Jan. 6 GOP Prebuttal

You're already wrong. Fox IS airing it--- on their Fox Business Channel.

Well of course since the Pelosi Panel has blocked all who will be falsely accused by them from having any opportunity in these aired broadcasts to even defend themselves or say anything in rebuttal much less in their defense. After all, the whole point to this fiasco is to be a totally one-sided drumhead hearing with no pretense of impartiality to find Trump and MAGA already guilty of everything claimed and forever barred from making an ass of the DNC ever again, but of course, we all know that none of that will ever actually happen.
They're also airing it on Fox Nation and will have updates during their regular hours. MSNBC will probably treat it as an "Orange Man Bad" documentary with the help of the ABC producer they hired.
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First, nobody here has provided any credible reportage that Trump offered troops to Pelosi or to Bowser.
If, as the poster kyzr asserts "Pelosi/Bowser should have anticipated since Trump requested'....well, how did they know he requested? First, Trump did not 'request' troops. Show us where he did. He 'talked about' troops but made no request, as far as reports on this venue allege, to Milley or the Secretary of Defense. Or to Bowser or to Pelosi.
If he did...show us.
So, if he did not request troops how were Pelosi and Boswer to know that troops were desired or needed? To the best of information no one at the DOD or the White House called Pelosi/Bowser to say...."Watch out. There's a mob coming".
Nor did anyone call 'em to say....'President Trump thinks you should order up NG troops.'
In fact, an 'early warning' to Bowser such as a request for a permit to march to the Capitol was strangely not applied for by the Trump forces. Why?
As far as the march being 'spontaneous' per poster 'kyzer'....well, maybe, maybe not. It doesn't appear that it was at all.
But it is indisputable that Don Trump directed the assembly to march to the Capitol (permit be damned) and he would be right there with them. And there is reportage (see below) that for such a 'spontaneous' event....Trump had been preparing for it for two weeks. Which, it seems to me, would have been plenty of time to apply for a 'march' permit that would have alerted Bowser and the DC LEO's that there would be many thousands of people marching down one of their major throughfares
So color me skeptical that poster 'kyzr' has his facts straight. I, for one, am starting to believe that he offers the forum mostly...tho not all (but how can you tell?).....mostly misinformation, for whatever reason. He may actually believe it. But he is doing us a disservice here by not getting his facts straight. IMHO.
1. Stop lying. I never said Trump offered troops. I said Trump REQUESTED 10,000 National Guard troops for J6

2. There are witnesses to Trump's request for 10,000 NG troops: Mark Meadows, Kash Patel, Gen. Milley, and SECDEF Chris Miller

3. Here is an article with info confirming Trump's request:
"That matches what Miller told reporter and former CIA lawyer Adam Ciralsky, who wrote a fly-on-the-wall account of Miller’s final week at the Pentagon for Vanity Fair. “‘You’re going to need 10,000 people.’ No, I’m not talking bullshit, he said that,” Miller told Ciralsky of his conversation with Trump. “‘You’re going to need 10,000.’ That’s what he said. Swear to God.”

4. Nancy Pelosi and Bowser did NOT activate the NG as Trump requested.

5. The march to the capitol was spontaneous and NOT "directed" by Trump. If you think otherwise show the evidence. TRUMP DID NOT DIRECT THE MARCH TO THE CAPITOL, PERIOD.

6. So stop typing bullshit and put up links proving your assertions.
Sure we can..... You've shown no proof what so ever that Pelosi was asked for National Guard by Trump.....and most importantly, why would she need to be asked when Trump asked Secretary Miller for the guard to be there at his rally at the Ellipse to protect his followers. No where in the Miller sworn testimony did Miller say Trump asked him to have National Guard at the Capitol and ask Pelosi if he could have them at his rally. Miller made the decision not to send in the National Guard, for appearance reasons.....so he said....? Or was that on 1/6?
Trump requested the NG troops we have witnesses to that. Even if Trump did not request NG troops, security was Pelosi's responsibility, so why wasn't adequate security provided? We need to question Nancy under oath.

