Jan 6 Committee Leaders Prove How Biased They Are

Considering that Trump is a depraved lowlife who in their right mind would want that maniac back in power?

Let's check:



.....Or this.....



.....Or this.....

None of that matters in the slightest when the sitting Chief Executive criminally incites to Insurrection in order to retain personal political power.

Benedict Arnold was one of George Washington's most trusted and beloved generals right up to the split second when he turned traitor.
None of that matters in the slightest when the sitting Chief Executive criminally incites to Insurrection in order to retain personal political power.

Benedict Arnold was one of George Washington's most trusted and beloved generals right up to the split second when he turned traitor.

Have I mentioned that you are a liar and a fool?

It bears repeating.
Have I mentioned that you are a liar and a fool?

It bears repeating.
Of course I'm a fool... I'm here, aren't I? Counter-posting alongside Orange Baboon-God worshipers and cult-members. Brain-dead trailer trash.

As to lying... feel free to point out where I lied on this thread (or elsewhere, for that matter).

Of course I'm a fool... I'm here, aren't I? Counter-posting alongside Orange Baboon-God worshipers and cult-members. Brain-dead trailer trash.

As to lying... feel free to point out where I lied on this thread (or elsewhere, for that matter).


"... incites to Insurrection in order to retain personal political power."


Bennie Thompson,.chairman, and Liz Cheney vice chair, both admit their purpose is to keep Donald Trump from being President again. They have no intention of looking for facts.

Using the power of the Federal Govt to ruin political opponents is blatantly illegal, and has become a staple of the Dimwinger party.
Using the power of the Federal Govt to ruin political opponents is blatantly illegal, and has become a staple of the Dimwinger party.
Obama did it numerous times. He siced the IRS on Republicans. The rise of the Tea Party was the result of his crap. The Clintons had numerous scandals.
Talking about something is very different than acting on it.

Canadians stood by while a Canadian government policy led to the genocide of Canada's First Nation people and the abuse and suffering still continues to this day.

You label someone a Nazi or psychopath when they've committed the crime and the simple truth is that Canadians fit your definition of a Nazi - please let me know if you want me to quote your words from your earlier post in this thread.

Canada closed the last boarding school for indian children in 1996 and Canadians were complicit in their silence.

So who is the real psychopath???

I am tired of Mamooth's fool nonsense and put him on IGNORE.
Well, yes. When someone is a traitor, honest patriots tend to not want them to be president.

That's not a partisan thing. it's a not-being-a-fascist thing. Thus, few Trump cultists will be able to understand it.
When Dims can't win an honest election, they call their opponents "'traitors." They also cheat.

Watch how deftly I prove my description of you, fool and liar.

1. Can you name which of the 700 political prisoners has been charged with insurrection?

2. Here are Trump's exact words:
"As are those who continue to support him after his assault on Congress and the Constitution on January 6th...

NPR reported Trump's actual words on that day, proving you a scummy liar:

"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

3. Democrat agents provacateurs are responsible for any violence:
“VIDEO: Suspicious Black-Clad ‘Operatives’ Were First Ones Up Capitol Building Stairs On 1/6

A new video exposed by Gateway Pundit shows suspicous black-clad figures on the steps of the Capitol building on 1/6.” VIDEO: Suspicious Black-Clad 'Operatives' Were First Ones Up Capitol Building Stairs On 1/6

‘Leftist Antifa Among Mob Storming US Capitol’

– Facial recognition experts and backers of American President Donald J. Trump said members of the hardline leftist Antifa movement infiltrated protestors who stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday.

Several witnesses and reports monitored by Worthy News suggested radical leftist vandals broke into the building housing the U.S. Congress while most Trump supporters were loud but peaceful.” https://www.worthynews.com/55452-leftist-antifa-among-mob-storming-us-capitol

There is no disputing that the Democrats have had far more practice at riots than the Right.

Biden voters are well practiced.

. “No one can point to any statement from President Trump calling upon his supporters to storm the Capitol, much less to stage a coup against the U.S. government, but it doesn’t matter anymore. The establishment media and the social media giants are insisting that he incited the attack on the Capitol and was trying to install himself as a dictator by means of a guy with a buffalo horn hat and some other dopes and wingnuts, and if you don’t believe it, you’re a racist, bigoted, MAGA-hat-wearing fascist who deserves to be silenced along with the president, and soon will be. But it’s clear who the real fascists are, and they are exploiting their Reichstag Fire moment to the fullest.” The Left Is Enjoying Its Reichstag Fire Moment

“Video Reveals Trump Supporters Tried to Stop the Violence
Violence by Antifa on the south side where Trump supporters were told to March to. Supporters stopped the breakage but he started again later. MSM keeps saying it’s Trump http://supporters.it’s not.

Video Reveals Trump Supporters Tried to Stop the Violence | Conservative Insider


“BLM instigator of Capitol riots, John Earle Sullivan, arrested

The Utah Black Lives Matter "activist" has been bragging about his involvement in instigating the Capitol riots. Now, he's been arrested.

