Jan. 6 GOP Prebuttal

Should be fair game to debunk those and other allegations coming from the Neo-GOP/Faux alliance.
So far the Pelosi selected committee hasn’t mentioned that. It doesn’t fit their ‘Orange Man Bad’ narrative.
Share with the forum, poster Leo, what evidence you hold that Pelosi "quashed Trump's request'.
Share with the forum, poster Leo, that Trump made that request to anybody....including Pelosi.
Share with the forum, what you know on any existing vetted evidence that 'antifa' and the 'fbi' did to instigate this attack.

If you don't, can't, or won't share with the forum your evidence....well, I would suggest this:

Sit down Thursday night in front of your telly and watch the hearings of the Committee....with keen interest, and an open mind. Then report back to the forum about any evidence you have that was or was not discussed in that first hearing.

Thanx in advance.
I already did. And you have no evidence of Trump wrong doing either. All you have is is your long boring evidence-less far left screeds. Enjoy your ABC produced ‘reality show’ fake witch hunt just like Mountain Monsters where a bunch of hicks chase ‘monsters’ that don’t exist.
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And you have no evidence of Trump wrong doing either.

Nor, did I ever say I did.

But, if you say you already proved your suspicions of this 'quashed' request, well, show us.
What credible authoritative source asserts that Trump made it, and that Pelosi indeed quashed it.
Show or go.

Batter up, mi amigo.
Nor, did I ever say I did.

But, if you say you already proved your suspicions of this 'quashed' request, well, show us.
What credible authoritative source asserts that Trump made it, and that Pelosi indeed quashed it.
Show or go.

Batter up, mi amigo.
Already did. Go find it.
1. "Conflicts" are bullshit.
2. "Material witness" is bullshit
3. Congress' rules say the minority party can appoint who they want, period.
4. Pelosi has the major conflict, she was responsible for J6, and she didn't recuse
It's not bullshit. Jordan was involved with the scam, and with Trump on 1/6, and he was subpoenaed by the committee along with 4 or 5 others in Congress.
1. "Conflicts" are bullshit.
2. "Material witness" is bullshit
3. Congress' rules say the minority party can appoint who they want, period.
4. Pelosi has the major conflict, she was responsible for J6, and she didn't recuse
Oh, and a judge over the RNC court case suing, RULED the investigation was valid around two weeks ago, and the committee subpoenas had to be adhered to....the judge went over the rules for setting up this committee, and the setting up of it, was legal and valid.

So you are wrong on that too.

And Banks went on Fox News and said he planned to sabotage the committee....so she axed him.
Not hardly.
Rather, one's gotta read the room. No?
I'm used to audiences with a quick grasp of issues and events. Succinctness works there.
But, when I perceive the room ain't like that....well, I can do a change-up, and do a slow-walk for those who need it.

As far as these 'hard questions' that you fret about.... what makes you think they haven't been asked?
What makes you think they won't be discussed in these hearings?
Why don't you do a little homework with various fact-checkers to get your bearings?
To understand the the reportage.

Do this, poster Oldestyle......park yourself in front of your telly on Thursday.
With a notepad and a pencil. And an open mind.
Good luck.

So, because poster wamose feels threatened over a televised Committee hearing he evidently feels compelled to display an obsession with things scatological? How icky!! How elementary schoolish is that?
He (she?) should be better than that.
Should be older than that.

With all due respect, Chilly...why would anyone watch the committee? Do you really think they're going to tell us anything we don't already know? I mean you can watch it if you want a rehashing of the same things we've known for two years but I won't be wasting my time watching something that was never a real investigation in the first place!

As for your other question? How are you going to ask Nancy Pelosi tough questions when she hasn't been asked to testify? Run that concept by me...I'd love to know how that works!
With all due respect, Chilly...why would anyone watch the committee? Do you really think they're going to tell us anything we don't already know? I mean you can watch it if you want a rehashing of the same things we've known for two years but I won't be wasting my time watching something that was never a real investigation in the first place!

As for your other question? How are you going to ask Nancy Pelosi tough questions when she hasn't been asked to testify? Run that concept by me...I'd love to know how that works!
Being under oath, matters.
It's not bullshit. Jordan was involved with the scam, and with Trump on 1/6, and he was subpoenaed by the committee along with 4 or 5 others in Congress.
Who was more responsible for J6, Nancy Pelosi or Jim Jordan?

(Nancy Pelosi, she was responsible for security. Since she didn't recuse, the committee is a partisan joke)

What scam?
Oh, and a judge over the RNC court case suing, RULED the investigation was valid around two weeks ago, and the committee subpoenas had to be adhered to....the judge went over the rules for setting up this committee, and the setting up of it, was legal and valid.
So you are wrong on that too.
And Banks went on Fox News and said he planned to sabotage the committee....so she axed him.
OK, the judge ruled. There are a lot of moving parts to this J6 protest. I wouldn't celebrate too soon.
Pelosi was responsible for security, she failed, and now she's covering her ass.
She should have recused, since she was responsible.
Should be fair game to debunk those and other allegations coming from the Neo-GOP/Faux alliance.
You are correct there is no GOP 'alliance.' There is a DNC alliance to lie though. It's called the 'select committee.'
Who was more responsible for J6, Nancy Pelosi or Jim Jordan?

