Jan. 6 GOP Prebuttal

Ah, poster Leo, regarding you and your credibility: Like Sisyphus...your rock keeps getting bigger, the hill steeper.

You offer the forum this:

"Protestors burned down St. John's Church"

Yet, the pastor of St.Johns offers us this:

“As we know many of you have already heard, there was a small fire in the parish house basement,” Fisher wrote in a letter to parishioners. “Thankfully, it appears to have been contained to the nursery — though, as you might imagine there is smoke and water damage to other areas of the basement.”
"He added that “the rest of the church and parish house is untouched except for some exterior graffiti, which the city’s graffiti team has already covered up.”

(via USToday, 6-2-20)

Poster Leo --- You should be better than this. This is Adult Swim. We expect you to be better.

Just sayin'.
"The select committee is scheduled to air the hearing at 8 p.m. Eastern time on Thursday. ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC and CNN plan to air the hearing live. Fox News will not air the hearing."

IMO I bet FOX News will air what is said by the GOP before the hearings.
And I bet they offer all the post comments. That's like a sandwich with no meat.

"Republicans are gearing up to offer multiple "prebuttals" on the eve of primetime public hearings by the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol."

"CNN reported Tuesday that Republicans plan to tell their side of the story before the hearings, which are built upon over 1,000 interviews, thousands of hours of video evidence, and 100,000 pages of documents."

Rawstory is a far left rag, much like the onion.
Ah, poster Leo, regarding you and your credibility: Like Sisyphus...your rock keeps getting bigger, the hill steeper.

You offer the forum this:

Yet, the pastor of St.Johns offers us this:

“As we know many of you have already heard, there was a small fire in the parish house basement,” Fisher wrote in a letter to parishioners. “Thankfully, it appears to have been contained to the nursery — though, as you might imagine there is smoke and water damage to other areas of the basement.”
"He added that “the rest of the church and parish house is untouched except for some exterior graffiti, which the city’s graffiti team has already covered up.”

(via USToday, 6-2-20)

Poster Leo --- You should be better than this. This is Adult Swim. We expect you to be better.

Just sayin'.
Poster Chili.....They BURNED a church!!! How much in DENIAL do you have to be? It could have been a lot worse but then, you don't give a shit do you?
Aren't you a smart one to say that. I bet you have about a 160 word vocabulary and able to read RW propaganda.

Most people are smatter than the far left, as you have to be told what to think as you just shown with your OP from the obvious far lefty rag, such as Rawstory!

Nothing but far left cult propaganda.
Well, poster Leo, I watched your YourTuber of Bill O'Reilly and Don Trump.

So, perhaps you weren't fibbing. You may have sincerely believed it. You saw it. You believe that in that clip Don Trump 'suggested' troops would be needed. And, I could be persuaded that you think that was enough to get troops rolling. OK, I'm fine if you think that is your belief. Fibbing requires an intent to deceive (just like lying). If you didn't intend to deceive...it ain't a fib.

But, I will readily admit that I am suspicious of Don Trump 11-months later crafting an answer that 'seems' to suggest that he 'suggested' extra troops would be needed. Didn't command 'em. Didn't order 'em. Didn't tell the head of the DOD to make it happen. He says months later that he suggested extra troops.
Count me skeptical of Don Trump's motivations and intent.

As far as Pelosi. Nobody, to date, has shown on this venue that Don Trump offered any troops to Nancy Pelosi and she refused 'em.
Poster Chili.....They BURNED a church!!! How much in DENIAL do you have to be?

Words matter, poster Leo. Words have meaning.
I didn't say they "burned St.Johns down".
You did.
You said it. Admit it. Live with it.
Your hyperbole ain't helping your credibility.
Words matter, poster Leo. Words have meaning.
I didn't say they "burned St.Johns down".
You did.
You said it. Admit it. Live with it.
Your hyperbole ain't helping your credibility.
Yeah, just like you use hyperbole. Do you deny there was a fire in the church set by BLM? Stop deflecting...
A number of downtown buildings were damaged including the historic St. John's Church, which is near Lafayette Park and the White House, during the riots on Sunday night. A fire was set in the nursery of the more than 200-year-old church that was eventually extinguished by early Monday morning. Officials at the District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department told FOX Business that "the only damage was to the area involved in the fire."
Well, poster Leo, I watched your YourTuber of Bill O'Reilly and Don Trump.