The deadly riots at the Capitol last week that have sparked Big Tech cancelations and prompted another impeachment of President Trump were instigated in part by Black Lives Matter and Antifa “activists,” according to multiple media reports. One of the highest profile suspects, John Earle Sullivan from Utah, has been arrested.”

This story will be buried by mainstream media and suppressed by Big Tech. The arrest of John Earle Sullivan, a known Black Lives Matter leader and provocateur, belies the accepted narrative that Trump-supporters alone caused the riots.” BLM instigator of Capitol riots, John Earle Sullivan, arrested

“James, brother of accused leftist provocateur John Sullivan, claims 226 Antifa members started Capitol riots

John Sullivan was arrested yesterday in connection with instigating the Capitol riots on January 6th. A video of him and CNN photojournalist Jade Sacker emerged this week that shows them giddy following the murder of Trump-supporter Ashli Babbitt. Now, Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani is wondering why a text message from James Sullivan was not revealed during the President’s second impeachment hearings in Congress.

According to the text, James Sullivan makes a very bold claim: “I’m currently working with the FBI to expose and place total blame on John and the 226 members of antifa that instigated the Capitol ‘riot’ I was able to get my agent out of trouble along with three other uthan’s.”

…every day brings more evidence that Antifa and other left-wing “activists” incited the crowd to commit crimes. Videos of Antifa members secretly embedded with the Trump-supporters appear to reinforce these claims.

This all jibes with the credible conspiracy theory that Democrats or other interested parties planned this “false flag” attack in order to push for impeachment.” James, brother of accused leftist provocateur John Sullivan, claims 226 Antifa members started Capitol riots

“Verified twitter user Amuse breaks everything down in further detail in a series of tweets.

"To make this clear. CNN was embedded with BLM/Antifa pretending to be Trump supporters taping them incite a riot. This is freaking huge. If CNN is allowed to maintain its press access anywhere in DC there needs to be a serious overhaul of our entire system," he tweeted.

Here's another one, who showed up with furs, and also got himself arrested. According to the New York Post:

Aaron Mostofsky was busted Tuesday at his brother’s house in Brooklyn by federal agents on multiple charges, including theft of government property for allegedly stealing a police riot shield and bulletproof vest, the source said.

Mostofsky, who is the son of Shlomo Mostofsky, a Supreme Court judge and a prominent figure in the Orthodox Jewish community, was photographed with both items.

Video circulating on Twitter following Mostofsky’s arrest shows FBI agents swarming the home and carting out what appeared to be the fur pelts and walking stick he had on him during the insurrection.

His politics? According to this report, registered Democrat.

Rush to judgment on Trump? Multiple leftists arrested for Capitol riot

4. Here are the Trump supporters:

5. How soon can I expect your change in your avi to "Lying Fool"?????
Watch how deftly I prove my description of you, fool and liar.
You simply aren't good enough to even come close.
1. Can you name which of the 700 political prisoners has been charged with insurrection?
Not a one. "Insurrection" is both a criminal charge AND an Event Descriptor.

It is entirely possible for one to participate in an Insurrection yet be charged with rioting or assault or even criminal trespass.

That one was so easy to deflect that made me smile over your silly amateur-hour assault.

Like I said... brain-dead trailer-trash... :cool:

2. Here are Trump's exact words:
"As are those who continue to support him after his assault on Congress and the Constitution on January 6th...

NPR reported Trump's actual words on that day, proving you a scummy liar:
That doesn't prove diddly-squat, you twit.

Trump spoke MANY words that day... belching-up one quote that seems (and fails) to support your position isn't even a decent opening gambit.

As for the rest of your Krazy Kornspiracy Klown theories re: BLM and AntiFa and the rest... nobody living outside your trailer park believes a word of it.
You simply aren't good enough to even come close.

Not a one. "Insurrection" is both a criminal charge AND an Event Descriptor.

It is entirely possible for one to participate in an Insurrection yet be charged with rioting or assault or even criminal trespass.

That one was so easy to deflect that made me smile over your silly amateur-hour assault.

Like I said... brain-dead trailer-trash... :cool:

That doesn't prove diddly-squat, you twit.

Trump spoke MANY words that day... belching-up one quote that seems (and fails) to support your position isn't even a decent opening gambit.

As for the rest of your Krazy Kornspiracy Klown theories re: BLM and AntiFa and the rest... nobody living outside your trailer park believes a word of it.

The custard pie I smashed in your ugly kisser......don't wipe it off.....it's an improvement.

Readers will certainly recognize you in your new avi, "Lying Fool."

Get to it.
The custard pie I smashed in your ugly kisser......don't wipe it off.....it's an improvement.

Readers will certainly recognize you in your new avi, "Lying Fool."

Get to it.
You're ubiquitous but you're a true lightweight tutored in the "If you can't convince 'em with facts then baffle 'em with bull$hit" school...

And nowadays you're channeling the Ghost of Joseph Goebbels in practicing The Big Lie precept...

Your attack-dog tactics aren't even on-par with those of a junior-high after-school debate-club wonk...