"That matches what Miller told reporter and former CIA lawyer Adam Ciralsky, who wrote a fly-on-the-wall account of Miller’s final week at the Pentagon for Vanity Fair. “‘You’re going to need 10,000 people.’ No, I’m not talking bullshit, he said that,” Miller told Ciralsky of his conversation with Trump. “‘You’re going to need 10,000.’ That’s what he said. Swear to God.”

Miller was SECDEF he does NOT directly control the NG, those are locally controlled by governors and in DCs case Bowser. We need to see if Miller requested the troops, I saw the memo he wrote saying "no guns" but other than that we need people under oath to find out who made the decision NOT to activate the NG as Trump requested.
The only "pre-buttal" that the GOP needs to show is that Trump requested 10,000 National Guard troops to keep the peace on J6 and Pelosi and the Mayor said "NO!".
Really? How does the lie about Pelosi's responsibility rebut Trump's involvement in plotting the coup attempt?

WASHINGTON — The House committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol plans to open a landmark series of public hearings on Thursday by playing previously unreleased video of former President Donald J. Trump’s top aides and family members testifying before its staff, as well as footage revealing the role of the Proud Boys, a right-wing extremist group, in the assault.

Committee aides say the evidence will show that Mr. Trump was at the center of a “coordinated, multi-step effort to overturn the results of the 2020 election” that resulted in a mob of his supporters storming the halls of Congress and disrupting the official electoral count that is a pivotal step in the peaceful transfer of U.S. presidential power.
"So what? Couldn't she have done something? She is Speaker of the House and she did nothing."

"Look, squirrel!!

Speaker of the House.....vs. ...........the Commander in Chief of all of America's armed forces?

Golly, who could have done the most?

  • Who could have alerted the mayor of DC, and alerted the DC police chief, and alerted Pelosi that he intended to direct a mob towards the Capitol?
  • Did he refuse to apply for a permit in order to hide his intentions to have a mob of fanboys stop the EC count?
  • Was that intentional subterfuge?
It's clear he had been planning this march for two weeks....yet, didn't feel a sense of responsibility to our nation's Capitol, its' protectors, the assembled legislators in the building, to give them a heads-up that a mob was coming at 'em?

I personally would suggest to you, poster Leo, to sit in front of the telly tonight and watch history being shown to you.

America needs this as an exposition.
So that America can know what happened with January 6th:

  • The lead-up to it;
  • The actions of the day;
  • The obfuscation for cover-up after.
  • And, who was responsible.

    Duh!! That seems too simple to need to be articulated.

And some of the talking-points poster Leo, and others, have made on this venue make it crystal clear that corrosive-to-America thinking exists in the ranks of Trump supporters.

Their corrosive words on social media.....likely won't disappear. The uber Trumpists will still steep in their bile and sense of grievance. But perhaps the Committee's work will marshal more Americans to condemn the Trumpists for the damage they are doing to American confidence.

Remember, it is this same Trump-think that touted, promoted and shrilled about 'birtherism'.
Where is that now?
Today its' proponents are derided and snickered at as QNuts, Conspiracy-kooks, RWNJ fringies.

So there is that.


The GOP prebuttal should be nothing more than laughing hysterically.
Which, truth be told, may very well be all they are capable of doing.
Sort of the hysteria and defensive over-reaction of the accused?
Akin to Queen Gertrude's observation that......"She protests too much, methinks."


Well of course since the Pelosi Panel has blocked all who will be falsely accused by them from having any opportunity in these aired broadcasts to even defend themselves or say anything in rebuttal much less in their defense.

I don't mean to be dismissive to the poster 'freak', but I seldom respond to his postings as my avatar finds him to be an un-serious adult. A frivolous reactionary.
But, this morning, lemme say this about his assertion above:

The "Pelosi Panel" (freak's words, not mine)...."blocked" those who freak asserts will be unjustly accused?
Well, I demur.
How many subpoenas and formal requests were made to McCarthy, Jordan, Meadows, Navarro, Bannon, and others? That's not 'blocking' whatsoever. Duh!

