Jan. 6 GOP Prebuttal

Except he didn't do that. Stop pushing misinformation. It's beneath you.

Interesting, Jack... You claim "misinformation" is taking place yet you're pushing a so called investigation where only one side of the story will be told and where Nancy Pelosi is off limits to investigators even though it's rather obvious that she's involved in this. This debate would be easily solved if Speaker Pelosi were to testify under oath as to what took place in regards to the National Guard request. That won't happen though which means this "committee" is nothing more than a show trial! People aren't going to watch it because they already know what the one side's opinion is. This isn't about "saving Democracy!" as the left so grandly proclaims...it's about diverting attention from how badly the Biden Administration and Democrats have FUBARED the country in the last two years!
Interesting, Jack... You claim "misinformation" is taking place yet you're pushing a so called investigation where only one side of the story will be told and where Nancy Pelosi is off limits to investigators even though it's rather obvious that she's involved in this. This debate would be easily solved if Speaker Pelosi were to testify under oath as to what took place in regards to the National Guard request. That won't happen though which means this "committee" is nothing more than a show trial! People aren't going to watch it because they already know what the one side's opinion is. This isn't about "saving Democracy!" as the left so grandly proclaims...it's about diverting attention from how badly the Biden Administration and Democrats have FUBARED the country in the last two years!
How Nancy Pelosi and the DC Mayor reacted is, indeed, a matter of interest.

But only in a secondary fashion, as an afterthought or sideshow.

What REALLY matters is the Main Event... the Insurrection of January 6, 2021...

What REALLY matters is the the assault on the Congress of the United States whist performing its Constitutional duty to finalize and certify an election...

What REALLY matters is that Rump incited his Neanderthal cult-followers to riot... through his own plans and words, and those close to him...

There is no "other side of the story" for that...

Traitorous behavior is traitorous behavior...

It is now time for The Law to have its way with such scum...

If they are innocent after all, that, too, will become known....

But it is now time to let a flood of daylight spill across the events of that time and to let The People judge for themselves...

Those accused can tell their stories to The Press and, in some cases, to their respective Juries...

Want to spank Nancy and the DC Mayor?


We can certainly look at that...

AFTER the Republic has "crucified" in the law courts those who dared to violate our centuries-old sacred tradition of a Peaceful Transfer of Power... :cool:
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Because that's like asking an accused Criminal to sit on his own Grand Jury panel?
Correct. Trump Lovers would do nothing but obstruct and deflect and make excuses and impede the work of such a necessary investigative body.
The Committee will overturn the rock of Trump Cult involvement and then The People can watch the maggots and worms burrow deeper to avoid the light.
Time to let some daylight into January 6, 2021, and then let The People make up their own minds, once all the facts are in.
No. It's a functioning Committee of the US House of Representatives, investigating Sedition and Insurrection on the part of Republicans Trump Cultists.
1. McCarthy appointed the GOP members to the committee. Nancy said no, she only wanted Trump haters on the committee. She knew the outcome, she only wanted Trump haters to vote for it. Who was indicted for anything, Jim Jordan? Stop lying.

2. So you don't want a fair hearing? You only want a "Kangaroo Court"? Just like communists.

3. Wait until next year when the GOP takes over the House. You'll see the sparks flying then...paybacks are a bitch.

4. The democrat's committee of "Trump-Haters Only" won't find anything except the phony evidence they manufacture.

5. The only evidence that matters is that Trump requested the National Guard to keep a lid on things, and the democrats in-charge of security said "NO". QED.
How Nancy Pelosi and the DC Mayor reacted is, indeed, a matter of interest.
But only in a secondary fashion, as an afterthought or sideshow.
What REALLY matters is the Main Event... the Insurrection of January 6, 2021...
What REALLY matters is the the assault on the Congress of the United States whist performing its Constitutional duty to finalize and certify an election...
What REALLY matters is that Rump incited his Neanderthal cult-followers to riot... through his own plans and words, and those close to him...
Want to spank Nancy and the DC Mayor?
We can certainly look at that...

