Jan 6 committee may hold "prime time" hearings

Grampa Murked U
Yup and that's exactly what it is. They should be taking Sullivan and Epps to task along with Pelousy. Hope no one holds their breath for that.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi was in-charge of security for the Capital Building on 1/6.
Trump offered her the National Guard for added security, she refused it.
The FBI warned her, she ignored their warning.
Homeland Security warned her of potential violence, she ignored them too.

(Who was the 3rd agency that warned Nancy??? Trump at the WH?)

I agree and great post. They should be talking to Sullivan and Epps under oath and Pelousy. The lefty loons keep screaming insurrection and a coup attempt. I just LMAO at their stupidity.

How the hell did CNN and NBC know anything was going to happen that day. They paid Sullivan 70 grand to be there. Officials from those news agencies should be spoken to as well.

Loads of shady shit happened that day and is sure wasn't and insurrection or a coup attempt. Good Lord. Anyone believing that shit is dumber that dirt.
Great idea. The hearings should be held in prime time. Only those fearful of what will be uncovered will object.
You have to admit, though, they have a pretty good system worked out:

Any news or evidence they don't like will be "fake news". If anyone is convicted of anything, they'll be "innocent patriots" who have been "victimized" by the "deep state commies".

A great strategy for keeping the rabble fired up and donating. Win-win.
You have to admit, though, they have a pretty good system worked out:

Any news or evidence they don't like will be "fake news". If anyone is convicted of anything, they'll be "innocent patriots" who have been "victimized" by the "deep state commies".

A great strategy for keeping the rabble fired up and donating. Win-win.
This clown show has no authority to try or convict anyone, Dipsqueeze.
Yeah, I don't know if this is a great idea.

On one hand, the committee must think, based on the evidence it has gathered to date, that it can effectively put the screws to key Jan 6 players, and it wants to do so in front of as many American eyes (in "prime time", like a reality show) as possible. I can see that. Maybe.

But on the other hand, we've all seen a zillion times how politicians use this opportunity for endless tedious grandstanding, preening and posing. That will turn people off and they'll go straight to "Dancing with the Stars". And wouldn't this effect the testimony of the witnesses in some way?

I dunno. What would this look like?


More Kabuki Theater

Why am I not surprised that people fall for this bullshit?
You have to admit, though, they have a pretty good system worked out:

Any news or evidence they don't like will be "fake news". If anyone is convicted of anything, they'll be "innocent patriots" who have been "victimized" by the "deep state commies".

A great strategy for keeping the rabble fired up and donating. Win-win.
Trumpists can spin but they can't hide. That is why we need to shine a light into the dark crevices of the insurrection. The nation needs to see the hearings as the truth unfolds.
Trumpists can spin but they can't hide. That is why we need to shine a light into the dark crevices of the insurrection. The nation needs to see the hearings as the truth unfolds.
Assuming that crimes are found, and we aren't there yet, what concerns me is what got Trump elected in the first place: Does the nation really give a shit, or are our standards so damaged and decrepit now that most just don't care?
You have to admit, though, they have a pretty good system worked out:

Any news or evidence they don't like will be "fake news". If anyone is convicted of anything, they'll be "innocent patriots" who have been "victimized" by the "deep state commies".

A great strategy for keeping the rabble fired up and donating. Win-win.
They all have an interest in keeping us at each other's throats.

This is going to be a bunch of grandstanding to accomplish just that very thing.

Kabuki Theater

Here we go.
Assuming that crimes are found, and we aren't there yet, what concerns me is what got Trump elected in the first place: Does the nation really give a shit, or are our standards so damaged and decrepit now that most just don't care?
The Duopoly has given us nothing but shit for so long, we will vote for ANYBODY who bucks the system, qualified or not. Enough is enough.
Trumpists can spin but they can't hide. That is why we need to shine a light into the dark crevices of the insurrection. The nation needs to see the hearings as the truth unfolds.
You can't see the truth when only one party has any power. Its a partisan JOKE, a SHAM, fake news, a lie fest, etc.

