Jan 6 tapes you were forbidden to see by Pelosi. Mar. 6 & 7 Tucker Carlson, Fox News 9:00 pm Est.

Name the person denied the opportunity to speak.

The only people given the opportunity to speak were the ones that were invited/forced to come by the committee. There was nobody from the "other side" asking questions, responding to comments made. It was 100% on-sided.

A wise man once said that "The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him"

Neither side is allowing the cross examination to happen.
The only people given the opportunity to speak were the ones that were invited/forced to come by the committee. There was nobody from the "other side" asking questions, responding to comments made. It was 100% on-sided.

A wise man once said that "The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him"

Neither side is allowing the cross examination to happen.
I don't see a name.
Anyone who claims trials by a jury of their peers is a kangaroo court is a lying traitor or a Russian troll.

It's the backbone of our judicial system traitor...or Russian, whichever the case may be.
haven’t dembots been claiming that since trump was exonerated by a jury in the two demafasict shame impeachment’s?
What "jury"?
sigh...explaining basic Civics to you again...the House conducts an investigation, and is suppose to impeach based on high crimes and misdemeanors...there is then a trial in the Senate, that the Chief Justice oversees, that trial is in front of the jury, which is the Senate...who determines if there is enough evidence to convict on the Articles of Impeachment.

It said "insurrection".

Democrats said 'Insurrection'...

Which is about as accurate as when they said 'mostly peaceful protest'


The Jan 6 tapes you were forbidden to see by Nancy Pelosi. March 6 & 7 on Tucker Carlson, Fox News 9:00 pm Est.
The dead-ender Trump bum kissers continue to swill down and spew up their Newsmax pabulum.

It's pathetic.

Elsewhere, thanks to hours of self-incriminating video by hundreds of January 6 Trump goons, dozens of Republican officeholders and Trump regime insiders giving sworn testimony under oath, and the lurid texts of Fox phonies exposed by the Dominion defamation suit, reality prevails.

The revelations are devastating.

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"Poor little lambs who have lost their way
Baa, baa, baa
They're little white sheep who have gone astray
Baa, baa, baa

Gentleman songsters off on a spree
Doomed from here to eternity
Lord have mercy on such as thee,
Baa, baa, baa"


sigh...explaining basic Civics to you again...the House conducts an investigation, and is suppose to impeach based on high crimes and misdemeanors...there is then a trial in the Senate, that the Chief Justice oversees, that trial is in front of the jury, which is the Senate...who determines if there is enough evidence to convict on the Articles of Impeachment.

A) it is not a legal proceeding

B) it is not a jury in any legal sense.

C) The "jury" in each case, willfully ignored the evidence.
Its not hard pointing out snowflake / troll bullshit....you sheep make it too easy.

Don't go away mad - just go away.
You don't do much of anything except piss all over your Joan&David's.

Given that you don't know anything, your assertions have no currency

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