AFTER the Republic has "crucified" in the law courts those who dared to violate our centuries-old sacred tradition of a Peaceful Transfer of Power... :cool:
So, its okay to protest democrat causes, but not for what they believed was a "stolen election"?
You say that J6 was an "insurrection" but don't present any evidence that it was an insurrection.
The protesters were unarmed. The protesters left when the police reinforcements arrived.
The better question is "why didn't Nancy Pelosi and Mayor Bowser approve Trump's request for National Guard troops to keep a lid on things?"
A NG presence would have protected the Capitol during the peaceful transfer of power, correct???
How Nancy Pelosi and the DC Mayor reacted is, indeed, a matter of interest.

But only in a secondary fashion, as an afterthought or sideshow.

What REALLY matters is the Main Event... the Insurrection of January 6, 2021...

What REALLY matters is the the assault on the Congress of the United States whist performing its Constitutional duty to finalize and certify an election...

What REALLY matters is that Rump incited his Neanderthal cult-followers to riot... through his own plans and words, and those close to him...

There is no "other side of the story" for that...

Traitorous behavior is traitorous behavior...

Want to spank Nancy and the DC Mayor?


We can certainly look at that...

AFTER the Republic has "crucified" in the law courts those who dared to violate our centuries-old sacred tradition of a Peaceful Transfer of Power... :cool:
After? Why after? Wouldn't it be most important to make sure a riot like this doesn't happen again? To get to the bottom of why it DID happen? Why wouldn't people who were in charge of security testify in front of ANY investigation into the breakdown of security that happened that day?
Well, good morning, Vietnam!!
A lot to chew through on this singular thread. I have a full dance-card today, so will hurry this along.
First, let's get the TrumpCult RWNJ hyperbole out of the way. I'll just lump four of them together for illustration purposes and then dismiss them with prejudice.

So here are a handful of silly-isms and also some posts of insight and value.
First, the silly-isms:

1. "You're supposed to ignore ........the arming of terrorists by abandoning Afghanistan......the proof of sexualization of children, and the movement to allow third trimester abortions because January 6th was bad."
2. "in order to scam their knuckle-dragging, legacy media informed, Marxist-tool sheeple...... Look for a lot of the dead vote as well. "
3. " I really loathe Leftist democrats they are scum, and they don't care of the damage they create as they are mentally ill."
4. "Your time would be better spent watching a Disney fantasy or a cartoon."

See? RWNJ Jackassery on parade. IMHO

they have had plenty of time to develop a prosecutable case against Trump, but they chose to go with the Dog and Pony show ..... generate more division and partisanship bullshit.
"More division"?
I don't think so.
It is divided this way: Trump Cult on the far right. Never Trumpers on the far left. In between is the vast vast majority of Americans who were appalled by what they watched on the telly on January 6th.
A thorough autopsy on the events of that day.....what happened, who is responsible for what happened......must be performed publicly and in the most transparent way possible.
Hence, we have a Congressional Committee gathering and vetting as much information as is discoverable, testimony, paper-trails, camera-captures, and presenting it to the vast vast majority of American people on the telly in prime-time.
Good for them. Good for America. We must not shirk from finding and exhibiting the truth.

OMG, one more time, a prosecutable case for WHAT crime? Based on what evidence?
Ummm? Poster krzr, do this: Sit down on Thursday, and on subsequent hearing-days, and watch with keen interest. Hell, keep a blue-line and pencil handy and take notes. By doing such, you may learn if there is a "prosecutable case"; you may learn if there was a crime committed; you may learn what evidence has been marshalled.
After doing such, if you would......please share with the forum your determinations.
But remember, you gotta look. You can't see if you don't look.

This committee is made up of all Democrats and two never Trump Republicans when they did that it lost all credibility with all but the most hyper partisans.
No, they did not.
We Americans got what we got on that Committee, because the Republican leadership decided to stonewall it because.....because, well, because they were really really uncomfortable with what might be discovered about House member's involvement in the attempt to subvert the election. I truly believe the violence of the Trump supporters shocked them. Dismayed them. And ever since they have scrambled to avoid getting any of that poo on their shoes. Hence, the refusal by GOP leadership to help pick a bi-partisan 9/11-type commission of independent scholars and experts. Hence, the poison-pilling of the current committee by nominating suspects-to-the-riot for it.
I hope I am clear enough on that.

