Jan. 6 GOP Prebuttal

That's easy. Pelosi and Bowser never activated the "weekend warriors".
They were all home watching the riot on TV.
Why didn't Pelosi and Bowser "activate" the Guard as Trump requested?

Public officials should be held to account by voter for their repeated public lies.

"There is no evidence Trump made any formal request about deploying 10,000 National Guard troops before the rally.

A government memo about the events leading up to Jan. 6, statements from Pelosi’s office and the Pentagon and testimony from the former House sergeant-at-arms show Trump did not request 10,000 troops ahead of the rally.

Claims that Pelosi was in charge of Capitol security on Jan. 6 have been previously debunked by USA TODAY. The Capitol Police are overseen by the Capitol Police Board and committees from the Senate and House of Representatives.

Pelosi's office said the speaker was not contacted about deploying the National Guard prior to the rally, and the Pentagon has previously stated that there is no record of the request. A timeline from the Department of Defense about the events leading up to Jan. 6 does not include any mention of a request for 10,000 National Guard members. The former House sergeant-at-arms said he did not have any discussions with congressional leaders about the National Guard until the day of the riot. "

Yes the sergeant of arms updated her on 1/6.

There was no permit for the rally goers to March down to the Capitol from the Ellipse. Only Trump knew, Trump was going to send the protesters to the Capitol illegally.

Permit! Too funny.
Bingo, there's your lie.
BTW, Trump made sure there were NG troops in DC for the BLM protest.
If he wanted NG troops there for the 1/6 protest they would have been there.
BINGO. I'm NOT lying. Nancy (The Speaker) is in-charge of security for the Capitol, she is the supervisor of the Sergeant at Arms. The SAA then belongs to the "Board" who runs the Capitol Police day-to-day, but they are NOT autonomous. They report to Nancy.
"The Sergeant at Arms of the House, under the direction of the speaker, is responsible for security, along with the U.S. Capitol Police. After the storming of the building, the chief of the Capitol Police resigned under pressure, according to The New York Times, and the sergeants-at-arms of the Senate and House resigned from their posts."

"And according to testimony from the former Capitol Police chief, Pelosi was not involved in the decisions made ahead of January 6 regarding the National Guard. In his testimony before the Senate in February, former US Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund said that he approached both Sergeants at Arms on the House and Senate side on January 4 to request the National Guard through an Emergency Declaration from the Capitol Police Board.
His request, according to Sund, was not approved. Instead, the Senate Sergeant at Arms Michael C. Stenger "suggested I ask (the National Guard) how quickly we could get support if needed and to 'lean forward' in case we had to request assistance on January 6," according to Sund's testimony."


What part of "Trump and the police chief requested the NG, but the request was denied, don't you get, duh."
Public officials should be held to account by voter for their repeated public lies.
"There is no evidence Trump made any formal request about deploying 10,000 National Guard troops before the rally.
A government memo about the events leading up to Jan. 6, statements from Pelosi’s office and the Pentagon and testimony from the former House sergeant-at-arms show Trump did not request 10,000 troops ahead of the rally.
Claims that Pelosi was in charge of Capitol security on Jan. 6 have been previously debunked by USA TODAY. The Capitol Police are overseen by the Capitol Police Board and committees from the Senate and House of Representatives.
Pelosi's office said the speaker was not contacted about deploying the National Guard prior to the rally, and the Pentagon has previously stated that there is no record of the request. A timeline from the Department of Defense about the events leading up to Jan. 6 does not include any mention of a request for 10,000 National Guard members. The former House sergeant-at-arms said he did not have any discussions with congressional leaders about the National Guard until the day of the riot. "
1. Kash Patel, Mark Meadows, SECDEF Chris Miller, and Gen. Milley were in the room when Trump requested the National Guard. That is a fact. You can google the various versions from Meadows and Miller. Kash Patel confirmed the request on Hannity. So there are witnesses to that fact.

2. Please read my post #203 to see the FACT that Nancy was responsible for Capitol security, she supervised the House Sergeant at Arms, who Capitol police chief Sund said denied his request for National Guard troops.
1. Kash Patel, Mark Meadows, SECDEF Chris Miller, and Gen. Milley were in the room when Trump requested the National Guard. That is a fact. You can google the various versions from Meadows and Miller. Kash Patel confirmed the request on Hannity. So there are witnesses to that fact.

