Jan 6 committee may hold "prime time" hearings

Fort Fun Indiana
Nothing insane about it. Pelousy was in charge of security and refused all help. The Captain of the Capital police requested help five times and was refused five times.

If that sounds insane to you then guess who's insane. It sure ain't me.
Her goal was to let things escalate as much as possible, with as much damage as possible, because she figured it would make Trump look bad.

It‘s the same reason that the liberal mayors wouldn’t take Trump’s offer of The National Guard to squash the violent BLM and ANTIFA animals who were setting their cities on fire. They were hoping an America out of control would make Trump look bad.

It‘s the same reason that Cuomo sent innocent old folks, infected with COVID, into nursing home rather than make use of the medical ship Trump sent. That Dem would prefer to send the ship back unused, even if it meant killing thousands of innocent Americans, than to make Trump look good.

The Dems are so evil that they would rather see Americans die than lose an election.
It’s a show trial alright. Reminiscent of trials by the old USSR. If only they hadn’t been so corrupt for so many decades, we could have faith in what they do.
I would think that people in our nation would be aware of this. But they are not. At least commies who became leaders in other nations fought in the front lines.
Of course that's why she's having this ridiculous investigation of 1/6. The FBI already investigated and found no signs of a coup or insurrection on that day.

Pelousy should be questioned along with Sullivan and Epps.
Of course that's why she's having this ridiculous investigation of 1/6. The FBI already investigated and found no signs of a coup or insurrection on that day.

Pelousy should be questioned along with Sullivan and Epps.
Absolutely. And thats why real Republicans need to be able questions, too. Not a railroad job by the left, putting on a show for gullible morons.
Fort Fun Indiana
Nothing insane about it. Pelousy was in charge of security and refused all help. The Captain of the Capital police requested help five times and was refused five times.

If that sounds insane to you then guess who's insane. It sure ain't me.
Completely insane. Cult fantasy. Not one person outside of your cult buys into any of that, and half of you cultists that say you do are lying your asses off.
What would Liz Cheney be if she wasn't Dick's daughter? Hint: n/a

"Conservatism" is dead. Those globalist shills (Romney, Bush, Cheney, the Never-Trumpers) sold US workers out, and sent us off to the ME wars while moving US factories to China. So if you think we are "conservatives" you're wrong.

Trump started the "Conservative-Populist" movement that attracted many democrat workers who like the America-First policies of Trump. So being Republican is not fealty to Trump, its fealty to his America-First policies.

So you're saying that because you finally figured out the traditional Republicans couldn't care less about working Americans, you decided to support a psychopathic narcissistic globalist spoiled brat with a history of scamming everyone he's ever done business with - including working Americans.

The Democratic Party has long supported working class Americans. Most were against NAFTA and against trade agreements with China. Clinton was an exception to those policies (he was a fiscal conservative).

The Democrats may be far from perfect, but supporting Trump or believing that Trump could give a damn about working Americans is just plain silly.

The Traditional Republican was bad, but Trump is more like a traditional Republican on steroids than any kind of hero of the working class - YOU'VE BEEN DUP'D!!!!!
Dont Protest Against Us message in prime time. That will cut two ways so put your insipid hoaxing on TV for All to decide
Yeah, I don't know if this is a great idea.

On one hand, the committee must think, based on the evidence it has gathered to date, that it can effectively put the screws to key Jan 6 players, and it wants to do so in front of as many American eyes (in "prime time", like a reality show) as possible. I can see that. Maybe.

But on the other hand, we've all seen a zillion times how politicians use this opportunity for endless tedious grandstanding, preening and posing. That will turn people off and they'll go straight to "Dancing with the Stars". And wouldn't this effect the testimony of the witnesses in some way?

I dunno. What would this look like?

The American people have the right to hear & see first hand & live from these charactors who were involved in the coup attempt. The hearings may be the most important ones Congress has ever held.

If the right wing bedwetters don't like it they can always watch reruns of the Beverly Hillbillies.
Libbies hate police Except this time and hate buildings of authority except this time and hate incarceration Except This Time!
Cannot possibly be more insincere, disingenuous and hypocritical



I'm thinking 'Watergate'.
After all the AP poll recently released found that 70% of Americans believe Don Trump bears responsibility for what happened on January 6th.
Im trying to figure out what piece of evidence 70% of Americans have seen that I haven't that have led them to this conclusion. There isn't really even smoke let alone fire. Maybe Im missing some huge bomb shell that makes that connection but I find that hard to believe.
The American people have the right to hear & see first hand & live from these charactors who were involved in the coup attempt. The hearings may be the most important ones Congress has ever held.

If the right wing bedwetters don't like it they can always watch reruns of the Beverly Hillbillies.
I certainly agree that we need to have the whole story, front to back, top to bottom.

My concern is the natural impulse of politicians, which is to put their own professional interests first. In this context, that usually includes ridiculous grandstanding and tedious hyperbolizing, which can subtract from the effect they're after.
Trump ain't got the balls to show up in person. Personally, I hope he does so they can nail his lying ass on a perjury rap.

If he ever testifies in person under oath... one of three things will happen.

1. It will be an "I don't remember" fest
2. He'll perjure himself.
3. He'll plead the fifth.
So you're saying that because you finally figured out the traditional Republicans couldn't care less about working Americans, you decided to support a psychopathic narcissistic globalist spoiled brat with a history of scamming everyone he's ever done business with - including working Americans.

The Democratic Party has long supported working class Americans. Most were against NAFTA and against trade agreements with China. Clinton was an exception to those policies (he was a fiscal conservative).

The Democrats may be far from perfect, but supporting Trump or believing that Trump could give a damn about working Americans is just plain silly.

The Traditional Republican was bad, but Trump is more like a traditional Republican on steroids than any kind of hero of the working class - YOU'VE BEEN DUP'D!!!!!
NAFTA was a bipartisan mistake

Bill Clinton and AlGore were all in and so were many republicans

the main opposition along with the unions was billionaire Ross Perot
Breaking news: The nation yawns at the Dems Jan 6th theatre. Now back to sky high gas and food prices, out of control Covid and millions of illegals pouring across our southern border.
You just love to talk about inflation to distract from what your Orange Ape God & his goons were up to after the election, right Skippy?

Keep thinking that the American people don't care if it makes you feel better.

They will be the most watched hearings in history. And you can bank on that, Ace.
If he ever testifies in person under oath... one of three things will happen.

1. It will be an "I don't remember" fest
2. He'll perjure himself.
3. He'll plead the fifth.
I agree. He will take a page directly out of the Hillary Clinton playbook. He would be smart to do so. She was much stronger from a political standpoint after those hearings than before IMO. The average person who isnt all that interested in this kind of thing assumed she was vindicated/exonerated since she went to testify, and nothing came of it. Im not sure there is all that much to gain by remembering anything in that context. If you misremember something or are off even a little bit they can hammer you with perjury or at least make hay about it. What's the upside to answering anything other than I don't recall?
The American people have the right to hear & see first hand & live from these charactors who were involved in the coup attempt. The hearings may be the most important ones Congress has ever held.

If the right wing bedwetters don't like it they can always watch reruns of the Beverly Hillbillies.
I say bring on the next Nazi Pelousy Shitshow. They are always good for a laugh.
If he ever testifies in person under oath... one of three things will happen.

1. It will be an "I don't remember" fest
2. He'll perjure himself.
3. He'll plead the fifth.
1. It will be an "I don't remember" fest

More commonly known as the Hitlery Gambit.

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