Let me break down what's happening here:
1. We know all the facts already
Well, poster WP, before you go beyond your #1, let us simply and emphatically say: No, we do not know all the facts already. Hence, I would sincerely suggest you sit down in front of your telly with a notepad at hand and watch with diligence and sincerity of purpose. I'm pretty doggone sure you will learn new facts that you did not know, that I did not know, that the American people did not know.
Try a little due-diligence. It may make you a more thoughtful contributor.
Just sayin'.

And this canard that the poster 'kyzr' insists and persists in circulating. It is misinformation. I don't know if he believes it or not. Regardless, it is misinformation that serves only to corrode public trust. It is not an honorable effort by the poster.

  • Trump tried to get NG troops there in case they were needed. So says several witnesses.
  • Nancy and the DC mayor should have agreed to have troops there to keep a lid on things.
  • The only thing that matters is that Trump requested National Guard troops to keep a lid on things, and those in-charge of security said "NO".
It has been de-bunked, repeatedly. See Politifacts. See any number of credible fact-checkers.
Trump neve requested troops. Trump may have talked about troops. But Trump never ordered troops. He motivated no one, he commanded no one to get a troop transfer underway.
Trump never notified Pelosi. Pelosi never declined this alleged offer. There was no offer....alleged or otherwise.
It is a RWNJ talking-point. And it is misinformation.


Lastly, to end this too-long post, and get on with my too-busy day, I will highlight some cogent perceptive insights on what the American people are involved with in the empaneling of the Select Committee. These following four posts are the polar opposites of those first four I started the post with. These posts pose the necessary vibe each American must harbor when they sit down in front of the telly on Thurday.....with their bluelines and pencils:
A. More like the Nuremburg Trials... righteous and necessary to ensure that (a) the crimes are made known and (b) they don't happen again... (underling by me)
B. Trump Lovers would do nothing but obstruct and deflect and make excuses and impede the work of such a necessary investigative body.
C. It's a functioning Committee of the US House of Representatives, investigating Sedition and Insurrection on the part of Republicans Trump Cultists.
D. how in the hell does that excuse Trump on January 6th for sitting by, gleefully watching the riot, and doing NOTHING to send help or call it off, for hours?
Well, good morning, Vietnam!!
A lot to chew through on this singular thread. I have a full dance-card today, so will hurry this along.
First, let's get the TrumpCult RWNJ hyperbole out of the way. I'll just lump four of them together for illustration purposes and then dismiss them with prejudice.

So here are a handful of silly-isms and also some posts of insight and value.
First, the silly-isms:

See? RWNJ Jackassery on parade. IMHO

"More division"?
I don't think so.
It is divided this way: Trump Cult on the far right. Never Trumpers on the far left. In between is the vast vast majority of Americans who were appalled by what they watched on the telly on January 6th.
A thorough autopsy on the events of that day.....what happened, who is responsible for what happened......must be performed publicly and in the most transparent way possible.
Hence, we have a Congressional Committee gathering and vetting as much information as is discoverable, testimony, paper-trails, camera-captures, and presenting it to the vast vast majority of American people on the telly in prime-time.
Good for them. Good for America. We must not shirk from finding and exhibiting the truth.

Ummm? Poster krzr, do this: Sit down on Thursday, and on subsequent hearing-days, and watch with keen interest. Hell, keep a blue-line and pencil handy and take notes. By doing such, you may learn if there is a "prosecutable case"; you may learn if there was a crime committed; you may learn what evidence has been marshalled.
After doing such, if you would......please share with the forum your determinations.
But remember, you gotta look. You can't see if you don't look.

