Jan 6 committee may hold "prime time" hearings

Purely political move, the Dems need to make the most of this because they are facing a rough November and need to do some grandstanding. I will read about it, but won’t watch it at all, so either way I am fine.
Yeah, I don't know if this is a great idea.

On one hand, the committee must think, based on the evidence it has gathered to date, that it can effectively put the screws to key Jan 6 players, and it wants to do so in front of as many American eyes (in "prime time", like a reality show) as possible. I can see that. Maybe.

But on the other hand, we've all seen a zillion times how politicians use this opportunity for endless tedious grandstanding, preening and posing. That will turn people off and they'll go straight to "Dancing with the Stars". And wouldn't this effect the testimony of the witnesses in some way?

I dunno. What would this look like?

Or they have simply drunk the Flavor-aid and think this is actually a good idea for them and the Democratic Party in general.

In my view:

I don't want to even allow myself to dream of that.

But they'd still find a way to screw it up, I suspect.
I think in a TV/Social Media age they need the video to go with the story..

The way I see it, if tv cameras were allowed into the court room when Rudy and Sidney had to admit there was no evidence of voter fraud the narrative would have been different..

Every claim on vote fraud on every TV show would video of himself saying the opposite in court...

Prime Time will be saved for the big players and damning evidence... Democrats could be smart and leave it to the Republican's and advocate(one very famous lawyer out of this) to do the questioning..

Trump News outlets will be ignoring it as much as possible...

But lets be clear when Trump takes the stand it will be box office for both sides...
But lets be clear when Trump takes the stand it will be box office for both sides...
I'd be stunned to see him there, but I'd sure as hell be watching. Couldn't miss that.

I saw one guy comparing it to the Watergate hearings, and I don't see that at all. That was before cable news and the internet and social media. That many people watched only because there was no other choice.

Overall, I just suspect that any of them who thinks would be a slam dunk is fooling themselves.
I think in a TV/Social Media age they need the video to go with the story..

The way I see it, if tv cameras were allowed into the court room when Rudy and Sidney had to admit there was no evidence of voter fraud the narrative would have been different..

Every claim on vote fraud on every TV show would video of himself saying the opposite in court...

Prime Time will be saved for the big players and damning evidence... Democrats could be smart and leave it to the Republican's and advocate(one very famous lawyer out of this) to do the questioning..

Trump News outlets will be ignoring it as much as possible...

But lets be clear when Trump takes the stand it will be box office for both sides...
I'm a little at a loss as to what they think they are going to ask Trump as a "gotcha" question? If they had a smoking gun directly linking Trump to anything associated with what happened on Jan 6, we would already know about it I would think. If you haul him in and everyone is watching but you don't have a kill shot... The Republicans made this same mistake with Hilary. They had her dead to rights on the email server debacle, hauled her into Congress but didn't have the goods or weren't willing to use them. Either way she was better off politically after that hearing than before it.
Yeah, I don't know if this is a great idea.

On one hand, the committee must think, based on the evidence it has gathered to date, that it can effectively put the screws to key Jan 6 players, and it wants to do so in front of as many American eyes (in "prime time", like a reality show) as possible. I can see that. Maybe.

But on the other hand, we've all seen a zillion times how politicians use this opportunity for endless tedious grandstanding, preening and posing. That will turn people off and they'll go straight to "Dancing with the Stars". And wouldn't this effect the testimony of the witnesses in some way?

I dunno. What would this look like?

Jan 6 committee may hold "prime time" hearings​

Please do….Independents, moderates / swing voters gotta see the circus.
Great idea. The hearings should be held in prime time. Only those fearful of what will be uncovered will object.
Yeah, I don't know if this is a great idea.

On one hand, the committee must think, based on the evidence it has gathered to date, that it can effectively put the screws to key Jan 6 players, and it wants to do so in front of as many American eyes (in "prime time", like a reality show) as possible. I can see that. Maybe.

But on the other hand, we've all seen a zillion times how politicians use this opportunity for endless tedious grandstanding, preening and posing. That will turn people off and they'll go straight to "Dancing with the Stars". And wouldn't this effect the testimony of the witnesses in some way?

I dunno. What would this look like?

1/6 has become Big Left's latest histrionic holiday. Are you going to wear blue to cheer on your team as they humiliate themselves?
Yeah, I don't know if this is a great idea.

On one hand, the committee must think, based on the evidence it has gathered to date, that it can effectively put the screws to key Jan 6 players, and it wants to do so in front of as many American eyes (in "prime time", like a reality show) as possible. I can see that. Maybe.

But on the other hand, we've all seen a zillion times how politicians use this opportunity for endless tedious grandstanding, preening and posing. That will turn people off and they'll go straight to "Dancing with the Stars". And wouldn't this effect the testimony of the witnesses in some way?

I dunno. What would this look like?

Just like the Mueller show, this will be Democrat's Jan 6th show and they will play it to the hilt for maximum political advantage and they will steer the whole thing in the direction they want to steer it. It's no coincidence that they plan on releasing their findings just before the midterms.
Yeah, I don't know if this is a great idea.

On one hand, the committee must think, based on the evidence it has gathered to date, that it can effectively put the screws to key Jan 6 players, and it wants to do so in front of as many American eyes (in "prime time", like a reality show) as possible. I can see that. Maybe.

But on the other hand, we've all seen a zillion times how politicians use this opportunity for endless tedious grandstanding, preening and posing. That will turn people off and they'll go straight to "Dancing with the Stars". And wouldn't this effect the testimony of the witnesses in some way?

I dunno. What would this look like?

This is all the Dims have left. Sad. :( Plus, CNN is being beaten in the ratings by reruns of Family Feud and Hallmark Channel Quilting shows.

The Dim media has to talk about something. They sure as hell don't want to talk about potato head Joe Biden.
1/6 has become Big Left's latest histrionic holiday. Are you going to wear blue to cheer on your team as they humiliate themselves?
The thing is; these whacks are such low-end human beings…Remember, abortions are cool, chicks with dicks should shit next to your nine year old daughter, police suck, criminals are awesome….you can’t humiliate the shameless.
The most important question - the media has purposefully ignored....

There are 2,300 capital police officers whose only job is to protect Washington, DC Federal Buildings.
Yeah, I don't know if this is a great idea.

On one hand, the committee must think, based on the evidence it has gathered to date, that it can effectively put the screws to key Jan 6 players, and it wants to do so in front of as many American eyes (in "prime time", like a reality show) as possible. I can see that. Maybe.

But on the other hand, we've all seen a zillion times how politicians use this opportunity for endless tedious grandstanding, preening and posing. That will turn people off and they'll go straight to "Dancing with the Stars". And wouldn't this effect the testimony of the witnesses in some way?

I dunno. What would this look like?

I hope they play the clown show for as many people to see as possible.
The most important question - the media has purposefully ignored....

There are 2,300 capital police officers whose only job is to protect Washington, DC Federal Buildings.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi was in-charge of security for the Capital Building on 1/6.
Trump offered her the National Guard for added security, she refused it.
The FBI warned her, she ignored their warning.
Homeland Security warned her of potential violence, she ignored them too.

(Who was the 3rd agency that warned Nancy??? Trump at the WH?)

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