Jan 6 committee may hold "prime time" hearings

I'd imagine it would be weird for them, hearing much of this stuff for the first time. It's pretty clear that most of what is already out has been kept from them. To no surprise. No doubt they'll just dismiss it as fake news, as they are conditioned to do.
You watch it for us and report back
Yeah who is terrified?

1, Few people are going to watch
2. Those that do will see nothing new
3. If you stab at the "king" you better kill him.
The "king" is already dead. Trump is nothing but an avatar for his nauseating cult, at this point. Chauncey Gardner, but with no morals, ethics, or humanity.
Their playbook is so transparent that even an American on a 5th grade reading level can see through it!
I could go to Vegas and bet the house that President Trump will be able to run for office again. Or even be the next Speaker of the House. That would be a side bet, though.
I could go to Vegas and bet the house that President Trump will be able to run for office again. Or even be the next Speaker of the House. That would be a side bet, though.
Of course. We are a country of starfuckers and celebrity cultists. We don't hold our presidents accountable for anything. We have People-magazined ourselves into a banana republic.
I could go to Vegas and bet the house that President Trump will be able to run for office again. Or even be the next Speaker of the House. That would be a side bet, though.

Here's a novel idea.
Maybe the Dimm's could do a re-set on their policies making them more attractive to Americans and find someone to primary Sippy Cup?

On 2nd thought, that is an unclimbable mountain already at this point!
Of course. We are a country of starfuckers and celebrity cultists. We don't hold our presidents accountable for anything. We have People-magazined ourselves into a banana republic.
Ugh no, you are the enabler towards division. For which is why the country is going through the Biden Depression. My point is that President Trump will be able to run again. Does that have you triggered?
Ugh no, you are the enabler towards division. For which is why the country is going through the Biden Depression. My point is that President Trump will be able to run again. Does that have you triggered?
Yes, cult crybaby, I directly addressed that point. Wipe away the tears, re-read.

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