So, perhaps you weren't fibbing. You may have sincerely believed it. You saw it. You believe that in that clip Don Trump 'suggested' troops would be needed. And, I could be persuaded that you think that was enough to get troops rolling. OK, I'm fine if you think that is your belief. Fibbing requires an intent to deceive (just like lying). If you didn't intend to deceive...it ain't a fib.

But, I will readily admit that I am suspicious of Don Trump 11-months later crafting an answer that 'seems' to suggest that he 'suggested' extra troops would be needed. Didn't command 'em. Didn't order 'em. Didn't tell the head of the DOD to make it happen. He says months later that he suggested extra troops.
Count me skeptical of Don Trump's motivations and intent.

As far as Pelosi. Nobody, to date, has shown on this venue that Don Trump offered any troops to Nancy Pelosi and she refused 'em.
The fact that you apparently did not see that interview tells volumes about your lack of information gathering. Your suspicions are meaningless. I gave you more than that O'Reilly interview too. Pelosi is Speaker of The House she could have done something, instead she fired the Capitol Police Chief Sund afterwards which seems like a big CYA. Also, ask yourself why there was no committee investigating this? Why wasn't extra security called in? You seem like you have no questions about the Floyd DC BLM riot but readily accept a Pelosi selected committee to investigate Jan 6th which, by all accounts, was not as violent as the BLM protest.
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I'm afraid you've been fed a bunch of hock tooey, kyzr. Was the Ellipse, a mile or two from the Capital where the Trump rally was held under Pelosi's control? NOPE! Trump wanted the National guard to protect his follower's free speech and protesting rights.

No one knew Trump was going to send protesters marching down to the Capitol Building. Trump did not have a permit for his rally members to march to the Capitol.... He sent them there ILLEGALLY.

Trump wanted troops to protect his supporters at Jan. 6 rally​

By Jan Wolfe
May 12 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump wanted National Guard troops in Washington to protect his supporters at a Jan. 6 rally that ended with them attacking the U.S. Capitol, leaving five dead, Trump's former Pentagon chief testified on Wednesday.

Former Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller told a House of Representatives panel that he spoke with Trump on Jan. 3, three days before the now-former president's fiery speech that preceded the violence and led to his second impeachment.

According to Miller's testimony, Trump asked during that meeting whether the District of Columbia's mayor had requested National Guard troops for Jan. 6, the day Congress was to ratify Joe Biden's presidential election victory. Trump told Miller to "fill" the request, the former defense secretary testified. Miller said Trump told him: "Do whatever is necessary to protect demonstrators that were executing their constitutionally protected rights."

Miller made the remarks during a contentious hearing held by the House Oversight Committee, which is investigating security failures in the days leading to and during the riot.

Representative Carolyn Maloney, the Democrat who chairs the committee, demanded answers from Miller on why National Guard troops did not arrive until hours after the building was overrun.

Miller testified that the U.S. military was deliberately restrained that day when Trump's rally turned into an assault by hundreds of his followers that left five dead, including a Capitol Police officer.
Miller testified that he was concerned in the days before Jan. 6 that sending National Guard troops to Washington would fan fears of a military coup or that Trump advisers were advocating martial law.

1. The National Guard is not directly under Trump's control, they are under the governor's or in this case the DC mayor's control. Nancy Pelosi and Bowser could have used to Guard to protect the capitol, or half to guard the capitol and half at the ellipse. Saying that the Guard was ONLY to guard the Trump rally is total bullshit. They would have done as ordered.

2. Trump did NOT send the protesters to the Capitol, that is a LIE. Trump's speech was reviewed by the DOJ and there was nothing seditious in it. The protest just moved from the rally to the capitol to protest the stolen election.

