Jan. 6 GOP Prebuttal

1. Trump can't send the 82nd Airborne into DC to control things. The US military is not law enforcement.
2. You don't know what Trump said when he requested the Guard, that's why we need Kash Patel, Gen. Milley, Mark Meadows, and Chris Miller to confirm what was said and what happened to Trump's request.
3. Trump did NOT sent anyone to the Capitol, period.
4. Trump did NOT authorize any "march", the "march/protest" was spontaneous, Pelosi and Bowser should have anticipated trouble since Trump requested troops, no Guard troops, as well as no local DC police were provided.
5. You can't dance around Trump's request, and Nancy's denial of the request. The rest is history. If the National Guard troops, or more police were provided there would not have been any Capitol riot, Nancy didn't do her job.
Sure we can..... You've shown no proof what so ever that Pelosi was asked for National Guard by Trump.....and most importantly, why would she need to be asked when Trump asked Secretary Miller for the guard to be there at his rally at the Ellipse to protect his followers. No where in the Miller sworn testimony did Miller say Trump asked him to have National Guard at the Capitol and ask Pelosi if he could have them at his rally.

Miller made the decision not to send in the National Guard, for appearance reasons.....so he said....? Or was that on 1/6?
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Don Trump was Commander in Chief of all of America's armed forces. He could have done even more.

Besides, without an application for, nor authorized permit for a march neither Nancy Pelosi nor the DC police knew or prepared for Don Trump to order his assembled crowd to become a mob and attack the Capitol.

See the reference to a 'permit' above. See the articulate posting by the poster Care4all in this thread or another nearby 'Committee' thread. There are legitimate questions on the supposed subterfuge by Trump forces to not tip their hand about marching by not applying for a 'march' permit.

Lots of questions.
But why play around with 'whataboutism' deflections on an important topic such as the House Select Committee's scheduled hearings beginning tomorrow night where America hopes to hear as many details as can be discovered on the lead-up to, the actions during, and the events and communications after.....the debacle of January 6th?
It’s a witch hunt, produced and televised by Democrats. You can’t see it because, as I found out in another post, you are a low information person who ignores uncomfortable information.
Sure we can..... You've shown no proof what so ever that Pelosi was asked for National Guard by Trump.....and most importantly, why would she need to be asked when Trump asked Secretary Miller for the guard to be there at his rally at the Ellipse to protect his followers. No where in the Miller sworn testimony did Miller say Trump asked him to have National Guard at the Capitol and ask Pelosi if he could have them at his rally.
Pelosi covered her ass by firing the Chief of police.
It’s a witch hunt, produced and televised by Democrats. You can’t see it because, as I found out in another post, you are a low information person who ignores uncomfortable information.
Ran out your string, eh, poster Leo?

Remember the recent analogy about your credibility?
The one comparing you to Sisyphus?

Well, mein freund, you keep making your hill steeper. You keep increasing the size of your rock.
When it was already appearing insurmountable for your poor avatar.

You more and more are coming across as a non-serious man. Perhaps over-challenged for political discussion on an open forum. I don't mean that disrespectfully.

Nonetheless, I still recommend to you ...and others...who lurk on a political-discussion forums to watch tomorrow's hearing. Why spend time attempting to participate in political-discussion if you don't want to know about major events in the politics of our nation? To not invest in your own opinions to make them more credible, to make them better informed seems, to me, to an unserious, dilettantish frivolity.
Ran out your string, eh, poster Leo?

Remember the recent analogy about your credibility?
The one comparing you to Sisyphus?

Well, mein freund, you keep making your hill steeper. You keep increasing the size of your rock.
When it was already appearing insurmountable for your poor avatar.

You more and more are coming across as a non-serious man. Perhaps over-challenged for political discussion on an open forum. I don't mean that disrespectfully.

