Jan. 6 GOP Prebuttal

I dodge nothing and I don't care to take barking orders from you.
If you didn't realize the OP is about a "prebuttal" that's your problem.

You posted that because you think it matters when it doesn't, I don't give a shit about the GOP prebuttal because all I look for is a Prosecutable case which this stupid leftist democrats desperate dog and pony show doesn't have.

You are not thinking this through because you focus on the partisan bullshit while I focus on what is prosecutable which the J6 committee and probably DOJ doesn't have or THAT would be the focus this week instead that is the difference between you and me, you seek the bullshit while I seek what is prosecutable.

I predict there will be nothing but a torrent of words from J6 committee and the media but no prosecutable case against Trump will happen.
You posted that because you think it matters when it doesn't, I don't give a shit about the GOP prebuttal because all I look for is a Prosecutable case which this stupid leftist democrats desperate dog and pony show doesn't have.

You are not thinking this through because you focus on the partisan bullshit while I focus on what is prosecutable which the J6 committee and probably DOJ doesn't have or THAT would be the focus this week instead that is the difference between you and me, you seek the bullshit while I seek what is prosecutable.

I predict there will be nothing but a torrent of words from J6 committee and the media but no prosecutable case against Trump will happen.
"I don't give a shit about the GOP prebuttal"

Then find another thread to whine about.
The 'select committee' was selected by Nancy Pelosi. All TDSers, it's nothing but a bullshit kangaroo court. They are desperate to 'make their bones' before November when the Red Wave will kill it. They already tried to prosecute 2 people but the DOJ refused to go along. Cheney said she was 'concerned' that's when they hired ABC to make a fake reality show out of it.
"I don't give a shit about the GOP prebuttal"

Then find another thread to whine about.


You don't give a shit about it either as your replies have convincingly demonstrated your claim not to be a D but ALL of your replies are similar to those of a leftist democrat meaning you are LYING.

From your very first post one:

"IMO I bet FOX News will air what is said by the GOP before the hearings.
And I bet they offer all the post comments. That's like a sandwich with no meat."

Post 9:

"In another thread some of the tards were talking smack about how the committee have pro's producing media.

Can you hear the hypocrisy herd coming?"

Post 15:

You are running scared already. Rub on your magic lantern and tell us all what the committee came up with."

Post 19:

Not a D and you are squirming.


You lied over and over you are a BIG D and I made clear repeatedly why doesn't the DOJ charge Trump with a Prosecutable case you ignore it over and over.

I have correctly pointed out that it is a show and nothing more since they have no power to indict or prosecute anything while the Democrats haven't after TWO YEARS bring up a prosecutable case against Trump or why AG Garland didn't appoint a special Prosecutor to investigate the Capital building riots that briefly disrupted the Certification process it was the OBVIOUS thing to do and he didn't do it.

It is clear you don't realize the dog and pony show is going to make the democrats look like idiots.
Trump, Patel, etc. authorized (on the 4th) to bring in the National Guard because of the number of people coming. The request went to Nancy Pelosi who was more concerned about the food concession being open. She never honored the request. You won't hear that on the fake Jan 6th dog and pony show. I think Pelosi was hoping BLM and Antifa would descend on the Trump rally.
The only "pre-buttal" that the GOP needs to show is that Trump requested 10,000 National Guard troops to keep the peace on J6 and Pelosi and the Mayor said "NO!".
Stop pushing misinformation. It's beneath you.
Jack doesn't need my help in censuring and correcting poor poster 'kyzr'. But....
....but hell, that's never stopped me before.
Here poster kyzr, a quote from Politifacts.
It's a clue that you should check out credible fact-checkers first.
It will make you look like the kind of guy who actually does some homework before making an assertion.

From Politifacts:

  • "There is no evidence that Trump made a request for 10,000 National Guard troops to be deployed for a rally he held that preceded the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.
  • There is no evidence that Pelosi denied such a request."

"Meanwhile why hasn't the DOJ indicted Trump after TWO years of looking for evidence?"
Mi amigo, that drum you beat in any number of threads may resonate more if you establish your own stand-alone thread on it.

Do that, instead of your persistent attempts to hijack other threads. Instead of playing your, seeming, only card....'whataboutism'.

It's beneath you.

You don't give a shit about it either as your replies have convincingly demonstrated your claim not to be a D but ALL of your replies are similar to those of a leftist democrat meaning you are LYING.

From your very first post one:

"IMO I bet FOX News will air what is said by the GOP before the hearings.
And I bet they offer all the post comments. That's like a sandwich with no meat."

Post 9:

"In another thread some of the tards were talking smack about how the committee have pro's producing media.

Can you hear the hypocrisy herd coming?"

Post 15:

You are running scared already. Rub on your magic lantern and tell us all what the committee came up with."

Post 19:

Not a D and you are squirming.


You lied over and over you are a BIG D and I made clear repeatedly why doesn't the DOJ charge Trump with a Prosecutable case you ignore it over and over.

I have correctly pointed out that it is a show and nothing more since they have no power to indict or prosecute anything while the Democrats haven't after TWO YEARS bring up a prosecutable case against Trump or why AG Garland didn't appoint a special Prosecutor to investigate the Capital building riots that briefly disrupted the Certification process it was the OBVIOUS thing to do and he didn't do it.

It is clear you don't realize the dog and pony show is going to make the democrats look like idiots.
Oh BS. You are nothing but a crying baby. Grow the fuck up.
Jack doesn't need my help in censuring and correcting poor poster 'kyzr'. But....
....but hell, that's never stopped me before.
Here poster kyzr, a quote from Politifacts.
It's a clue that you should check out credible fact-checkers first.
It will make you look like the kind of guy who actually does some homework before making an assertion.

