Jan. 6 GOP Prebuttal

I am pointing out repeatedly that they have had plenty of time to develop a prosecutable case against Trump, but they chose to go with the Dog and Pony show instead that will not settle anything but generate more division and partisanship bullshit.

Since they haven't, I suspect that is WHY they are going public with this divisive crap because they are desperate to smear Trump with a lot of slime.
OMG, one more time, a prosecutable case for WHAT crime? Based on what evidence?
We agree that the "show trial" won't settle anything. Its only purpose is to motivate democrat voters for November.
The only "pre-buttal" that the GOP needs to show is that Trump requested 10,000 National Guard troops to keep the peace on J6 and Pelosi and the Mayor said "NO!".

Keep believing FOX News lies. That's worked so well for you the past 30 years. Your whole country started going into the toilet with FOX News and the other Billionaire Right Wing Media.

This committee is made up of all Democrats and two never Trump Republicans when they did that it lost all credibility with all but the most hyper partisans. I will give anything this committee puts out the same amount of serious consideration the left would give one run by the Republicans in the same fashion that was investigating any high profile Democrat.
Let me break down what's happening here:
1. We know all the facts already
2. We've all seen criminals rush into the capitol building, and we've seen all GOP denounce it, despite the MSM and Democrats lying that they haven't.
3. We all HAVEN'T seen gov't plants at the rally attempting to promote violence, or police peacefully letting people into the capitol building
4. We all SHOULD know that the MSM and Democrats have lied about how many people "died" on that day.

This is all an MSM ploy to aide Democrats in their hopes to temper the 2022 slaughter that's coming, and try to use January 6th and Trump as an excuse to try to smear the GOP. The NYT said the quiet part out loud.

You're supposed to ignore the inflation, the rise in groceries, the rise in gas prices, the arming of terrorists by abandoning Afghanistan, the massive rise in murder rates in cities, the proof of sexualization of children, and the movement to allow third trimester abortions because January 6th was bad.

Yes, that's the play here.
Keep believing FOX News lies. That's worked so well for you the past 30 years. Your whole country started going into the toilet with FOX News and the other Billionaire Right Wing Media.
If you believe FXN lies sue them.
What part of the men in the room said what happened, don't you understand?
Hannity wasn't reading a teleprompter.
He interviewed Kash Patel, Mark Meadows, and Donald Trump.
The only one who wasn't on Hannity "live" was Mark Milley.
Get your neurosis under control.

Typical empty reply because you can't answer this question because deep down you know you are getting snookered by the Dog and Pony to ignore why they are not going to Prosecute Trump which is why you are avoiding the obvious that is called being delusional on your part.

Once again post this which you will ignore over and over because you are in thrall with the dog and pony partisan bullshit.

"CNN reported Tuesday that Republicans plan to tell their side of the story before the hearings, which are built upon over 1,000 interviews, thousands of hours of video evidence, and 100,000 pages of documents."

bolding mine

Yet the DOJ still doesn't pursue a prosecution case against Trump with all this stuff plus an additional year of their own chance to investigate deeply in other areas which is incredible!


Rational people by now can see that the leftist democrats do not have a prosecutable case against Trump.
OMG, one more time, a prosecutable case for WHAT crime? Based on what evidence?
We agree that the "show trial" won't settle anything. Its only purpose is to motivate democrat voters for November.

Sigh, you are not getting the point I keep driving here from the article:

"CNN reported Tuesday that Republicans plan to tell their side of the story before the hearings, which are built upon over 1,000 interviews, thousands of hours of video evidence, and 100,000 pages of documents."

bolding mine


Yet the DOJ still doesn't pursue a prosecution case against Trump with all this stuff plus an additional year of their own chance to investigate deeply in other areas which is incredible!

Rational people by now can see that the leftist democrats do not have a prosecutable case against Trump.

This is why we are getting the Dog and Pony show instead from the J6 Committee.
Typical empty reply because you can't answer this question because deep down you know you are getting snookered by the Dog and Pony to ignore why they are not going to Prosecute Trump which is why you are avoiding the obvious that is called being delusional on your part.

Once again post this which you will ignore over and over because you are in thrall with the dog and pony partisan bullshit.

"CNN reported Tuesday that Republicans plan to tell their side of the story before the hearings, which are built upon over 1,000 interviews, thousands of hours of video evidence, and 100,000 pages of documents."

bolding mine

Yet the DOJ still doesn't pursue a prosecution case against Trump with all this stuff plus an additional year of their own chance to investigate deeply in other areas which is incredible!


Rational people by now can see that the leftist democrats do not have a prosecutable case against Trump.

I think she is rational and you aren't.
View attachment 655255

I think she is rational and you aren't.

I see you have nothing to counter my replies you have reached the bottom of the barrel.

She isn't rational at all and apparently neither are you because you keep ignoring the fact that this is an obvious dog and pony show while you keep evading the obvious why the DOJ isn't going to Prosecute Trump because rational people can see they can't prove Trump planned an attack on the Capital with anyone and the Proud Boys are not connected with Trump at all.

