teenager killed front page news. #1 thing killing teens. Biden/Dems responsible. 100,000 Americans killed in 2021. Why aren't Biden and Dems in prison??
Sorry, I don't watch professional productions from Hollywood very often, much less Democratic Party amateur television.
Obviously trump is...As He is ranting and raving on his BS media site. Facts do not fit him well.
Obviously trump is...As He is ranting and raving on his BS media site. Facts do not fit him well.
Trump is Trump. Of course he is going to join in on a bad television production of a fake reality show. That's his claim to fame.
Are you like Miss Lindsey? I mean.....are you afraid of trump? Or maybe you are gay like Miss Lindsey? It is okay. We accept you....HaHa!
Does my avatar look like I'm afraid of Trump? :itsok: Now get your depraved Dem mind out of the gutter you trans confused cross dresser.
58% of American think trump should be held responsible for his crimes.
70% of Americans think Democrats should be held responsible for sky high gas and food prices. Dems forecast to lose the midterms in historic loss, get bitch slapped by voters. Lose all their power and run home crying to their mommas while the Trump SCOTUS finishes them off once and for all. :eusa_dance:
Trump is Trump. Of course he is going to join in on a bad television production of a fake reality show. That's his claim to fame.
He is upset cause each person who testifies concerning his efforts to screw the country...start by saying...."We are repubs who supported trump."
It must be hard for the Trumpeteers to now realize that they've been BS'd for a year and a half now. Lots of therapy ahead.
We are not talking murder. Trump obviously did nothing wrong as proven by this witch-hunt Pelosi-selected committee that has no legal clout, filled with anti-Trumpers and, so far, has presented no real evidence against Trump. There is every basis to believe the election was stolen. Just look at the clusterfuck in office. Who voted for that? If you did, bend over and kick yourself.

Yes you are talking MURDER. 5 people died as a result of January 6th. Dozens were threatened by Trump's goon squads. The testimony of Rusty Bowers today - as his daughter lay dying, Trumps Brown Shirts were tormenting his family, and his neighbours.

The Georgia election workers were terrorized by Trump goon squads. They walked into her grandmother's house to make a "citizen's arrest" because of Trump's lies and bullshit.

This isn't some innocent demonstration. This is a targeted campaign of intimidation and terror. People have quite doing the counting work because of this. Trump deliberately tried to destroy your election framework throughout his final year in office because he knew he would lose - he's never won an election yet. He just stunts his way into the job.

Because the fund didn't exist that Trump wanted donations for, that's why. The whole deal was a scam.

When you advertise fundraising for an illegal purpose, the fundraising is illegal.
Yes you are talking MURDER. 5 people died as a result of January 6th. Dozens were threatened by Trump's goon squads. The testimony of Rusty Bowers today - as his daughter lay dying, Trumps Brown Shirts were tormenting his family, and his neighbours.

The Georgia election workers were terrorized by Trump goon squads. They walked into her grandmother's house to make a "citizen's arrest" because of Trump's lies and bullshit.

This isn't some innocent demonstration. This is a targeted campaign of intimidation and terror. People have quite doing the counting work because of this. Trump deliberately tried to destroy your election framework throughout his final year in office because he knew he would lose - he's never won an election yet. He just stunts his way into the job.

When you advertise fundraising for an illegal purpose, the fundraising is illegal.
Well said!
That is an encouraging story.
Being a bit of a birder I applaud your sense of responsibility towards wildlife.
Good for you.


Patience, Grasshopper. Wait till the DOJ weighs in. They are the carrier of the hammer. Not Congress. The DOJ may....or may not.....bring an action that signals their belief that a crime(s) was indeed committed. I dunno, myself. I ain't a lawyer. Nonetheless, today's testimony could not have been a pride-filled experience for the Trump folks. It smacked of coercive terror by the leader-du-jour of the American people....against that people. IMHO

We'll see if the DOJ views it the same. Time will tell.


Ah, poor poster Leo. You still stuck in the RWNJ fantagasm that this Congressional 'hearing' is a court 'trial'?
You should move away from that sad fiction.
It makes your poor avatar look like he doesn't pay attention.
You are better than that.

Ah, that's too bad, poster Struth. Too bad that you didn't actually watch today's hearings (or any others?). If you had you'd be a bit more measured and prudent in you postings. IMHO.
In fact, be better informed.
That you are not....well, mon ami, that is on you.
As a never ever Democrat supporter, and I mean never ever, especially after what has been since unleashed and realized by their ideologies, their positions taken over the year's, and all the other crazy crap we've since learned about these modern day democrats, well you couldn't get me or anyone else to ever support much less vote for a crazed Democrat official (otherwise if had ever even considered it once upon a brain aneurysm), to somehow support a known demon-crat politician ever.

I'm done.
Yes you are talking MURDER. 5 people died as a result of January 6th. Dozens were threatened by Trump's goon squads. The testimony of Rusty Bowers today - as his daughter lay dying, Trumps Brown Shirts were tormenting his family, and his neighbours.

The Georgia election workers were terrorized by Trump goon squads. They walked into her grandmother's house to make a "citizen's arrest" because of Trump's lies and bullshit.

This isn't some innocent demonstration. This is a targeted campaign of intimidation and terror. People have quite doing the counting work because of this. Trump deliberately tried to destroy your election framework throughout his final year in office because he knew he would lose - he's never won an election yet. He just stunts his way into the job.

When you advertise fundraising for an illegal purpose, the fundraising is illegal.
what five peopl does as a result of jam 6 riot?

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