(Nancy Pelosi, she was responsible for security. Since she didn't recuse, the committee is a partisan joke)

What scam?
I'm afraid you've been fed a bunch of hock tooey, kyzr. Was the Ellipse, a mile or two from the Capital where the Trump rally was held under Pelosi's control? NOPE! Trump wanted the National guard to protect his follower's free speech and protesting rights.

No one knew Trump was going to send protesters marching down to the Capitol Building. Trump did not have a permit for his rally members to march to the Capitol.... He sent them there ILLEGALLY.

Trump wanted troops to protect his supporters at Jan. 6 rally​

By Jan Wolfe
May 12 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump wanted National Guard troops in Washington to protect his supporters at a Jan. 6 rally that ended with them attacking the U.S. Capitol, leaving five dead, Trump's former Pentagon chief testified on Wednesday.

Former Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller told a House of Representatives panel that he spoke with Trump on Jan. 3, three days before the now-former president's fiery speech that preceded the violence and led to his second impeachment.

According to Miller's testimony, Trump asked during that meeting whether the District of Columbia's mayor had requested National Guard troops for Jan. 6, the day Congress was to ratify Joe Biden's presidential election victory. Trump told Miller to "fill" the request, the former defense secretary testified. Miller said Trump told him: "Do whatever is necessary to protect demonstrators that were executing their constitutionally protected rights."

Miller made the remarks during a contentious hearing held by the House Oversight Committee, which is investigating security failures in the days leading to and during the riot.

Representative Carolyn Maloney, the Democrat who chairs the committee, demanded answers from Miller on why National Guard troops did not arrive until hours after the building was overrun.

Miller testified that the U.S. military was deliberately restrained that day when Trump's rally turned into an assault by hundreds of his followers that left five dead, including a Capitol Police officer.
Miller testified that he was concerned in the days before Jan. 6 that sending National Guard troops to Washington would fan fears of a military coup or that Trump advisers were advocating martial law.
I'm afraid you've been fed a bunch of hock tooey, kyzr. Was the Ellipse, a mile or two from the Capital where the Trump rally was held under Pelosi's control? NOPE! Trump wanted the National guard to protect his follower's free speech and protesting rights.

No one knew Trump was going to send protesters marching down to the Capitol Building. Trump did not have a permit for his rally members to march to the Capitol.... He sent them there ILLEGALLY.

Trump wanted troops to protect his supporters at Jan. 6 rally​

By Jan Wolfe
May 12 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump wanted National Guard troops in Washington to protect his supporters at a Jan. 6 rally that ended with them attacking the U.S. Capitol, leaving five dead, Trump's former Pentagon chief testified on Wednesday.

Former Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller told a House of Representatives panel that he spoke with Trump on Jan. 3, three days before the now-former president's fiery speech that preceded the violence and led to his second impeachment.

According to Miller's testimony, Trump asked during that meeting whether the District of Columbia's mayor had requested National Guard troops for Jan. 6, the day Congress was to ratify Joe Biden's presidential election victory. Trump told Miller to "fill" the request, the former defense secretary testified. Miller said Trump told him: "Do whatever is necessary to protect demonstrators that were executing their constitutionally protected rights."

Miller made the remarks during a contentious hearing held by the House Oversight Committee, which is investigating security failures in the days leading to and during the riot.

Representative Carolyn Maloney, the Democrat who chairs the committee, demanded answers from Miller on why National Guard troops did not arrive until hours after the building was overrun.

Miller testified that the U.S. military was deliberately restrained that day when Trump's rally turned into an assault by hundreds of his followers that left five dead, including a Capitol Police officer.
Miller testified that he was concerned in the days before Jan. 6 that sending National Guard troops to Washington would fan fears of a military coup or that Trump advisers were advocating martial law.
Your information is wrong. No officer died at the hands of the protesters. The only person to die was an unarmed woman shot by a D.C. cop. The protesters did not kill anyone. Your premise is based on lies just like this select committee is based on lies. Brian Sicknick died of natural causes according to the medical examiner. Stop believing the false legacy media.
Do you really think they're going to tell us anything we don't already know?
Yup. I do.
You should watch it and see if you can learn something.
I say that with sincere intention.

"...see if we can get to the bottom of why there was such a lack of security at the Capital that day"
Poster Oldestyle, please read the quotes below from Care4all. She succinctly informs you one of the primary reasons. (Or hell, go read her posts in their entirety.)

