Jan. 6 was About Saving America from the Democrats, not Overthrowing the Government

Hilarious fuckup
there was nothing hilarious about the demafascist brownshirts violent deadly insurrection attempt. Millions of dollars were lost, lives were lost, businesses ruined....we hadn't seen anything like that since the Civil War
xiden was claiming his brownshirts didn’t exist all throughout 2020
Biden condemned the violence that came out of the Floyd Protests. It is without question that neither antifa nor any other violent group answered to Candidate Biden.
There is no organized group called 'AntiFa'. There is a loose 'movement' of violent radicals -- probably just a few tens of thousands at most -- who are sort-of 'anarchists' and who look for any excuse to riot, and to violently attack anyone on the Right -- up to and including cold-blooded murder.

If these people have a single website that expresses their worldview, it's this one:
[ https://itsgoingdown.org ]

Then there is a much larger milieu of college students, ex-students, soon-to-be-students, who believe that there is no right of free speech for those with whom they disagree. They're the ones who break up conservative attempts to hold meetings on campus. Most liberals approve of this, if only silently.

They believe all conservatives are 'fascists' and that 'fascists' should have no rights.

I believe every single Leftwinger on this forum agrees with them: conservatives have no right to speak in public, to demonstrate, to hold rallies. When they do, they should be violently attacked. Leftists can riot, maybe facing jail time, but if conservatives do, they should be shot dead. That's now the standard Leftist view. (Patriots ... have you woken up yet?)

The kids are their shock troops, even if the typical Leftist internet poster prudently stays at home during the action. (If I'm mischaracterizing the position of anyone on the Left here, please correct me. I know the Left, like the Right, is not monolithic: I'm talking about the dominant trend now.)

These are just manifestations of the shift of the Left -- historically in favor of Free Speech, at least the non-Stalinist Left was -- to a position of being for, effectively, a one-party state. They're not there yet, but the direction of motion is clear.

Now, what about rightwing provocateurs at leftist riots? It's impossible, of course, to prove there were none. But liberals are a bit embarrassed by pictures of blazing courthouses, weeping Asian small business owners standing in front of their looted shops ... so they invent this fantasy. "It's not us, it's Trump's evil supporters!"

Even if the Right were well organized enough to send provocateurs into leftist riots, which it's not ... why would we want to? Leftists riot perfectly well without any encouragement from us.

Here' is the tiny kernel of truth to this silly charge: there is a 'movement' -- I don't know how numerous, probably not large - of essentially a-political anti-police, pro-violence types called 'Boogaloo Bois'. Some of them were sympathetic to the George Lloyd rioters and took part in the riots. I doubt they're pro-civil rights though. Some of them have murdered policemen.

They're not really on the Right or the Left, not even in the sense that you can say that fascists are 'on the Right'. They're a symptom of a society in fairly rapid decline, where normal, traditional social attachments are vanishing.

Plus, they're no doubt influenced -- at a distance -- by glavset operators, Russian trolls trying to stir up violence in the US.

Are there scary people on the Right (and I don't mean the fascists, I mean the patriotic Right)? Yes, the 'militia movement' is an incubator for them. But this post is too long already -- we can talk about them in another thread, if anyone is interested.
It is very rare for someone on this forum to spend this much time and effort on a well thought out post. Thanks.
there was nothing hilarious about the demafascist brownshirts violent deadly insurrection attempt. Millions of dollars were lost, lives were lost, businesses ruined....we hadn't seen anything like that since the Civil War
Well, in the 60s there were violent ghetto riots on several occasions, with many killed.
In the early 90s, there was a riot in Los Angeles, again with many killed, when white policemen were acquitted of beating Rodney King.

God help you if you were white and found yourself among the people who will soon be getting $5 000 000 each if our liberal friends have their way.

Here's a video of what happened to one unfortunate white privileged fellow:
[ ]

Now ... before anyone starts feeling racist here ... it's important to note that there were four Black people who saw this on TV, were rightly appalled by it, and took a risk in driving to the scene to take Mr Denny (who was still alive) to the hospital.

From the Wiki article on this incident:
Four Black residents of South Central Los Angeles, Bobby Green Jr., Lei Yuille, Titus Murphy, and Terri Barnett, who had been watching the events on television, came to Denny's aid. Green, also a truck driver,[ boarded Denny's truck and drove him to the Daniel Freeman Hospital in Inglewood. Paramedics who attended to Denny said he suffered major trauma and came very close to dying. Soon after Green took him to the hospital, Denny suffered a seizure. His skull was fractured in 91 places and pushed into his brain. His left eye was so badly dislocated that it would have fallen into his sinus cavity had the surgeons not replaced the crushed bone with a piece of plastic. A permanent crater remains in his forehead despite efforts to correct it.
[ Attack on Reginald Denny - Wikipedia]

All honor to these four brave people, who were no doubt called "Uncle Toms" by the scummier members of their community, and would probably be called that by some of the Lefties here.

And note that Mr Denny, despite his appalling injuries, did not become a 'racist'. In fact, his behavior afterwards was astonishingly forgiving. (Maybe he's a real Christian.)

A note for patriots: no ethnic group is monolithic. We must make every effort to reach, and bring onto our side, all decent people who want to restore the Republic. Anyone who gets in the way of that is working for enemy, whether they know it or not.
Biden condemned the violence that came out of the Floyd Protests. It is without question that neither antifa nor any other violent group answered to Candidate Biden.
hahah of course they answered to the Demafascist party, Xiden's VP called for more violence, and help bail out the brownshirts that got arrested so they could continue their terror.
It is very rare for someone on this forum to spend this much time and effort on a well thought out post. Thanks.
Thank you for the kind compliment. We need to argue with each other, not scream at each other.
hahah of course they answered to the Demafascist party, Xiden's VP called for more violence, and help bail out the brownshirts that got arrested so they could continue their terror.
Say I hear "Faux Not the News" is looking for a few good liars to shore up their lying line up.
Wow, I'm impressed.