Nonetheless, I still recommend to you ...and others...who lurk on a political-discussion forums to watch tomorrow's hearing. Why spend time attempting to participate in political-discussion if you don't want to know about major events in the politics of our nation? To not invest in your own opinions to make them more credible, to make them better informed seems, to me, to an unserious, dilettantish frivolity.
Stuff it. You ignored most of the links I posted. It’s not a hearing it’s a witch hunt tribunal. The nation doesn’t give a shit obviously otherwise they wouldn’t need an ABC producer.
Interesting, Jack... You claim "misinformation" is taking place yet you're pushing a so called investigation where only one side of the story will be told and where Nancy Pelosi is off limits to investigators even though it's rather obvious that she's involved in this. This debate would be easily solved if Speaker Pelosi were to testify under oath as to what took place in regards to the National Guard request. That won't happen though which means this "committee" is nothing more than a show trial! People aren't going to watch it because they already know what the one side's opinion is. This isn't about "saving Democracy!" as the left so grandly proclaims...it's about diverting attention from how badly the Biden Administration and Democrats have FUBARED the country in the last two years!

Our fact-check sources:​


You should know by now that your boy is a Chronic/pathological liar.
No your fact checks aren’t giving you the full facts. Answer this, why did Pelosi reject McCarthy's committee picks and still let a flaming TDSER (Cheney) run the committee?
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1. The National Guard is not directly under Trump's control, they are under the governor's or in this case the DC mayor's control. Nancy Pelosi and Bowser could have used to Guard to protect the capitol, or half to guard the capitol and half at the ellipse. Saying that the Guard was ONLY to guard the Trump rally is total bullshit. They would have done as ordered.

2. Trump did NOT send the protesters to the Capitol, that is a LIE. Trump's speech was reviewed by the DOJ and there was nothing seditious in it. The protest just moved from the rally to the capitol to protest the stolen election.

3. It was Pelosi's job to protect the Capitol. She FAILED. Having the Guard standing by but ready for anything would have been a wise decision, doing nothing was negligent.
Trump LIED. Accept the TRUTH...p!ease don't play these games with me...

Trump DID SEND THE CROWD down to the Capital, STOP LYING, it's right there IN HIS SPEECH.

It was not Pelosi's job to protect the Capitol....again, you are just regurgitating right wing, made up out of thin air, lies. Read the damn fact checks posted and links given, so you can inform yourself and stop coming off as a liar, a person who will say anything untrue, just to harm an opponent and try to turn the heat, off themselves...that's what you are trying to do....unwittingly or wittingly.
Pelosi covered her ass by firing the Chief of police.
Pelosi is not in charge of security for the Capitol....

That's your sides first lie on it.

She's not in charge of it..... Let that sink in....

And stop trying to deflect attention elsewhere, based on your beloved Liar n Chief's fabrications.
Trump LIED. Accept the TRUTH...p!ease don't play these games with me...

Trump DID SEND THE CROWD down to the Capital, STOP LYING, it's right there IN HIS SPEECH.

It was not Pelosi's job to protect the Capitol....again, you are just regurgitating right wing, made up out of thin air, lies. Read the damn fact checks posted and links given, so you can inform yourself and stop coming off as a liar, a person who will say anything untrue, just to harm an opponent and try to turn the heat, off themselves...that's what you are trying to do....unwittingly or wittingly.
It is not a crime to protest at the Capitol. BLM did it. Apparently it wasn't anybody's 'job' to protect the Capitol? Since when doesn't the Feds do everything they can to protect the President and the Capitol? Also, no one died except an unarmed protestor shot by a capitol policeman. Videos show that the Capitol was in no danger. Protestors didn't shoot anyone and there were only a few skirmishes with law enforcement. Trump let everyone know what was going on. Do some research instead of regurgitating far left Democrat talking points.

In contrast, the BLM protesters threw bricks and other assault items, burned 2 churches, etc. Where is the committee investigating them?
So you cite a litany of far left media outlets...all parroting the same lines, Care? How about we get everyone involved under oath and ask them what happened? Not for nothing little buddy but who's been shown over and over again to have been the pathological liars? Pelosi, Schiff, Biden, Clinton? Compared to them Trump is a choir boy!

So how about this, Care! Write to Nancy Pelosi and tell her you'd like her to answer those questions about 1/6 and do so under oath! Then see what you get for a response... :)
Pelosi is not in charge of security for the Capitol....

That's your sides first lie on it.

She's not in charge of it..... Let that sink in....

And stop trying to deflect attention elsewhere, based on your beloved Liar n Chief's fabrications.
So what? Couldn't she have done something? She is Speaker of the House and she did nothing. What makes you believe this bullshit?
So you cite a litany of far left media outlets...all parroting the same lines, Care? How about we get everyone involved under oath and ask them what happened? Not for nothing little buddy but who's been shown over and over again to have been the pathological liars? Pelosi, Schiff, Biden, Clinton? Compared to them Trump is a choir boy!