You don't have shit which is why you making dead on arrival replies now.
Typical empty reply because you can't answer this question because deep down you know you are getting snookered by the Dog and Pony to ignore why they are not going to Prosecute Trump which is why you are avoiding the obvious that is called being delusional on your part.

Once again post this which you will ignore over and over because you are in thrall with the dog and pony partisan bullshit.

"CNN reported Tuesday that Republicans plan to tell their side of the story before the hearings, which are built upon over 1,000 interviews, thousands of hours of video evidence, and 100,000 pages of documents."

bolding mine

Yet the DOJ still doesn't pursue a prosecution case against Trump with all this stuff plus an additional year of their own chance to investigate deeply in other areas which is incredible!


Rational people by now can see that the leftist democrats do not have a prosecutable case against Trump.
Agreed, the reason why they decided to use an ABC producer is because the DOJ refused to prosecute 2 'defendants' from their selected by Pelosi kangaroo court-tribunal. Now they have to make a fantasy, not reality, video in order to scam their knuckle-dragging, legacy media informed, Marxist-tool sheeple. They need every vote they can get too. Look for a lot of the dead vote as well. Look, these folks are mortified at the dismal polls of their brain dead POTUS, the more scared they get, the more fantasy they will spew. Count on it.
Agreed, the reason why they decided to use an ABC producer is because the DOJ refused to prosecute 2 'defendants' from their selected by Pelosi kangaroo court-tribunal. Now they have to make a fantasy, not reality, video in order to scam their knuckle-dragging, legacy media informed, Marxist-tool sheeple. They need every vote they can get too. Look for a lot of the dead vote as well. Look, these folks are mortified at the dismal polls of their brain dead POTUS, the more scared they get, the more fantasy they will spew. Count on it.

I really loathe Leftist democrats they are scum, and they don't care of the damage they create as they are mentally ill.
I see you have nothing to counter my replies you have reached the bottom of the barrel.

She isn't rational at all and apparently neither are you because you keep ignoring the fact that this is an obvious dog and pony show while you keep evading the obvious why the DOJ isn't going to Prosecute Trump because rational people can see they can't prove Trump planned an attack on the Capital with anyone and the Proud Boys are not connected with Trump at all.

You don't have shit which is why you making dead on arrival replies now.
Face it you moron, I won't give you what you want.
I really loathe Leftist democrats they are scum, and they don't care of the damage they create as they are mentally ill.
The Democrat Party has been take over by Obama-Marxists. George Soros has funded many State officials including Mayors, Governors and prosecutors through his hard to trace 'foundations' with nice names.
Fox Business is airing the events, you are just lying your ass off again. What a dishonest asshole you are.

Fox Business is, Fox News isn't. There's no lying there.

Wow, look at how freaking triggered you are. Calm down, Trumpster. Have a cookie. Everything will be fine.
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Sigh, you are not getting the point I keep driving here from the article:
"CNN reported Tuesday that Republicans plan to tell their side of the story before the hearings, which are built upon over 1,000 interviews, thousands of hours of video evidence, and 100,000 pages of documents."

bolding mine

Yet the DOJ still doesn't pursue a prosecution case against Trump with all this stuff plus an additional year of their own chance to investigate deeply in other areas which is incredible!
Rational people by now can see that the leftist democrats do not have a prosecutable case against Trump.
This is why we are getting the Dog and Pony show instead from the J6 Committee.
My bad.
First reading I thought you were criticizing the DOJ for not prosecuting Trump.
This panel hasn't come up with anything that doesn't point right back to Democrats so there's really no reason for a rebuttal. Your time would be better spent watching a Disney fantasy or a cartoon.
The only "pre-buttal" that the GOP needs to show is that Trump requested 10,000 National Guard troops to keep the peace on J6 and Pelosi and the Mayor said "NO!".
Once again, you got snowed, by a Trump lie! Your bull shit meter, is broken!!! ;)

and even if he did want National guard there at his rally to protect his supporters.....

how in the hell does that excuse Trump on January 6th for sitting by, gleefully watching the riot, and doing NOTHING to send help or call it off, for hours?
Once again, you got snowed, by a Trump lie! Your bull shit meter, is broken!!! ;)
and even if he did want National guard there at his rally to protect his supporters.....
how is the hell does that excuse Trump on January 6th for sitting by, gleefully watching the riot, and doing NOTHING to send help for hours?
Whose job was it to protect the Capitol? (not Trump)
Trump tried to get NG troops there in case they were needed. So says several witnesses.
Once again, those responsible for security said "NO".

I'm sorry, but I can't hang the riot on Trump.
Nancy and the DC mayor should have agreed to have troops there to keep a lid on things.
Now those in-charge of security want to blame Trump for their failure.
Sorry, I'm placing blame where it needs to be placed.

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