No, they did not.
We Americans got what we got on that Committee, because the Republican leadership decided to stonewall it because.....because, well, because they were really really uncomfortable with what might be discovered about House member's involvement in the attempt to subvert the election. I truly believe the violence of the Trump supporters shocked them. Dismayed them. And ever since they have scrambled to avoid getting any of that poo on their shoes. Hence, the refusal by GOP leadership to help pick a bi-partisan 9/11-type commission of independent scholars and experts. Hence, the poison-pilling of the current committee by nominating suspects-to-the-riot for it.
I hope I am clear enough on that.

Well, poster WP, before you go beyond your #1, let us simply and emphatically say: No, we do not know all the facts already. Hence, I would sincerely suggest you sit down in front of your telly with a notepad at hand and watch with diligence and sincerity of purpose. I'm pretty doggone sure you will learn new facts that you did not know, that I did not know, that the American people did not know.
Try a little due-diligence. It may make you a more thoughtful contributor.
Just sayin'.

And this canard that the poster 'kyzr' insists and persists in circulating. It is misinformation. I don't know if he believes it or not. Regardless, it is misinformation that serves only to corrode public trust. It is not an honorable effort by the poster.

It has been de-bunked, repeatedly. See Politifacts. See any number of credible fact-checkers.
Trump neve requested troops. Trump may have talked about troops. But Trump never ordered troops. He motivated no one, he commanded no one to get a troop transfer underway.
Trump never notified Pelosi. Pelosi never declined this alleged offer. There was no offer....alleged or otherwise.
It is a RWNJ talking-point. And it is misinformation.


Lastly, to end this too-long post, and get on with my too-busy day, I will highlight some cogent perceptive insights on what the American people are involved with in the empaneling of the Select Committee. These following four posts are the polar opposites of those first four I started the post with. These posts pose the necessary vibe each American must harbor when they sit down in front of the telly on Thurday.....with their bluelines and pencils:
Wow...verbal spew much?
Bottom line is this... This committee was not formed to get to the bottom of what happened that day! If it was...they would be asking hard questions of the people who were in charge of security that day. If that isn't happening then why are they even wasting their time with this prime time show?
Well, good morning, Vietnam!!
A lot to chew through on this singular thread. I have a full dance-card today, so will hurry this along.
First, let's get the TrumpCult RWNJ hyperbole out of the way. I'll just lump four of them together for illustration purposes and then dismiss them with prejudice.

So here are a handful of silly-isms and also some posts of insight and value.
First, the silly-isms:

See? RWNJ Jackassery on parade. IMHO

"More division"?
I don't think so.
It is divided this way: Trump Cult on the far right. Never Trumpers on the far left. In between is the vast vast majority of Americans who were appalled by what they watched on the telly on January 6th.
A thorough autopsy on the events of that day.....what happened, who is responsible for what happened......must be performed publicly and in the most transparent way possible.
Hence, we have a Congressional Committee gathering and vetting as much information as is discoverable, testimony, paper-trails, camera-captures, and presenting it to the vast vast majority of American people on the telly in prime-time.
Good for them. Good for America. We must not shirk from finding and exhibiting the truth.

Ummm? Poster krzr, do this: Sit down on Thursday, and on subsequent hearing-days, and watch with keen interest. Hell, keep a blue-line and pencil handy and take notes. By doing such, you may learn if there is a "prosecutable case"; you may learn if there was a crime committed; you may learn what evidence has been marshalled.
After doing such, if you would......please share with the forum your determinations.
But remember, you gotta look. You can't see if you don't look.

No, they did not.
We Americans got what we got on that Committee, because the Republican leadership decided to stonewall it because.....because, well, because they were really really uncomfortable with what might be discovered about House member's involvement in the attempt to subvert the election. I truly believe the violence of the Trump supporters shocked them. Dismayed them. And ever since they have scrambled to avoid getting any of that poo on their shoes. Hence, the refusal by GOP leadership to help pick a bi-partisan 9/11-type commission of independent scholars and experts. Hence, the poison-pilling of the current committee by nominating suspects-to-the-riot for it.
I hope I am clear enough on that.