What do you say about?
Speaker Nancy Pelosi was in-charge of security for the Capital Building on 1/6.
Trump offered her the National Guard for added security, she refused it.
The FBI warned her, she ignored their warning.
Homeland Security warned her of potential violence, she ignored them too.
Assuming that crimes are found, and we aren't there yet, what concerns me is what got Trump elected in the first place: Does the nation really give a shit, or are our standards so damaged and decrepit now that most just don't care?
For the majority of Trumpers, St. Peter can come down from heaven and reveal the truth and if he goes against them, they will say it fake news. Nothing you can do about this 35% of the population.

It will be the other 65% that the hearings may have an affect. The question is not whether charges are brought as a result of the hearings, but what is uncovered. We have to get to the truth.
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You can't see the truth when only one party has any power. Its a partisan JOKE, a SHAM, fake news, a lie fest, etc.

What do you say about?
Speaker Nancy Pelosi was in-charge of security for the Capital Building on 1/6.
Trump offered her the National Guard for added security, she refused it.
The FBI warned her, she ignored their warning.
Homeland Security warned her of potential violence, she ignored them too.
That is why a live hearing should be aired in prime time. We can all watch it together.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi was in-charge of security for the Capital Building on 1/6.
Trump offered her the National Guard for added security, she refused it.
The FBI warned her, she ignored their warning.
Homeland Security warned her of potential violence, she ignored them too.

(Who was the 3rd agency that warned Nancy??? Trump at the WH?)
New York State Police
You have to admit, though, they have a pretty good system worked out:

Any news or evidence they don't like will be "fake news". If anyone is convicted of anything, they'll be "innocent patriots" who have been "victimized" by the "deep state commies".

A great strategy for keeping the rabble fired up and donating. Win-win.
Sort of like how you and the media continue to ignore the incredible failure to not place capital police at the Capital building???
Despite three warnings days ahead - they not only did not beef up security, but as reported actually had LESS on duty than usual. Not more?
How you guys keep ignoring the fact that there are 2,300 capital police officers... yet only a small crew was there to protect Congress IN SESSION while there was known large protest en route - when the FBI and the NY State Police reported to them the day before that there was a lot of social media post about "storming the Capital".... THEY IGNORED ALL OF IT.

Yeah, I don't know if this is a great idea.

On one hand, the committee must think, based on the evidence it has gathered to date, that it can effectively put the screws to key Jan 6 players, and it wants to do so in front of as many American eyes (in "prime time", like a reality show) as possible. I can see that. Maybe.

But on the other hand, we've all seen a zillion times how politicians use this opportunity for endless tedious grandstanding, preening and posing. That will turn people off and they'll go straight to "Dancing with the Stars". And wouldn't this effect the testimony of the witnesses in some way?

I dunno. What would this look like?


Snooze fest

ZOMG!! Maybe they'll impeach Trump -- AGAIN!

You got him this time!!

Steal an election and still this fucking bored with their lives. What an awesome way for the democrats to end, cheating and conspiring with the CCP
Sort of like how you and the media continue to ignore the incredible failure to not place capital police at the Capital building???
Despite three warnings days ahead - they not only did not beef up security, but as reported actually had LESS on duty than usual. Not more?
How you guys keep ignoring the fact that there are 2,300 capital police officers... yet only a small crew was there to protect Congress IN SESSION while there was known large protest en route - when the FBI and the NY State Police reported to them the day before that there was a lot of social media post about "storming the Capital".... THEY IGNORED ALL OF IT.


Nancy will be called into to testify or maybe face a Military tribunal?
I could imagine them boring everyone to tears within 30 minutes.
We have to get to the truth.
One of the above could be right.
The other absolutely....is.

I'm thinking 'Watergate'.
After all the AP poll recently released found that 70% of Americans believe Don Trump bears responsibility for what happened on January 6th.

Now, I don't know the Republican or Democrat members of the Select Committe well. I haven't followed their careers. Cheney, obviously, is getting the most press. But Representative Cheney has been a hard-core conservative Republican all of her life.....and has the voting record and endorsements to prove it. So there is that.

Maybe she will emerge as the camera-candy and be able to break through the "boring" that poster Mac imagines. Maybe someone else will?
But who knows how these high stakes, high attention events will go?

I'm thinking Watergate.
And I'm thinking ---- who ever heard of Sam Ervin or Howard Baker before the hearings.
But they went down in history as ........... the good guys.
And Dick Nixon as a bad guy.
What did the President know....and when did he know it?

Yupper, could be deja vu'?
All over again.

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