3. It was Pelosi's job to protect the Capitol. She FAILED. Having the Guard standing by but ready for anything would have been a wise decision, doing nothing was negligent.
Pelosi is Speaker of The House she could have done something,
Don Trump was Commander in Chief of all of America's armed forces. He could have done even more.

Besides, without an application for, nor authorized permit for a march neither Nancy Pelosi nor the DC police knew or prepared for Don Trump to order his assembled crowd to become a mob and attack the Capitol.

Why wasn't extra security called in?
See the reference to a 'permit' above. See the articulate posting by the poster Care4all in this thread or another nearby 'Committee' thread. There are legitimate questions on the supposed subterfuge by Trump forces to not tip their hand about marching by not applying for a 'march' permit.

no questions about the Floyd DC BLM riot but readily accept a Pelosi selected committee
Lots of questions.
But why play around with 'whataboutism' deflections on an important topic such as the House Select Committee's scheduled hearings beginning tomorrow night where America hopes to hear as many details as can be discovered on the lead-up to, the actions during, and the events and communications after.....the debacle of January 6th?
Did they give 'testimony'? To who? Under oath?
Can you show us? Will you show us?

And with what you know of what they said.....did they say Don Trump ordered troops be called up?
Did they say that Don Trump made an offer of troops to Nancy Pelosi?

If so, then please direct us to credible authoritative reportage on both developments:

  1. Trump's order.
  2. And Trump's offer to Pelosi.
1. They (Kash Patel, Mark Meadows, Gen. Milley, etc.) were in the room and on Hannity and said what actually happened in the WH. If called to testify they would say what really happened, Trump requested National Guard troops on J4.

2. Trump can't "order" NG troops to be called up, they are under local control, like governors or in DCs case Mayor Bowser. Trump requested National Guard troops for J6, and the request was denied.

3. Pelosi and Bowser could have called up the Guard to keep the peace during the Trump rally. Nancy and Bowser did not call the guard up, nor did they provide adequate police protection for the capitol. Why not?
Pelosi and Bowser could have called up the Guard to keep the peace during the Trump rally. Nancy and Bowser did not call the guard up, nor did they provide adequate police protection for the capitol. Why not?

Don Trump most certainly could have made things happen on the troop front. Unquestionably. It is naïve to think he couldn't. According to the various posts and reports we've seen on this very venue....Don Trump "asked" about troops. He did not tell the Secretary of Defense to "see to it we have enough ready to go". He didn't say to Pelosi, or Bowser, or even Mark Meadows..."arrange enough troops so that no bad juju happens." He could have. He didn't.
According to reports we read here he did not tell Pelosi that he was gonna direct a mob at the Capitol and that he was offering her "10,000" troops. He did not direct anyone to call Bowser and alert her that she should arrange military reinforcement, or that she should arrange to have more LEO's on duty along the route of the marching mob.

Whoever was in charge of policing in the DC area on January 6th would have been in a much better position to anticipate and prepare if the the Trump organization had applied for a permit for a march.

Why did they not?
Was it subterfuge so as not to tip their hand that a mob was coming to break up the counting of EC ballots?
Yup. I do.
You should watch it and see if you can learn something.
I say that with sincere intention.


Poster Oldestyle, please read the quotes below from Care4all. She succinctly informs you one of the primary reasons. (Or hell, go read her posts in their entirety.)

But here it is distilled:
Trump's rally at the Ellipse was under permit for...the Ellipse. The Ellipse only.
No permit was authorized or issued for a march. No march was discussed with the city or the permit authorities.
Hence, no crowd guidance-barricades were erected along the route.. No increased LEO staffing along the route. Or at the Capitol. No vehicle traffic management planned for or implemented. No forewarning by the Trump people to the Capitol police that the crowd would be directed towards their officers.