But here it is distilled:
Trump's rally at the Ellipse was under permit for...the Ellipse. The Ellipse only.
No permit was authorized or issued for a march. No march was discussed with the city or the permit authorities.
Hence, no crowd guidance-barricades were erected along the route.. No increased LEO staffing along the route. Or at the Capitol. No vehicle traffic management planned for or implemented. No forewarning by the Trump people to the Capitol police that the crowd would be directed towards their officers.

Read Care4all:

Was the Ellipse, a mile or two from the Capital where the Trump rally was held under Pelosi's control? NOPE!
No one knew Trump was going to send protesters marching down to the Capitol Building. Trump did not have a permit for his rally members to march to the Capitol.... He sent them there ILLEGALLY.
Yup. I do.
You should watch it and see if you can learn something.
I say that with sincere intention.


Poster Oldestyle, please read the quotes below from Care4all. She succinctly informs you one of the primary reasons. (Or hell, go read her posts in their entirety.)

But here it is distilled:
Trump's rally at the Ellipse was under permit for...the Ellipse. The Ellipse only.
No permit was authorized or issued for a march. No march was discussed with the city or the permit authorities.
Hence, no crowd guidance-barricades were erected along the route.. No increased LEO staffing along the route. Or at the Capitol. No vehicle traffic management planned for or implemented. No forewarning by the Trump people to the Capitol police that the crowd would be directed towards their officers.

Read Care4all:
Care4all is disseminating false information. Read my reply to her lies.
May 29....White house on lock down because of protests beginning at 7 pm. Protesters conflicted with the Secret Service throwing bricks, rocks and bottles. 11 hospitalized. The Secret Service had to rush Trump to shelter. Alert level raised to red. The secret service recommended Trump go into the bunker. May 30 (next day) protesters gathered around the White House and vandalized police vehicles. May 31, dozens of businesses in City Center, Georgetown and Farragut Square were looted. Protestors burned down St. John's Church. June 4, 2,000 people demonstrated and Elizabeth Warren and her hubby Bruce Mann spoke with the protesters. The protests were at Lafayette Square and included a march on the Capitol Building.

So....Where is the 'select committee investigating that insurrection?
Who is more accurate, Politifact, or the sworn testimony of the men in the room?
Did they give 'testimony'? To who? Under oath?
Can you show us? Will you show us?

And with what you know of what they said.....did they say Don Trump ordered troops be called up?
Did they say that Don Trump made an offer of troops to Nancy Pelosi?

If so, then please direct us to credible authoritative reportage on both developments:

  1. Trump's order.
  2. And Trump's offer to Pelosi.

Thanks in advance.

Already did. Go find it.

If you can't show readily what you say you know.....when sincerely inquired about it, well.......
Well, I say fake. Bluster. Phony. A fib.

I asked you this:
"What credible authoritative source asserts that Trump made it, and that Pelosi indeed quashed it."

I'll lay it out publicly here: I do not believe you have an authoritative credible source that details:

  • Trump ordered 10,000--or any number---of National Guard called up.
  • Nor did Don Trump offer Nancy Pelosi 10,000 or any number of National Guard.

Now, in fairness poster Leo, if you CAN show the forum your source that is credible and authoritative, then I will humbly return to this thread and say I was wrong about you being a fake, a phony, a fraud and a fibber on this issue.

Did they give 'testimony'? To who? Under oath?
Can you show us? Will you show us?

And with what you know of what they said.....did they say Don Trump ordered troops be called up?
Did they say that Don Trump made an offer of troops to Nancy Pelosi?

If so, then please direct us to credible authoritative reportage on both developments:

  1. Trump's order.
  2. And Trump's offer to Pelosi.

Thanks in advance.


If you can't show readily what you say you know.....when sincerely inquired about it, well.......
Well, I say fake. Bluster. Phony. A fib.

I asked you this:
"What credible authoritative source asserts that Trump made it, and that Pelosi indeed quashed it."

I'll lay it out publicly here: I do not believe you have an authoritative credible source that details:

  • Trump ordered 10,000--or any number---of National Guard called up.
  • Nor did Don Trump offer Nancy Pelosi 10,000 or any number of National Guard.

Now, in fairness poster Leo, if you CAN show the forum your source that is credible and authoritative, then I will humbly return to this thread and say I was wrong about you being a fake, a phony, a fraud and a fibber on this issue.

Sund told the newspaper in an interview he had asked House and Senate security officials for permission to request that the National Guard be placed on standby in case he needed quick backup but his request was turned down.

Kenneth Rapuano, assistant secretary of defense for homeland defense and global security, said last week that the Pentagon had been in touch with the Capitol Police and were told that they would not require assistance from the National Guard.

Sund, who will step down from his post on Jan. 16 after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called for his resignation, said his request for help was rejected or delayed six times.

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