This is the best thread I've read in quite a while.

This must be a good day, the planets are aligning. :)



Yeah...it's just the demafascist idea of a peaceful protest is this...

CNN ridiculed for ‘Fiery But Mostly Peaceful’ caption with video of burning building in Kenosha​

Hey look at that she wanted help for the protesters who allegedly were wrongly arrested, not the violent rioters. Now how are going to make those thugs like the Militant Proud Boys.
hahahahh yeah it's just the demafascsit like Harris idea of peaceful protest is this...

CNN ridiculed for ‘Fiery But Mostly Peaceful’ caption with video of burning building in Kenosha​

Biden condemned the violence that came out of the Floyd Protests. It is without question that neither antifa nor any other violent group answered to Candidate Biden.
Of course, no major politician is going to openly encourage his follows to riot.

You no doubt believe that Mr Trump incited his followers to invade Congress, and there is at least a prima facie case that he did indeed do so, given the circumstances. An impartial jury could go either way, not that we could find one.

But note his words: "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

I do not believe that Mr Biden, and other major national Democrats wanted the George Floyd protests to turn violent.

But their attitude to the George Floyd rioters is different from their attitude to the 6 January rioters. That's why Kamala Harris urged people to send them bail money. They are the Left's own -- the people who -- if they vote -- will vote for them.

That's why some Leftists here say, "right wing provocateurs provoked the violence".

And... our attitude on the Right is the same! You won't find many elected Republicans or rightwing commentators saying, "Yes, they should have invaded the Capitol building, overwhelmed the police with superior violence, and forced Congress not to certify the election."

Rather, you find people saying, there were provocateurs in the crowed egging them on, the police intially opened the doors and let them in, etc. This tacitly acknowledges that what they did was at a minimum a stupid act, walking right into a clever trap, a gift to the Left.

But the rioters are your own, so you don't condemn them wholesale. As AOC said, when you're in their position -- poor, discriminated against, etc etc --the only way you can express yourself is via rioting. (I doubt even she would say, throw more Molotov cocktails! Loot more shops! She just understands the poor, put-upon, misunderstood gentle souls driven beyond endurance to do that sort of thing.)

And the January 6 people are our own (on the Right), however misguided their actions were.

Old Tallyrand spoke for both our sides when he called Napoleon's assassination of an aristocratic enemy, "Worse than a crime, a blunder."

In a war, even a developing but still cold civil war like ours, you don't condemn your own soldiers, even when they do bad things. What punishment did the mass murderers at My Lai get? How many Americans even know of the mass rapes our soldiers committed in Okinawa?

As the old Roman said, "In war, the laws are silent."
Hey look at that she wanted help for the protesters who allegedly were wrongly arrested, not the violent rioters. Now how are going to make those thugs like the Militant Proud Boys.
If I ever get arrested, I want you for my lawyer!

Then who pays for the French protesters to show up in Georgia?

Who pays for the hundreds of protesters to come in from.out of state?
Whoa! They're flying them in from France?

When I was a Lefty, friends of mine and I travelled nearly two thousand miles to go to the March on Washington in 1963, and later, in 1967, we travelled hundreds of miles to go to Washington DC for the big march protesting the war.

Who paid for people to come from all over the United States to go to Washington on 6 January?

When you're dedicated to a cause, you don't have to be paid.

It's a diversion for us to claim that the Left does what it does because a shadowy clique of billionaires who want to destroy capitalism (!!!!!!!!!!!) are paying them. Yes, rich people on both sides fund their political beliefs and those who are advancing them. But that's not why most people, Right or Left, do the things they do.
Yeah...it's just the demafascist idea of a peaceful protest is this...

CNN ridiculed for ‘Fiery But Mostly Peaceful’ caption with video of burning building in Kenosha​

Struth, more than 40 million people participated peacefully in the George Floyd Murder protests throughout the summer.

10,000 rioters at night, were arrested over the summer.

The 40 million protesting, were relatively peaceful.

FOX did not show the hours on end of peaceful protests, they showed on loop only the rioters and violent that came out AFTER the protesters went home...

Blaming the peaceful protesters for the rioters taking advantage of the peaceful protests by rioting those nights, is not right or just imo.

That's like blaming the trump rally goers at the ellipse that went home after the rally was over, for the rioters breaking in the Capitol,
which also would be, not right or just imo.
Struth, more than 40 million people participated peacefully in the George Floyd Murder protests throughout the summer.

10,000 rioters at night, were arrested over the summer.

The 40 million protesting, were relatively peaceful.

FOX did not show the hours on end of peaceful protests, they showed on loop only the rioters and violent that came out AFTER the protesters went home...

Blaming the peaceful protesters for the rioters taking advantage of the peaceful protests by rioting those nights, is not right or just imo.

That's like calling the trump rally goers at the ellipse that went home after the rally was over, for the rioters breaking in the Capitol,
which also would be, not right or just imo.
Just in June 2020 allow there was an estimated $550 million dollars in damage done by the Demafascist brownshirts, 604 arrest in just Minn-Saint Paul area.....that allow was the second most destructive riot in US history....add that too the rest of the summer, not to mention going back Nov of 2016 when the demafascit brownshirts really began their inssurection because they couldn't accept the 2016 election.

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