And you aren't fooling anybody outside of your trailer park...

Your ego is writing checks that your mind simply cannot cash...

Wake me up when you learn how to stay on-topic without the ad hominems, Bluto... :auiqs.jpg:
imagine if Obama sent a violent mob of blacks to DC after Trump got elected, would you want Obama to get voted in again?
well there were violent mobs in DC after trump got elected…of all races…not sure obama sent them there, but certainly they were encouraged by the dems

with that said, not sure the relevenace here…trump didn’t send anyone inside the capital
You're ubiquitous but you're a true lightweight tutored in the "If you can't convince 'em with facts then baffle 'em with bull$hit" school...

And nowadays you're channeling the Ghost of Joseph Goebbels in practicing The Big Lie precept...

Your attack-dog tactics aren't even on-par with those of a junior-high after-school debate-club wonk...

And you aren't fooling anybody outside of your trailer park...

Your ego is writing checks that your mind simply cannot cash...

Wake me up when you learn how to stay on-topic without the ad hominems, Bluto... :auiqs.jpg:

Having spent these several posts proving you a liar.....perhaps I neglected the proof that you are a fool.
Let me remedy that immediately.

Over the last handful of years, which of these lies did you swallow whole???

Democrats lie about everything….on what basis would any of their fabricated data be considered valid???
Here the prism through which every Democrat pronouncement should be viewed: First collusion, collusion, collusion, Russia, Russia, Russia, Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction. Racist, Racist, Racist, Impeach, Impeach, Impeach, Recession, Recession, Recession, Emoluments, 25th amendment, “HandsUpDon’tShoot,”Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the Kavanaugh hoax, the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, impeachment, coronavirus ‘hoax,’ General Flynn perjury trap, no evidence of voter fraud in the stolen election.....and “More than 50 former intelligence officials signed a letter casting doubt on the provenance of a New York Post story on the former vice president's son."

Don’t forget the Democrats told you that Trump was colluding with Russia…and that wasn’t true. They also told you that so was Naval Academy grad Carter Page and so was George Papadopoulos and so was General Michael Flynn, a three star general and former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency….and all of that was a lie. How stupid must one be to keep believing what they say?
...and, and that ‘armed insurrection’ that never occurred, and AOC lying about her near-death experience in the Capitol Riots.....when she wasn't even in the Capitol. And, of course the 275 Democrat inspired riots were ‘mostly peaceful.’

And that Biden voters as agents provocateur weren't behind the Capitol Riot.....and that Pelosi knew and refused to allow extra security. They lie about everything.......yet Democrat voters are, ready to swallow the next lie.

And that the Wuhan Red Death did not come from a Chinese Communist lab that got its funding via Dr. Fauci, and its purpose was to remove Trump….

FakeStories: Three years of Russian Collusion stories; altering documents at the DoJ and FBI to railroad political opponents; the state media burying the Hunter Biden Scandal what with Joe getting 10% of the bribes; stories about Kavanaugh rape parties, and Covington Catholic School; Carter Page working for Russia when he was actually working for the CIA….where were those ‘fact checkers’? The great lie that there was an ‘insurrection’ January 6th. The lie that it was Republicans who wanted to defund the police. The lie that Critical Race Theory wasn’t being ta,00ught. The lie that 600,000 died from the Wuhan Red Death.
What should you do when they lied to you at least these 30 times already???????????

Democrats claimed it was Republicans who demanded defunding the police, AOC claimed ten people were killed Jan6th, Ilhan Omar blames the police for crime, they claimed that CRT wasn’t being taught in government school, men can become pregnant, and MAGA fans attacked Jussie Smollett,….

  • Brett Kavanaugh — Serial Rapist
  • President Michael Avenatti
  • The Covington KKKids Hoax
  • Hands Up, Don’t Shoot
  • George Zimmerman
  • Mostly Peaceful Black Lives Matter Riots
  • The Russia Collusion Hoax
  • Antifa Stormed the Beaches on D-Day
  • Cuomo (D-NY): King of Coronavirus Competence
  • The Clearing of Lafayette Square Hoax
  • The Lab Leak Theory Has Been Debunked Hoax
  • The Russians Are Behind Hunter’s Laptop Hoax
  • The Russian Bounty Hoax
  • The Capitol Police Officer Killed with a Fire Extinguisher Hoax
  • The Very Fine People Hoax
  • Men Can Magically Transform into Women
  • And on and on and on
…what is the point of watching any corporate media outlet? All they do is lie. Even if you are an NPR wine mom, you do not want to be serially lied to.
The era of corporate media influence is ending thanks to the over the top bias, and that should be good for the future. Americans are rebelling against these exposed frauds, and 2022 should be a turning point."
Mark Simone 710

Now follow my instruction and change your avi to "Lying Fool," and be quick about it.
Last edited:
well there were violent mobs in DC after trump got elected…of all races…not sure obama sent them there, but certainly they were encouraged by the dems

with that said, not sure the relevenace here…trump didn’t send anyone inside the capital
according to them..


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