Read Care4all:
Again...with all due respect, Chilly...the Capital Police were warned days in advance that the protest expected on that day had the potential to turn violent. Why was that warning ignored? Why were Capital Police not equipped with proper riot gear? Why did some Capital Police open doors and let protesters in? Who made the call to pull Capital Police from in front of an interior barricaded door and then have a Capital Police officer step out from hiding and shoot an unarmed protester trying to breach said door?
I have zero problem with an investigation into what happened on 1/6, Chilly. I just want it to be a thorough investigation that answers the above questions. I don't think that is what the Democrats have planned. Do you?
Just how dumb are Republicans?

“If you’re a Republican, you can’t even lie to Congress or lie to an FBI agent or they’re coming after you,” Gohmert said in a Friday interview on NewsMax. “They’re going to bury you, they’re going to put you in the DC jail and terrorize and torture you and not live up to the Constitution there,” Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert.

“Don’t we suspect that like one-third of the people outside of the Capitol complex on January 6 were actual FBI agents hanging out,” Blake Masters, the Republican Senate candidate from Arizona.

CNN reports, "In a manner of hours, the House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, riot at the US Capitol will officially unveil its first findings in a primetime hearing that is expected to be carried live on all broadcast and cable news channels, save Fox News.

"And House Republican leaders have no idea – or, at least, a decidedly incomplete view – exactly what the committee will be presenting, flying blind into what could be one of the turning points in the 2022 midterm elections."

How could this happen to the Republicans? Answer; It was a matter of abject stupidity on the part of the House Minority Leader.

Here is the short version.

Legislation to form a bipartisan independent commission to understand how the January 6 insurrection happened passed the House with 35 Republican votes in May 2021.

That bill went to the upper chamber, where Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell killed it.

Mistake number one: Instead of a bipartisan independent commission, the investigation would be conducted by a House committee dominated by Democrats.

On July 1, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi named eight members of the committee: seven Democrats and Wyoming Republican Rep. Liz Cheney, who had voted to impeach then-President Donald Trump over his role on January 6. Later she appointed Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger.

Later that month, McCarthy announced his five selections for the committee – including firebrand Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio and Rep. Jim Banks of Indiana.

Since Jordan and Banks were likely to be called as witnesses before the committee, Pelosi rejected them. Jordan, in particular, played an important role in the events of Jan. 6.

In retaliation, McCarthy pulled all five GOP nominees. “Unless Speaker Pelosi reverses course and seats all five Republican nominees, Republicans will not be party to their sham process and will instead pursue our own investigation of the facts,” said McCarthy.

Mistake number two: Republicans have absolutely no idea what is going to happen when the committee opens its investigation into the Republican-led revolt to the public.

It is anticipated the forum's Republicans will have nothing to contribute. They are all hiding.
Don Trump most certainly could have made things happen on the troop front. Unquestionably. It is naïve to think he couldn't. According to the various posts and reports we've seen on this very venue....Don Trump "asked" about troops. He did not tell the Secretary of Defense to "see to it we have enough ready to go". He didn't say to Pelosi, or Bowser, or even Mark Meadows..."arrange enough troops so that no bad juju happens." He could have. He didn't.
According to reports we read here he did not tell Pelosi that he was gonna direct a mob at the Capitol and that he was offering her "10,000" troops. He did not direct anyone to call Bowser and alert her that she should arrange military reinforcement, or that she should arrange to have more LEO's on duty along the route of the marching mob.

Whoever was in charge of policing in the DC area on January 6th would have been in a much better position to anticipate and prepare if the the Trump organization had applied for a permit for a march.

Why did they not?
Was it subterfuge so as not to tip their hand that a mob was coming to break up the counting of EC ballots?
1. Trump can't send the 82nd Airborne into DC to control things. The US military is not law enforcement.
2. You don't know what Trump said when he requested the Guard, that's why we need Kash Patel, Gen. Milley, Mark Meadows, and Chris Miller to confirm what was said and what happened to Trump's request.
3. Trump did NOT sent anyone to the Capitol, period.
4. Trump did NOT authorize any "march", the "march/protest" was spontaneous, Pelosi and Bowser should have anticipated trouble since Trump requested troops, no Guard troops, as well as no local DC police were provided.
5. You can't dance around Trump's request, and Nancy's denial of the request. The rest is history. If the National Guard troops, or more police were provided there would not have been any Capitol riot, Nancy didn't do her job.
Trump did NOT authorize any "march", the "march/protest" was spontaneous, Pelosi and Bowser should have anticipated trouble since Trump requested troops, no Guard troops, as well as no local DC police were provided.
5. You can't dance around Trump's request, and Nancy's denial of the request. The rest is history. If the National Guard troops, or more police were provided there would not have been any Capitol riot, Nancy didn't do her job.
Based on what I've read from poster 'kyzr' and others....well, I demur on the above.