2. Please read my post #203 to see the FACT that Nancy was responsible for Capitol security, she supervised the House Sergeant at Arms, who Capitol police chief Sund said denied his request for National Guard troops.
Talking about a possible need is not a request. Sen. leader McConnell had just as much responsibility for Capitol Security as the Speaker. Which is none. The responsibility is delegated to the Sargent at Arms for each chamber.
Yes, she did have that power....

Why are you so focused on Trump's lie, that he offered Pelosi 10,000 National guard days prior to the event? He lied. Trump did no such thing. Secretary Miller, stated such, under oath in March 2021 at a Senate oversight committee hearing on 1/6....Trump never mentioned Pelosi.

The question you should be asking is why the President, and the President's men, did not send in the National guard to help the Capital police from being bludgeoned on 1/6 for hours? Why did Trump and his admin and Pentagon NOT send in help right away? And why did the president NOT call off the protesters when they began to riot at the place he sent them marching to?

The president of the United States of America sat idly by, gleefully doing NOTHING to stop his followers....and actually encouraging them with his tweets?

The President of the USA did NOTHING, while the whole world watched.

How weak, how embarrassing for our whole Nation!
Nice fairytale.
Yes, she did have that power....

Why are you so focused on Trump's lie, that he offered Pelosi 10,000 National guard days prior to the event? He lied. Trump did no such thing. Secretary Miller, stated such, under oath in March 2021 at a Senate oversight committee hearing on 1/6....Trump never mentioned Pelosi.

The question you should be asking is why the President, and the President's men, did not send in the National guard to help the Capital police from being bludgeoned on 1/6 for hours? Why did Trump and his admin and Pentagon NOT send in help right away? And why did the president NOT call off the protesters when they began to riot at the place he sent them marching to?

The president of the United States of America sat idly by, gleefully doing NOTHING to stop his followers....and actually encouraging them with his tweets?

The President of the USA did NOTHING, while the whole world watched.

How weak, how embarrassing for our whole Nation!
You don’t know any of that. All you have is a fake story.
"Look, squirrel!!

Speaker of the House.....vs. ...........the Commander in Chief of all of America's armed forces?

Golly, who could have done the most?

  • Who could have alerted the mayor of DC, and alerted the DC police chief, and alerted Pelosi that he intended to direct a mob towards the Capitol?
  • Did he refuse to apply for a permit in order to hide his intentions to have a mob of fanboys stop the EC count?
  • Was that intentional subterfuge?
It's clear he had been planning this march for two weeks....yet, didn't feel a sense of responsibility to our nation's Capitol, its' protectors, the assembled legislators in the building, to give them a heads-up that a mob was coming at 'em?

I personally would suggest to you, poster Leo, to sit in front of the telly tonight and watch history being shown to you.

America needs this as an exposition.
So that America can know what happened with January 6th:

  • The lead-up to it;
  • The actions of the day;
  • The obfuscation for cover-up after.
  • And, who was responsible.

    Duh!! That seems too simple to need to be articulated.

And some of the talking-points poster Leo, and others, have made on this venue make it crystal clear that corrosive-to-America thinking exists in the ranks of Trump supporters.

Their corrosive words on social media.....likely won't disappear. The uber Trumpists will still steep in their bile and sense of grievance. But perhaps the Committee's work will marshal more Americans to condemn the Trumpists for the damage they are doing to American confidence.

Remember, it is this same Trump-think that touted, promoted and shrilled about 'birtherism'.
Where is that now?
Today its' proponents are derided and snickered at as QNuts, Conspiracy-kooks, RWNJ fringies.

So there is that.


Which, truth be told, may very well be all they are capable of doing.
Sort of the hysteria and defensive over-reaction of the accused?
Akin to Queen Gertrude's observation that......"She protests too much, methinks."


I don't mean to be dismissive to the poster 'freak', but I seldom respond to his postings as my avatar finds him to be an un-serious adult. A frivolous reactionary.
But, this morning, lemme say this about his assertion above:

The "Pelosi Panel" (freak's words, not mine)...."blocked" those who freak asserts will be unjustly accused?
Well, I demur.
How many subpoenas and formal requests were made to McCarthy, Jordan, Meadows, Navarro, Bannon, and others? That's not 'blocking' whatsoever. Duh!

That is why my avatar feels the avatar 'freak' is merely a frivolous social-media spouter, a grievance-burdened gadfly. Not to be taken seriously.
No disrespect intended.
And you sir, are a low information freak steeped in far left nonsense.
"The select committee is scheduled to air the hearing at 8 p.m. Eastern time on Thursday. ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC and CNN plan to air the hearing live. Fox News will not air the hearing."