Well, poster WP, before you go beyond your #1, let us simply and emphatically say: No, we do not know all the facts already. Hence, I would sincerely suggest you sit down in front of your telly with a notepad at hand and watch with diligence and sincerity of purpose. I'm pretty doggone sure you will learn new facts that you did not know, that I did not know, that the American people did not know.
Try a little due-diligence. It may make you a more thoughtful contributor.
Just sayin'.

And this canard that the poster 'kyzr' insists and persists in circulating. It is misinformation. I don't know if he believes it or not. Regardless, it is misinformation that serves only to corrode public trust. It is not an honorable effort by the poster.

It has been de-bunked, repeatedly. See Politifacts. See any number of credible fact-checkers.
Trump neve requested troops. Trump may have talked about troops. But Trump never ordered troops. He motivated no one, he commanded no one to get a troop transfer underway.
Trump never notified Pelosi. Pelosi never declined this alleged offer. There was no offer....alleged or otherwise.
It is a RWNJ talking-point. And it is misinformation.


Lastly, to end this too-long post, and get on with my too-busy day, I will highlight some cogent perceptive insights on what the American people are involved with in the empaneling of the Select Committee. These following four posts are the polar opposites of those first four I started the post with. These posts pose the necessary vibe each American must harbor when they sit down in front of the telly on Thurday.....with their bluelines and pencils:
How many pairs of underwear do you figure you'll ruin during the Thursday night inquisition? I bet you already soiled a few pairs from the sheer excitement of anticipation.
Y'know, this alternate reality moment we're having...

I've finally settled on this: Because of our current condition, I don't expect much to come from any of this. But it would be nice to get it all out on the public record in case we've evolved a bit in the future and can come back and look at it with serious, sane, honest eyes.

My standards have dropped that far.
Oh, the hankie twisting!
Does ANY DOJ investigation begin with the BIG GUY or guys, first in a conspiracy? NEVER! They start lower, and work their way up to the big guns involved, Sunset T.
He missed the word "hearing" because he wants it his way before anything is layed out to see and hear.
If the evidence is damning how come they give us a dog and pony show instead

The GOP proved how effective they can be when they had the majority. They had no evidence either, but they got their made for TV moments to use against Clinton didn't they?

Turn Off Faux
It's just not News.
Then why not look at ALL of the circumstances instead of just one direction?
Why were the Republicans appointed by McCarthy NOT allowed on the committee?
Only Trump haters were allowed on the committee.
Its a "kangaroo court", period.
McCarthy appointed 5 members, 2 of the 5 had conflict of interests, 1 of the 2 denied was a material witness to what was being investigated. Ethics rules don't allow material witnesses to be the investigator as well.

3 of McCarthy appointments were accepted, with McCarthy given the opportunity to pick two to replace the 2 denied.

McCarthy chose to walk away, and he pulled the 3 appointees that were accepted.

That was his own(and Trump's)own choosing.
This committee is made up of all Democrats and two never Trump Republicans when they did that it lost all credibility with all but the most hyper partisans. I will give anything this committee puts out the same amount of serious consideration the left would give one run by the Republicans in the same fashion that was investigating any high profile Democrat.
3 of McCarthy picks that were pro Trumpers were accepted, 2 picks were denied for their conflict of interest and one being a material witness in the investigation.

McCarthy had opportunity to replace the two picks he had, but instead chose to pull even the three accepted, off.

Just think about this for a minute....

If all the Minority leaders could call off or call an investigation illegitimate by simply not appointing anyone for the investigation, then we would no longer have ANY investigations, EVER....if the Minority leader chose not to participate.

It doesn't work that way, and justly so.
Last edited:
Wow...verbal spew much?
Bottom line is this... they would be asking hard questions of the people who were in charge of security that day. If that isn't happening then why are they even wasting their time with this prime time show?
Not hardly.
Rather, one's gotta read the room. No?
I'm used to audiences with a quick grasp of issues and events. Succinctness works there.
But, when I perceive the room ain't like that....well, I can do a change-up, and do a slow-walk for those who need it.

