Jan. 6 rioters who U.S. says 'ignited' path for Capitol attack convicted

Like I said, on vacation and on mobile, don’t do my best work like this. I will try to locate the aforementioned thread

http://Thread 'J6 Capitol Police caught in OathKeepers Lie. It's on Videotape'

I think this is the clip:

That’s it!

The testimony Lazarus gave at trial never said he saw Dunn interacting with oath keepers.

The dishonest video you showed claims that, but the small snippets of testimony they actually show doesn’t say what they claim.

That’s why I asked for the testimony. I wouldn’t accept some dishonest “journalist” making claims not supported without clear documentation.

Fake news.
The testimony Lazarus gave at trial never said he saw Dunn interacting with oath keepers.

The dishonest video you showed claims that, but the small snippets of testimony they actually show doesn’t say what they claim.

That’s why I asked for the testimony. I wouldn’t accept some dishonest “journalist” making claims not supported without clear documentation.

Fake news.
Ahh haa haa ha......knew you'd refuse to see what went down.

Are you that inept that you couldn't locate the testimony transcripts?
Ahh haa haa ha......knew you'd refuse to see what went down.

Are you that inept that you couldn't locate the testimony transcripts?
I knew the dishonest conservative media would refuse to clear show the transcript and refuse to accurately describe it.

Yeah, I can’t find the testimony transcripts. Can you?
I knew the dishonest conservative media would refuse to clear show the transcript and refuse to accurately describe it.
You need to remove your rose colored glasses. Timeline alone proves they lied. There were snippets of testimony, you must have missed it.

Part that was interesting was the USCP memo over that story being a concern and how they would have to keep an eye on to see if it goes anywhere.

You clowns have been so compromised.

Yeah, I can’t find the testimony transcripts. Can you?

Oh probably.
You need to remove your rose colored glasses. Timeline alone proves they lied. There were snippets of testimony, you must have missed it.

Part that was interesting was the USCP memo over that story being a concern and how they would have to keep an eye on to see if it goes anywhere.

You clowns have been so compromised.

Oh probably.
Let’s see the testimony then and we no longer have to argue about what it says.
The testimony Lazarus gave at trial never said he saw Dunn interacting with oath keepers.

The dishonest video you showed claims that, but the small snippets of testimony they actually show doesn’t say what they claim.

That’s why I asked for the testimony. I wouldn’t accept some dishonest “journalist” making claims not supported without clear documentation.

Fake news.

The testimony Lazarus gave at trial never said he saw Dunn interacting with oath keepers.

The dishonest video you showed claims that, but the small snippets of testimony they actually show doesn’t say what they claim.

That’s why I asked for the testimony. I wouldn’t accept some dishonest “journalist” making claims not supported without clear documentation.

Fake news.
Oath Keepers say they protected Capitol police. An officer tells jury otherwise.

Here you go! David Lazarus testifies that HE WITNESSED an event that started and ended when timestamped videotape shows him in another building. The DOJ knew about the exculpatory videotape AND WITHHELD THEM FROM THE DEFENSE. The defense only had one photo and Dunn, recanted his earlier testimony to the FBI and said he wasn’t sure what that still photo showed.

The videotape completely backs the Oath Keepers testimony.


Prosecutorial Misconduct
Let’s see the testimony then and we no longer have to argue about what it says.
Well I think this is a good opportunity for you to learn how to do it.

Search engines are a wonderful thing.
‘They were five men from five different states who’d never met each other. But on Jan. 6, 2021, they found themselves together at the front of the angry push by rioters toward the U.S. Capitol. And together, video showed, they lifted a line of five linked barriers and heaved them into a group of five Capitol Police officers with such force that one of the officers went airborne, striking her head and falling briefly unconscious.

The encounter at the Peace Circle, prosecutors said, cleared the first path for rioters to reach the Capitol where Trump supporters on the west side of the building surged forward as the police retreated. The five men continued to wreak havoc, fighting with officers or encouraging other rioters to push ahead, and on Friday a federal judge found all five guilty of assaulting law enforcement and convicted three of them for obstructing the confirmation of the 2020 presidential election.

“These are the defendants who started it,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Alexandra F. Foster said in her closing argument Nov. 2 to U.S. District Judge Jia M. Cobb, after the defendants chose a bench trial instead of a jury trial. “There is little doubt that this moment ignited a fire that lasted around the Capitol for hours … They started the Capitol breach. Now they must take responsibility.”’

Another victory for democracy.
How is J6 a current event?
Oath Keepers say they protected Capitol police. An officer tells jury otherwise.

Here you go! David Lazarus testifies that HE WITNESSED an event that started and ended when timestamped videotape shows him in another building. The DOJ knew about the exculpatory videotape AND WITHHELD THEM FROM THE DEFENSE. The defense only had one photo and Dunn, recanted his earlier testimony to the FBI and said he wasn’t sure what that still photo showed.

The videotape completely backs the Oath Keepers testimony.


Prosecutorial Misconduct
This is from your source:
Prosecutors established through questioning that Lazarus witnessed Officer Dunn engaging in an “antagonistic” conversation about politics — including the election and the “Stop the Steal” movement — at least three to four times with people wearing tactical gear. On cross-examination, Lazarus could not pinpoint what time he saw Dunn having those conversations on Jan. 6.

So Lazarus didn’t say it was Oathkeepers and he didn’t say when it happened. You lied about his testimony.
This is from your source:
Prosecutors established through questioning that Lazarus witnessed Officer Dunn engaging in an “antagonistic” conversation about politics — including the election and the “Stop the Steal” movement — at least three to four times with people wearing tactical gear. On cross-examination, Lazarus could not pinpoint what time he saw Dunn having those conversations on Jan. 6.

So Lazarus didn’t say it was Oathkeepers and he didn’t say when it happened. You lied about his testimony.
But it was during the Oath Keepers trial!!!!!!!
‘They were five men from five different states who’d never met each other. But on Jan. 6, 2021, they found themselves together at the front of the angry push by rioters toward the U.S. Capitol. And together, video showed, they lifted a line of five linked barriers and heaved them into a group of five Capitol Police officers with such force that one of the officers went airborne, striking her head and falling briefly unconscious.

The encounter at the Peace Circle, prosecutors said, cleared the first path for rioters to reach the Capitol where Trump supporters on the west side of the building surged forward as the police retreated. The five men continued to wreak havoc, fighting with officers or encouraging other rioters to push ahead, and on Friday a federal judge found all five guilty of assaulting law enforcement and convicted three of them for obstructing the confirmation of the 2020 presidential election.

“These are the defendants who started it,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Alexandra F. Foster said in her closing argument Nov. 2 to U.S. District Judge Jia M. Cobb, after the defendants chose a bench trial instead of a jury trial. “There is little doubt that this moment ignited a fire that lasted around the Capitol for hours … They started the Capitol breach. Now they must take responsibility.”’

Another victory for democracy.
Refreshing to see someone in the Biden administration acknowledging that it was the rioters that started the riot and not Trump.
Have you looked?
It's public information. Google is your friend. It doesn't matter whether I looked or not, I know where to look from previous searches.

Quit being such a slacker.
It's public information. Google is your friend. It doesn't matter whether I looked or not, I know where to look from previous searches.

Quit being such a slacker.
So you’re just assuming you can find it.
So you’re just assuming you can find it.
Ha ha ha......tearing you a new asshole because you don't know how to find what we're discussing? Beck's investigative man found it.
You can find it.

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