From Politifacts:

  • "There is no evidence that Trump made a request for 10,000 National Guard troops to be deployed for a rally he held that preceded the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.
  • There is no evidence that Pelosi denied such a request."


Mi amigo, that drum you beat in any number of threads may resonate more if you establish your own stand-alone thread on it.

Do that, instead of your persistent attempts to hijack other threads. Instead of playing your, seeming, only card....'whataboutism'.

It's beneath you.

LOL, the very first paragraph in the article you didn't read states:

"Republicans are gearing up to offer multiple "prebuttals" on the eve of primetime public hearings by the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol."

The DOJ has charged several of the Proud Boys for their part in the Capital caper thus I am on topic and have several times in the thread stated the Public hearings is a dog and pony show and the GOP prebuttals are a waste of time.



I have correctly pointed out that it is a show and nothing more since they have no power to indict or prosecute anything while the Democrats haven't after TWO YEARS bring up a prosecutable case against Trump or why AG Garland didn't appoint a special Prosecutor to investigate the Capital building riots that briefly disrupted the Certification process it was the OBVIOUS thing to do and he didn't do it.

I bring this very thing up in other J6 threads which also gets ignored because you leftist democrats can't address it.

What I see is that leftist democrats love the useless dog and pony show because that is all you have which is why your leftist dogs roll in the slime.

I prefer that they either drop this partisan dog and pony show bullshit and get serious to pursue a prosecutable case or drop it and go on.
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Except he didn't do that. Stop pushing misinformation. It's beneath you.
OK, one of us is believing FAKE NEWS...
I saw the Hannity show and can verify that Kash Patel swore that Trump requested NG troops.
Mark Milley was in the room
Kash Patel was in the room
Mark meadows was in the room
Trump requested the Troops.

The president, Miller recalled, asked how many troops the Pentagon planned to turn out the following day. “We’re like, ‘We’re going to provide any National Guard support that the District requests,’” Miller responded. “And [Trump] goes, ‘You’re going to need 10,000 people.’ No, I’m not talking bullshit. He said that. And we’re like, ‘Maybe. But you know, someone’s going to have to ask for it.’” At that point Miller remembered the president telling him, “‘You do what you need to do. You do what you need to do.’ He said, ‘You’re going to need 10,000.’ That’s what he said. Swear to God.”

What I don't know is if anyone followed-up on Trump's troop request, but it is one the record that he requested the troops.
Jack doesn't need my help in censuring and correcting poor poster 'kyzr'. But....
....but hell, that's never stopped me before.
Here poster kyzr, a quote from Politifacts.
It's a clue that you should check out credible fact-checkers first.
It will make you look like the kind of guy who actually does some homework before making an assertion.

From Politifacts:

  • "There is no evidence that Trump made a request for 10,000 National Guard troops to be deployed for a rally he held that preceded the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.
  • There is no evidence that Pelosi denied such a request."
Mi amigo, that drum you beat in any number of threads may resonate more if you establish your own stand-alone thread on it.
Do that, instead of your persistent attempts to hijack other threads. Instead of playing your, seeming, only card....'whataboutism'.
It's beneath you.
1. So "politifacts" says that Trump did NOT request NG troops
2. I saw live on Hannity, Kash Patel, Mark Meadows, and Mark Milley were in the room when Trump requested the troops.

So someone is lying. Why doesn't the "committee" find out who is lying?
From the post one article Ok Fine posted but NOT read:

"CNN reported Tuesday that Republicans plan to tell their side of the story before the hearings, which are built upon over 1,000 interviews, thousands of hours of video evidence, and 100,000 pages of documents."

Yet the DOJ still doesn't pursue a prosecution case against Trump with all this stuff plus an additional year of the chance to investigate which is incredible!
From the post one article Ok Fine posted but NOT read:
"CNN reported Tuesday that Republicans plan to tell their side of the story before the hearings, which are built upon over 1,000 interviews, thousands of hours of video evidence, and 100,000 pages of documents."
Yet the DOJ still doesn't pursue a prosecution case against Trump with all this stuff plus an additional year of the chance to investigate which is incredible!
What "crime" did Trump commit?
What evidence do you have?
I prefer that they either drop this partisan dog and pony show bullshit and get serious to pursue a prosecutable case or drop it and go on.
Well, mon ami, let's go for a twofer.
Why not do both?
Have televised hearings so that America can understand what happened, and who was responsible for it happening.
And then, if indictable information is developed........
Well, you can guess the rest.

it is one the record that he requested the troops.
What the poster describes in post #54 is not a request.
More importantly, it is not an order to move troops. Which, by the way, require an order.
And too, there is nothing in post #54 that supports poster kyzer's allegation that Pelosi refused any troops offered by anyone.
What "crime" did Trump commit?
What evidence do you have?

I am pointing out repeatedly that they have had plenty of time to develop a prosecutable case against Trump, but they chose to go with the Dog and Pony show instead that will not settle anything but generate more division and partisanship bullshit.

Since they haven't, I suspect that is WHY they are going public with this divisive crap because they are desperate to smear Trump with a lot of slime.
"Well, mon ami, let's go for a twofer.
Why not do both?
Have televised hearings so that America can understand what happened, and who was responsible for it happening.
And then, if indictable information is developed........
Well, you can guess the rest."

You really think that in just a few hours on daytime TV that most people will not watch can tell us what the Media already spent two years talking about it?

Enjoy the Dog and Pony show and expect the Media to get a hard on predictable hyperbole style over stuff already beaten to death.


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