Jan 6 committee may hold "prime time" hearings

"Im trying to figure out what piece of evidence 70% of Americans have seen that I haven't that have led them to this conclusion."

That is a relevant observation.
Accordingly, I would refer back to poster JohnLaw's trenchant wisdom in post #51 vis-a-vis televised hearings.

" We have to get to the truth."

Hence, a fulsome televised exposition of the Select Committee's investigation.
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Libbies hate police Except this time and hate buildings of authority except this time and hate incarceration Except This Time!
Cannot possibly be more insincere, disingenuous and hypocritical
Yup. They were pro-police for a few hours. Then it was right back to vilifying them.
If he ever testifies in person under oath... one of three things will happen.

1. It will be an "I don't remember" fest
2. He'll perjure himself.
3. He'll plead the fifth.
He'll try to bully his way thru it with his big mouth like he tried in the debate because he thinks he's the smartest guy in the room. But he won't show because the poor thing knows that Liz Cheney especially is going to nail his ass to the wall & won't take any of his shit.
Yeah, I don't know if this is a great idea.

On one hand, the committee must think, based on the evidence it has gathered to date, that it can effectively put the screws to key Jan 6 players, and it wants to do so in front of as many American eyes (in "prime time", like a reality show) as possible. I can see that. Maybe.

But on the other hand, we've all seen a zillion times how politicians use this opportunity for endless tedious grandstanding, preening and posing. That will turn people off and they'll go straight to "Dancing with the Stars". And wouldn't this effect the testimony of the witnesses in some way?

I dunno. What would this look like?

Doubt they would go primetime for individual grandstanding and speechifying.

I'd assume they have some big bombs to drop and want the largest possible audience for an unfiltered view.

The unfiltered view is important because all news sources will provide their own filter.
He'll try to bully his way thru it with his big mouth like he tried in the debate because he thinks he's the smartest guy in the room. But he won't show because the poor thing knows that Liz Cheney especially is going to nail his ass to the wall & won't take any of his shit.

He'll never, ever, answer questions in person under oath. He's physically unable to tell the truth.
Yeah, I don't know if this is a great idea.

Read your thread.
They're terrified of a primetime show.
They are absolutely dependent on the OANN/FAUX/NEWSWHAX et al., view and terrified of seeing the unfiltered truth.

Prime Time it is!

That is a relevant observation.
Accordingly, I would refer back to poster JohnLaw's trenchant wisdom in post #51 vis-a-vis televised hearings.

Hence, a fulsome televised exposition of the Select Committee's investigation.
That's fine though I find it hard to believe that 10% let alone 70% are going to actually watch them so Im not sure that they would solve the issue. The vast majority of people are going to get their info about the hearings through an intermediary.
Read your thread.
They're terrified of a primetime show.
They are absolutely dependent on the OANN/FAUX/NEWSWHAX et al., view and terrified of seeing the unfiltered truth.

Prime Time it is!
Which posters would that be?
Read your thread.
They're terrified of a primetime show.
They are absolutely dependent on the OANN/FAUX/NEWSWHAX et al., view and terrified of seeing the unfiltered truth.

Prime Time it is!
Yeah who is terrified?

1, Few people are going to watch
2. Those that do will see nothing new
3. If you stab at the "king" you better kill him.
The January 6 insurrection hoax!


Read your thread.
They're terrified of a primetime show.
They are absolutely dependent on the OANN/FAUX/NEWSWHAX et al., view and terrified of seeing the unfiltered truth.

Prime Time it is!
I'd imagine it would be weird for them, hearing much of this stuff for the first time. It's pretty clear that most of what is already out has been kept from them. To no surprise. No doubt they'll just dismiss it as fake news, as they are conditioned to do.
1. It will be an "I don't remember" fest

More commonly known as the Hitlery Gambit.
She testified for hours. And she dragged hacks like Billy Goat Trey Gowdy around that hearing room for hours.

It was a sight to behold.
"That's fine though I find it hard to believe that 10% let alone 70% are going to actually watch them so Im not sure that they would solve the issue."

Well CP may well be right.
Time and events will tell.

The Watergate Hearings did move the ball down the field.
To Nixon's shame.
Now, I kinda doubt we are gonna see an AlexanderButterfield-moment....where it reveals for the first time, that all of those conversations were taped.
Still, I kinda sorta suspect the Select Committee after all this time, after all these witnesses (and remember there are 4 teams of investigtors helping them)..well, I think they know more now than what they are revealing.

In short, who here is gonna be surprised if a 'scandall'-bomb or two gets dropped by a witnss, or by the Committee itself,
This cake is still baking. And with the anniversary tomorrow ..... the interest is reaching DefCon4 level.
And Garland today publicly commits to huntin' down the perps.

I most certainly wouldn't wanna be one of those perps who is just waiting for the shoe to drop, for Democles sword to fall.

So, in the end, let us really see what role The Dirty Trickster Stone played. Let's see what Gosar, and Gohmert, and Jordan, and Nunes, and Brooks and Rudy and Alex Jones, and Fredo Trump, and others.....let's understand their roles. If they were innocent of wrongdoing....that will out.
I'm a little at a loss as to what they think they are going to ask Trump as a "gotcha" question? If they had a smoking gun directly linking Trump to anything associated with what happened on Jan 6, we would already know about it I would think. If you haul him in and everyone is watching but you don't have a kill shot... The Republicans made this same mistake with Hilary. They had her dead to rights on the email server debacle, hauled her into Congress but didn't have the goods or weren't willing to use them. Either way she was better off politically after that hearing than before it.
If this would happen.
Democrats won't question Trump directly, they will have a advocate doing that... They would yield all there time to him/her... This would look more like a court room drama. Unlike the Hillary which looked terrible, they had little on her and everyone knew this was a common practice for pervious SOS...
The main think that works against Trump is this was all on TV... The crime is on TV, his speech is there, his inaction... There is far less to paint in the the cracks... Trump doesn't look like he would be comfortable under oath. I would expect Trump to claim amnesia on a lot of events but the problem is they can show it all on TV again...
Yeah who is terrified?

1, Few people are going to watch
2. Those that do will see nothing new
3. If you stab at the "king" you better kill him.
Then why have it?

UNLESS...big audience on 4 networks plus every cable news outlet except FAUX and OANN, big bombs to throw....

It is wise to consider "THEM" at least as smart as you.
If YOU were doing this why would YOU go prime time?

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