That is why my avatar feels the avatar 'freak' is merely a frivolous social-media spouter, a grievance-burdened gadfly. Not to be taken seriously.
No disrespect intended.
Trump requested the NG troops we have witnesses to that.
.......need people under oath to find out who made the decision NOT to activate the NG as Trump requested.

Based upon the sourcing that the poster 'kyzr' himself has offered this venue, Trump never 'requested', or commanded, or directed, or ordered that troops be prepared or moved ....... or offered to the mayor of DC.

Trump could have ORDERED Miller or any number of others to give Bowser a heads-up that he was going to direct his mob of supporters to the Capitol.
If he did.....poster 'kyzr' has, to date, failed in providing that to this forum.

Trump 'talked' about troops with Miller.
But talking about troops doesn't cut it. Troops need orders.
If Trump really felt troops were needed because his fanboys would be violent.....well, he should have been more direct.

Leadership makes its intentions clear. Crystal clear. Most especially in situations where there is a perceived need that military troops will be needed to enforce order.


Personally, my avatar questions the honesty and sincerity of the postings by the poster 'kyzr'. They appear to be disingenuous, to be intended to obfuscate and mislead. They are classic misinformation.

Really? How does the lie about Pelosi's responsibility rebut Trump's involvement in plotting the coup attempt?
WASHINGTON — The House committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol plans to open a landmark series of public hearings on Thursday by playing previously unreleased video of former President Donald J. Trump’s top aides and family members testifying before its staff, as well as footage revealing the role of the Proud Boys, a right-wing extremist group, in the assault.
Committee aides say the evidence will show that Mr. Trump was at the center of a “coordinated, multi-step effort to overturn the results of the 2020 election” that resulted in a mob of his supporters storming the halls of Congress and disrupting the official electoral count that is a pivotal step in the peaceful transfer of U.S. presidential power.
1. Since Trump requested 10,000 National Guard troops to keep the peace, that PROVES that Trump did NOT want the rioters to attack the Capitol.

2. Since Nancy Pelosi was responsible for security at the Capitol, and she deliberately declined Trump's request for NG troops, the ensuing riot was on her, not Trump.

3. The FBI said that there was no Trump involvement in a "coup attempt" or "insurrection". There were no guns used by the protesters. If it was a real insurrection there would have been guns, lots and lots of guns. Here is what a real insurrection looks like when the commies took over the Russian Whitehouse in 1991.

4. Here is what the Capitol rioters looked like in 2021

Based upon the sourcing that the poster 'kyzr' himself has offered this venue, Trump never 'requested', or commanded, or directed, or ordered that troops be prepared or moved ....... or offered to the mayor of DC.
Trump could have ORDERED Miller or any number of others to give Bowser a heads-up that he was going to direct his mob of supporters to the Capitol.
If he did.....poster 'kyzr' has, to date, failed in providing that to this forum.
Trump 'talked' about troops with Miller.
But talking about troops doesn't cut it. Troops need orders.
If Trump really felt troops were needed because his fanboys would be violent.....well, he should have been more direct.
1. LIAR. Trump requested 10,000 National Guard troops, the request was denied, period. I provided credible links proving my claim. You type nonsense with no proof.

2. As I have said before, Mark Meadows, Kash Patel, Gen. Milley, and SECDEF Chris Miller all heard Trump request National Guard troops. The request was denied by Pelosi & Bowser.

3. For the last time. National Guard troops are under local control, not Trump, and Trump could NOT send US Army troops to the capitol:

So stop with the bullshit, either put up credible links or STFU. What country are you from?
Pelosi had the power to fire the Capitol Police Chief though.
Yes, she did have that power....

Why are you so focused on Trump's lie, that he offered Pelosi 10,000 National guard days prior to the event? He lied. Trump did no such thing. Secretary Miller, stated such, under oath in March 2021 at a Senate oversight committee hearing on 1/6....Trump never mentioned Pelosi.

The question you should be asking is why the President, and the President's men, did not send in the National guard to help the Capital police from being bludgeoned on 1/6 for hours? Why did Trump and his admin and Pentagon NOT send in help right away? And why did the president NOT call off the protesters when they began to riot at the place he sent them marching to?