First, nobody here has provided any credible reportage that Trump offered troops to Pelosi or to Bowser.

If, as the poster kyzr asserts "Pelosi/Bowser should have anticipated since Trump requested'....well, how did they know he requested? First, Trump did not 'request' troops. Show us where he did. He 'talked about' troops but made no request, as far as reports on this venue allege, to Milley or the Secretary of Defense. Or to Bowser or to Pelosi.

If he did...show us.

So, if he did not request troops how were Pelosi and Boswer to know that troops were desired or needed? To the best of information no one at the DOD or the White House called Pelosi/Bowser to say...."Watch out. There's a mob coming".
Nor did anyone call 'em to say....'President Trump thinks you should order up NG troops.'

In fact, an 'early warning' to Bowser such as a request for a permit to march to the Capitol was strangely not applied for by the Trump forces. Why?

As far as the march being 'spontaneous' per poster 'kyzer'....well, maybe, maybe not. It doesn't appear that it was at all.

But it is indisputable that Don Trump directed the assembly to march to the Capitol (permit be damned) and he would be right there with them. And there is reportage (see below) that for such a 'spontaneous' event....Trump had been preparing for it for two weeks. Which, it seems to me, would have been plenty of time to apply for a 'march' permit that would have alerted Bowser and the DC LEO's that there would be many thousands of people marching down one of their major throughfares

So color me skeptical that poster 'kyzr' has his facts straight. I, for one, am starting to believe that he offers the forum mostly...tho not all (but how can you tell?).....mostly misinformation, for whatever reason. He may actually believe it. But he is doing us a disservice here by not getting his facts straight. IMHO.


"The hectic events that day followed nearly two weeks of persistent pressure from Trump on the Secret Service to devise a plan for him to join his supporters on a march to the Capitol from the park near the White House where he was leading a rally that he predicted would be “wild.”
The agency had rebuffed Trump’s early entreaties, but the rushed effort on Jan. 6 to accommodate the president came as Secret Service personnel heard Trump urge his rally audience of nearly 30,000 people to march to the Capitol while suggesting he would join them."

Your information is wrong. No officer died at the hands of the protesters. The only person to die was an unarmed woman shot by a D.C. cop. The protesters did not kill anyone. Your premise is based on lies just like this select committee is based on lies. Brian Sicknick died of natural causes according to the medical examiner. Stop believing the false legacy media.
Leo, I did not ever say the protesters killed people with their bare hands.....so why bitch at me?

The Reuters article didn't say protesters killed people either, but it does say that after the riot, 5 people were dead.... If there was no riot, would any of them be dead, that week? Maybe the two cop suicides would have still happened....but maybe not?
I have zero problem with an investigation into what happened on 1/6, Chilly. I just want it to be a thorough investigation that answers the above questions. I don't think that is what the Democrats have planned. Do you?

Good, we agree. Neither of us has a problem with a thorough investigation.
I, for one, do not know what questions they are going to ask. Nor will I speculate on what they will or should ask or 'what they have planned'.

As far as your particular questions, do this: Immediately send an email or registered letter with your questions to your District's Representative, AND your two Senators. Ask them to either directly send your request to the Committee members or their senior staff...and that you expect all to respond to you.
Leo, I did not ever say the protesters killed people with their bare hands.....so why bitch at me?

The Reuters article didn't say protesters killed people either, but it does say that after the riot, 5 people were dead.... If there was no riot, would any of them be dead, that week? Maybe the two cop suicides would have still happened....but maybe not?
Then why even bring it up? What’s the point?

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