As far as these 'hard questions' that you fret about.... what makes you think they haven't been asked?
What makes you think they won't be discussed in these hearings?
Why don't you do a little homework with various fact-checkers to get your bearings?
To understand the the reportage.

Do this, poster Oldestyle......park yourself in front of your telly on Thursday.
With a notepad and a pencil. And an open mind.
Good luck.

How many pairs of underwear do you figure you'll ruin during the Thursday night inquisition? I bet you already soiled a few pairs from the sheer excitement of anticipation.

So, because poster wamose feels threatened over a televised Committee hearing he evidently feels compelled to display an obsession with things scatological? How icky!! How elementary schoolish is that?
He (she?) should be better than that.
Should be older than that.

My responses really can't compete with the well presented posts that avataree Care4All has offered the forum on the real world reality of how this particular Committee came to be. An opportunity lost. Wasted by uber partisan Republican leadership who seemingly were more interested in a bit of collective CYA than helping America understand what happened on January 6th, understan who was responsible for it....and how do we prevent it from ever happening again.

All patriotic and responsible Americans are interested in the machinations before, during, and after the January 6th attack on our democracy by Trump partisans; the injure of over 140 uniformed Capitol officers who were merely doing their job ...and fulfilling their oath....to protect our representatives, the Capitol staffs, the building, artefacts, and furnishings of our People's House.

I would personally recommend that concerned loyal Americans watch the telly on Thursday night to see what this Committee has discovered with all those testimonies, email strings, paper trails, and camera captures. Responsible Americans know it is their responsibility to be informed.
It goes without saying -- more and better information makes for better decisions. Now and in the future.
It will be interesting to see if there is any testimony as to why Pelosi quashed Trump’s rrequest for more security or what and antifa member and fbi were doing instigating.
It will be interesting to see if there is any testimony as to why Pelosi quashed Trump’s rrequest (sic) for more security or what and antifa member and fbi were doing instigating.

Share with the forum, poster Leo, what evidence you hold that Pelosi "quashed Trump's request'.
Share with the forum, poster Leo, that Trump made that request to anybody....including Pelosi.
Share with the forum, what you know on any existing vetted evidence that 'antifa' and the 'fbi' did to instigate this attack.

If you don't, can't, or won't share with the forum your evidence....well, I would suggest this:

Sit down Thursday night in front of your telly and watch the hearings of the Committee....with keen interest, and an open mind. Then report back to the forum about any evidence you have that was or was not discussed in that first hearing.

Thanx in advance.
McCarthy appointed 5 members, 2 of the 5 had conflict of interests, 1 of the 2 denied was a material witness to what was being investigated. Ethics rules don't allow material witnesses to be the investigator as well.
3 of McCarthy appointments were accepted, with McCarthy given the opportunity to pick two to replace the 2 denied.
McCarthy chose to walk away, and he pulled the 3 appointees that were accepted.
That was his own(and Trump's)own choosing.
1. "Conflicts" are bullshit.
2. "Material witness" is bullshit
3. Congress' rules say the minority party can appoint who they want, period.
4. Pelosi has the major conflict, she was responsible for J6, and she didn't recuse
It will be interesting to see if there is any testimony as to why Pelosi quashed Trump’s rrequest for more security or what and antifa member and fbi were doing instigating.

Should be fair game to debunk those and other allegations coming from the Neo-GOP/Faux alliance.
And this canard that the poster 'kyzr' insists and persists in circulating. It is misinformation. I don't know if he believes it or not. Regardless, it is misinformation that serves only to corrode public trust. It is not an honorable effort by the poster.

It has been de-bunked, repeatedly. See Politifacts. See any number of credible fact-checkers.
Trump neve requested troops. Trump may have talked about troops. But Trump never ordered troops. He motivated no one, he commanded no one to get a troop transfer underway.
Trump never notified Pelosi. Pelosi never declined this alleged offer. There was no offer....alleged or otherwise.
It is a RWNJ talking-point. And it is misinformation.

Who is more accurate, Politifact, or the sworn testimony of the men in the room?

Hint: Politifact has a "Left bias"

PolitiFact media bias rating is Lean Left.​


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