IMO I bet FOX News will air what is said by the GOP before the hearings.
And I bet they offer all the post comments. That's like a sandwich with no meat.

"Republicans are gearing up to offer multiple "prebuttals" on the eve of primetime public hearings by the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol."

"CNN reported Tuesday that Republicans plan to tell their side of the story before the hearings, which are built upon over 1,000 interviews, thousands of hours of video evidence, and 100,000 pages of documents."

No doubt about it. The right wing doesn't want you to watch anything but their indoctrinated veiws. Nothing else.
No evidence just the line by all right wing dummies. Repeat and rinse the talking point.
You got no evidence either just a TDS Pelosi-selected committee and a fake documentary production. In any case it will do you no good this November because your boy screwed America.
1. Kash Patel, Mark Meadows, SECDEF Chris Miller, and Gen. Milley were in the room when Trump requested the National Guard. That is a fact. You can google the various versions from Meadows and Miller. Kash Patel confirmed the request on Hannity. So there are witnesses to that fact.

2. Please read my post #203 to see the FACT that Nancy was responsible for Capitol security, she supervised the House Sergeant at Arms, who Capitol police chief Sund said denied his request for National Guard troops.
1) the national guard was activated two hours after the mob stormed the capitol.

2) its the Capitol Police Board that is responsible for security, which consists of 3 people, non of which are the speaker of house or of senate.
Talking about a possible need is not a request. Sen. leader McConnell had just as much responsibility for Capitol Security as the Speaker. Which is none. The responsibility is delegated to the Sargent at Arms for each chamber.
SECDEF Chris Miller testified that:
"Trump told Miller to "fill" the request, the former defense secretary testified."

Kash Patel also verified the request.

Mark Meadows also verified the request.

Who denied Trump's request for National Guard troops? Who specifically? Capitol Police Chief Sund said he requested the NG troops too, but the Sergeant at Arms for the House, under direct supervision of Nancy Pelosi, denied the request. Its obvious Nancy denied the request.
1) the national guard was activated two hours after the mob stormed the capitol.

2) its the Capitol Police Board that is responsible for security, which consists of 3 people, non of which are the speaker of house or of senate.
1. The weekend warriors should have been activated way before J6. Why weren't they? Capitol Police Chief Sund said he requested the NG, but was denied by the House Sgt. at Arms, Nancy Pelosi's direct report.

2. True the Capitol Police Board is responsible for security and day-to-day operations, but the Sergeants at Arms report to the Speaker and the Senate Majority leader. When Capitol Police Chief Sund (and President Trump) requested National Guard troops, who denied the request? Nancy Pelosi or her direct report, the Sgt at Arms for the House.
1. The weekend warriors should have been activated way before J6. Why weren't they? Capitol Police Chief Sund said he requested the NG, but was denied by the House Sgt. at Arms, Nancy Pelosi's direct report.

2. True the Capitol Police Board is responsible for security and day-to-day operations, but the Sergeants at Arms report to the Speaker and the Senate Majority leader. When Capitol Police Chief Sund (and President Trump) requested National Guard troops, who denied the request? Nancy Pelosi or her direct report, the Sgt at Arms for the House.
Why didn't t
Public officials should be held to account by voter for their repeated public lies.

"There is no evidence Trump made any formal request about deploying 10,000 National Guard troops before the rally.

A government memo about the events leading up to Jan. 6, statements from Pelosi’s office and the Pentagon and testimony from the former House sergeant-at-arms show Trump did not request 10,000 troops ahead of the rally.

Claims that Pelosi was in charge of Capitol security on Jan. 6 have been previously debunked by USA TODAY. The Capitol Police are overseen by the Capitol Police Board and committees from the Senate and House of Representatives.

Pelosi's office said the speaker was not contacted about deploying the National Guard prior to the rally, and the Pentagon has previously stated that there is no record of the request. A timeline from the Department of Defense about the events leading up to Jan. 6 does not include any mention of a request for 10,000 National Guard members. The former House sergeant-at-arms said he did not have any discussions with congressional leaders about the National Guard until the day of the riot. "

Off course the republicans should be held responsible for all lue. Including election lies about a stolen election.
The only "pre-buttal" that the GOP needs to show is that Trump requested 10,000 National Guard troops to keep the peace on J6 and Pelosi and the Mayor said "NO!".

Trump just told you a lie... How does it feel that you believed him?

Do you feel gullible and a bit ashamed that you believed him?

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