So how about this, Care! Write to Nancy Pelosi and tell her you like her to answer those questions about 1/6 and do so under oath! Then see what you get for a response... :)
Exactly! They lied about Trump/Russia, they lied about a phone call, Schiff is a pathological liar, Pelosi lies every time she opens her mouth.
"The select committee is scheduled to air the hearing at 8 p.m. Eastern time on Thursday. ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC and CNN plan to air the hearing live. Fox News will not air the hearing."

IMO I bet FOX News will air what is said by the GOP before the hearings.
And I bet they offer all the post comments. That's like a sandwich with no meat.

"Republicans are gearing up to offer multiple "prebuttals" on the eve of primetime public hearings by the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol."

"CNN reported Tuesday that Republicans plan to tell their side of the story before the hearings, which are built upon over 1,000 interviews, thousands of hours of video evidence, and 100,000 pages of documents."

The GOP prebuttal should be nothing more than laughing hysterically.
As for who's "in charge" of the Capital Police? Call me crazy but I think the person with the ability to demand the resignation of the Chief of the Capital Police and have that take place immediately is in fact the person "in charge" of that Police force!
So you cite a litany of far left media outlets...all parroting the same lines, Care? How about we get everyone involved under oath and ask them what happened? Not for nothing little buddy but who's been shown over and over again to have been the pathological liars? Pelosi, Schiff, Biden, Clinton? Compared to them Trump is a choir boy!

So how about this, Care! Write to Nancy Pelosi and tell her you'd like her to answer those questions about 1/6 and do so under oath! Then see what you get for a response... :)
They did call in everyone involved, silly one, to find out.... The Sergeant of Arms for the House said under oath he never discussed the National Guard with Nancy, until the morning of 1/6.

Pelosi is not in charge of security for the capitol....

Trump never made a request for National Guard with Pelosi for his rally two miles away at the Ellipse....

His request was to Secretary Miller, which miller testified under oath before the house Oversight committee.... Looks like Secretary Miller, dropped the ball....?

I want to find out all the details!

But so far, there is no records of anyone at the Pentagon, noting that Pelosi was invo!bed in any of their decisions on the National Guard, before 1/6 riot took place.

You have to have a reason to call her to testify, which is fine..... A LIE by Trump is not a reason, and certainly not a probable cause....

You just have no probable cause or a reason to subpoena her, because the others involved in security, and the Pentagon said she was not involved....
They did call in everyone involved, silly one, to find out.... The Sergeant of Arms for the House said under oath he never discussed the National Guard with Nancy, until the morning of 1/6.

Pelosi is not in charge of security for the capitol....

Trump never made a request for National Guard with Pelosi for his rally two miles away at the Ellipse....

His request was to Secretary Miller, which miller testified under oath before the house Oversight committee.... Looks like Secretary Miller, dropped the ball....?

I want to find out all the details!

But so far, there is no records of anyone at the Pentagon, noting that Pelosi was invo!bed in any of their decisions on the National Guard, before 1/6 riot took place.

You have to have a reason to call her to testify, which is fine..... A LIE by Trump is not a reason, and certainly not a probable cause....

You just have no probable cause or a reason to subpoena her, because the others involved in security, and the Pentagon said she was not involved....
Pelosi had the power to fire the Capitol Police Chief though.
"The select committee is scheduled to air the hearing at 8 p.m. Eastern time on Thursday. ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC and CNN plan to air the hearing live. Fox News will not air the hearing."
You're already wrong. Fox IS airing it--- on their Fox Business Channel.

Republicans are gearing up to offer multiple "prebuttals" on the eve of primetime public hearings
Well of course since the Pelosi Panel has blocked all who will be falsely accused by them from having any opportunity in these aired broadcasts to even defend themselves or say anything in rebuttal much less in their defense. After all, the whole point to this fiasco is to be a totally one-sided drumhead hearing with no pretense of impartiality to find Trump and MAGA already guilty of everything claimed and forever barred from making an ass of the DNC ever again, but of course, we all know that none of that will ever actually happen.

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