The president of the United States of America sat idly by, gleefully doing NOTHING to stop his followers....and actually encouraging them with his tweets?

The President of the USA did NOTHING, while the whole world watched.

How weak, how embarrassing for our whole Nation!
1. Since Trump requested 10,000 National Guard troops to keep the peace, that PROVES that Trump did NOT want the rioters to attack the Capitol.
Trump never said he wanted the National guard there to keep the peace....

He said he wanted 10,000 National guard to protect his own followers from getting their first amendment right to protest/speak from getting squashed.

Trump never ordered 10,000 National guard, he mentioned them, casually in a meeting with Secretary Miller and others on his staff. The Pentagon never got the order from Trump. The Pentagon was in charge of sending the guard out, when requested....not Pelosi, not the DC mayor, the Pentegon.
I provided credible links proving my claim.
The request was denied by Pelosi & Bowser.

No, you have not.

You have provided no link that demonstrates Don Trump offered troops to Pelosi or to Bowser.
You have provided no link that demonstrates he ordered Miller, Meadows, Milley, or anyone that they should inform Pelosi or Bower that they should prepare for his mob coming at the Capitol.
Nothing on any decline by Pelosi.
Zero on any decline by Bowser.
You have provided nothing showing that Don Trump or his team applied for a march permit.
Provided nothing that he gave the city or the Speaker a heads-up that he would be directing his mob at the Capitol.

Your claims are false, poster 'kyzr'.
I would not call you a liar.
You may sincerely believe what you say.
Rather I would suggest you are simply unprepared, and subject to wishful thinking.
As such you are offering the forum misinformation.


ps.......I'd recommend you watch the hearings on the telly tonight.
Trump requested the NG troops we have witnesses to that. Even if Trump did not request NG troops, security was Pelosi's responsibility, so why wasn't adequate security provided? We need to question Nancy under oath.

"That matches what Miller told reporter and former CIA lawyer Adam Ciralsky, who wrote a fly-on-the-wall account of Miller’s final week at the Pentagon for Vanity Fair. “‘You’re going to need 10,000 people.’ No, I’m not talking bullshit, he said that,” Miller told Ciralsky of his conversation with Trump. “‘You’re going to need 10,000.’ That’s what he said. Swear to God.”

Miller was SECDEF he does NOT directly control the NG, those are locally controlled by governors and in DCs case Bowser. We need to see if Miller requested the troops, I saw the memo he wrote saying "no guns" but other than that we need people under oath to find out who made the decision NOT to activate the NG as Trump requested.
Pelosi isn't in charge of Security. there is a committee in the Senate and in the House that oversees security and both Sergeant of Arms. No one knew Trump was going to send his rally crowd at the Ellipse marching two miles down to the Capitol....but Trump himself.
They did call in everyone involved, silly one, to find out.... The Sergeant of Arms for the House said under oath he never discussed the National Guard with Nancy, until the morning of 1/6.

Pelosi is not in charge of security for the capitol....

Trump never made a request for National Guard with Pelosi for his rally two miles away at the Ellipse....

His request was to Secretary Miller, which miller testified under oath before the house Oversight committee.... Looks like Secretary Miller, dropped the ball....?

I want to find out all the details!

But so far, there is no records of anyone at the Pentagon, noting that Pelosi was invo!bed in any of their decisions on the National Guard, before 1/6 riot took place.

You have to have a reason to call her to testify, which is fine..... A LIE by Trump is not a reason, and certainly not a probable cause....

You just have no probable cause or a reason to subpoena her, because the others involved in security, and the Pentagon said she was not involved....
Interesting. Pelosi appoints the Sergeant of Arms for the House...you say that the Sergeant of Arms had a discussion the morning of 1/6 about security for the Capital...yet you then claim that there is no reason to call Pelosi to testify? Obviously she was involved in decisions regarding security that day! So what did Pelosi tell the Sergeant of Arms? Did she have conversations with the Capital Police Chief? Did she have conversations with Mayor Bowser? Quite frankly, Care...I don't know how you HAVE an investigation into this if you DON'T put Pelosi under oath and have her answer questions! Not doing so borders on farce.
Interesting. Pelosi appoints the Sergeant of Arms for the House...you say that the Sergeant of Arms had a discussion the morning of 1/6 about security for the Capital...yet you then claim that there is no reason to call Pelosi to testify? Obviously she was involved in decisions regarding security that day! So what did Pelosi tell the Sergeant of Arms? Did she have conversations with the Capital Police Chief? Did she have conversations with Mayor Bowser? Quite frankly, Care...I don't know how you HAVE an investigation into this if you DON'T put Pelosi under oath and have her answer questions! Not doing so borders on farce.
Yes the sergeant of arms updated her on 1/6.

There was no permit for the rally goers to March down to the Capitol from the Ellipse. Only Trump knew, Trump was going to send the protesters to the Capitol illegally.
Why did it take hours and hours for the National Guard to arrive at the Capitol? That's the question that you should be asking.....
Trump never said he wanted the National guard there to keep the peace....

He said he wanted 10,000 National guard to protect his own followers from getting their first amendment right to protest/speak from getting squashed.

Trump never ordered 10,000 National guard, he mentioned them, casually in a meeting with Secretary Miller and others on his staff. The Pentagon never got the order from Trump. The Pentagon was in charge of sending the guard out, when requested....not Pelosi, not the DC mayor, the Pentegon.
1. Semantics, to protect his rally, or "keep the peace", meh.

2. I said Trump REQUESTED National Guard troops, Trump has no authority to ORDER the NG since they are under governors, who have to activate the "weekend warriors".

3. One of us is wrong. I think its you. The NG is a "state based force" under governors, or in DC Bowser.
"The National Guard is a state-based military force that becomes part of the reserve components of the United States Army and the United States Air Force when activated for federal missions."

4. SECDEF Chris Miller already testified Trump ordered him to "fill the request", what happened? Nancy Pelosi and Bowser didn't call up the Guard, and the riot ensued. The riot is on Pelosi, NOT Trump.
"Trump told Miller to "fill" the request, the former defense secretary testified. Miller said Trump told him: "Do whatever is necessary to protect demonstrators that were executing their constitutionally protected rights."
Why did it take hours and hours for the National Guard to arrive at the Capitol? That's the question that you should be asking.....
That's easy. Pelosi and Bowser never activated the "weekend warriors".
They were all home watching the riot on TV.
Why didn't Pelosi and Bowser "activate" the Guard as Trump requested?
Why did it take hours and hours for the National Guard to arrive at the Capitol? That's the question that you should be asking.....
Actually the question that you should be asking is why weren't the National Guard already AT the Capital?
Then ask why the Capital Police weren't in riot gear?
Then ask why some of the Capital Police stood aside and let protesters into the building even though members of Congress were inside?
Then ask why Capital Police abandoned a doorway inside of the Capital...and then shot and killed an unarmed protester for trying to breach that doorway?

Who gave the orders for all of the above, Care? Think we'll find out ANY of that from this sham hearing? I'll bet any amount of money that none of these questions will be answered by this partisan "committee"!
May 29....White house on lock down because of protests beginning at 7 pm. Protesters conflicted with the Secret Service throwing bricks, rocks and bottles. 11 hospitalized. The Secret Service had to rush Trump to shelter. Alert level raised to red. The secret service recommended Trump go into the bunker. May 30 (next day) protesters gathered around the White House and vandalized police vehicles. May 31, dozens of businesses in City Center, Georgetown and Farragut Square were looted. Protestors burned down St. John's Church. June 4, 2,000 people demonstrated and Elizabeth Warren and her hubby Bruce Mann spoke with the protesters. The protests were at Lafayette Square and included a march on the Capitol Building.

So....Where is the 'select committee investigating that insurrection?
Where was the plot to overthrow the Trumpybear regime in connection to the Floyd/Racial protests?? How were they going to do that?
2. Since Nancy Pelosi was responsible for security at the Capitol,
Bingo, there's your lie.

BTW, Trump made sure there were NG troops in DC for the BLM protest.

If he wanted NG troops there for the 1/6 protest they would have been there.

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