Jan. 6th, The Law, and Nancy Pelosi's Dereliction of Duty

Your link said Irving HIMSELF decided not to request NG support
Bowser’s letter said that she did not request NG support
Neither had the power to deny or demand. They could only ASK
Kellogg claimed that three days before Jan 6 Trump requested NG troops and was denied. THAT’S an impossibility.
He was not denied. His Sec of Defense (who is not named Pelosi) IGNORED him
1. TRUE, Irving made the decision NOT to call in the NG as Capitol Police Chief Sund requested. BUT he made that decision based on Pelosi's policy. So you lied when you said "The Capitol Police COULD have requested NG troops. They did not"
From the article:
"Irving did not float the idea by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). Instead, he rejected then-U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund’s request to activate the National Guard based on what he believed would be Pelosi’s position on the matter"

2. TRUE. Bowser's letter said she would not request the NG since her DC police were adequate. Bowser denied Trump's request for NG troops, yet she did not provide adequate DC police protection.

3. At the Trump meeting on J4 with SECDEF Miller, Gen Milley, Gen Kellogg, Kash Patel, and Mark Meadows, Trump was told that Bowser requested 10,000 NG troops. Trump said "FILL THE REQUEST". That is all documented by everyone present. Yet Bowser sent a letter denying the request?! The GOP House dropped the ball here, they should have grilled those guys and Bowser to find out why BOTH requests for the NG were denied.
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That does not say that Congress has to approve NG deployment you moron
Where it talks about jurisdiction it is talking about the police powers of the Capitol Police as opposed to the DC Metro police you fucking retard
Do you want the link again? Should I be making these following posts which have been linked and quoted a dozen times in this thread? It is in the first post. Let me know.

§1970. Assistance by Executive departments and agencies​

This is the law, and at the bottom of this law, it has all the laws that relate, which is what leads one to the Jurisdiction in a round about way. I will skip the body of the law, and all this is the fine print just posted so go ahead and deny and contradict


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Umm, if he wanted the NG there it was NOT to protect the Capitol.
It was to protect the Ellipse.

If Don Trump truly wanted to 'protect' the Capitol he would have ordered his minions to apply for a permit to march on Pennsylvania Ave. which would have alerted the Capitol Police, the DC Metro Police, and the Parks Police. Hence, traffic control and crowd control infrastructure could have been installed; staffing could have been beefed up; reactionary forces would have been staged for emergency outbreaks.

Instead, they intentionally kept secret the plans to announce a march from the Ellipse podium....2 miles away. They knew they were gonna announce it. For days ahead of January 6th, they knew they were intending to order a march. They instructed each other not to alert outsiders to the plan. And they intentionally avoided getting the legally required permit. Why?? Why did they keep it a secret?

A responsible leader concerned about the safety of all personnel at the Capitol, which hosts thousands of legislators, staffers, security, maintenance, and visitors per day....well, a responsible leader would have made a call to Mitch McConnell, to Nancy Pelosi, and said: "Be prepared as I'm gonna be sending the thousands at the Ellipse your way. And me and the other speakers - like Rudy G. and Alex Jones and Mike Lindell --- are gonna intentionally anger and provoke 'em. So they'll be coming at you .......mad!"

But more damning for Trump, once the conflict began a responsible leader would have called Mitch or Nancy and asked 'What can I do to help'?

A responsible leader would have called the DOD and ordered that some mitigating action be deployed to keep this attack from killing people and burning down the Capitol of the United States.

Instead, the leader we had at the time, sat on his hands and watched it all for over 3 hours on the telly. The only people he called were Republican legislative allies where he urged them to reject the legitimate EC ballots.

That is not responsible leadership. I know that. You know that. Everybody knows that.
None of that post is true. You can type all the lies you want. Try proving the truth.
Bowser denied Trump's early request for NG troops, and Sgt, at Arms Irving denied Capitol Police Chief Sund's early request for NG troops. Bowser's letter said her DC police were adequate, where were they on J6?

Here's Bowser's letter denying Trump's request for NG troops:
That does not say that Congress has to approve NG deployment you moron
Where it talks about jurisdiction it is talking about the police powers of the Capitol Police as opposed to the DC Metro police you fucking retard
Approval, authorization, Jurisdiction, is not one law it is many. It is also precedents, rules and statutes.
I count eight more laws to quote and link to. That will bring the count up to nine at this point.
1922, 1961, 1966, 1967, and 1969 of this title and sections 5101 to 5107 and 5109
That does not say that Congress has to approve NG deployment you moron
Where it talks about jurisdiction it is talking about the police powers of the Capitol Police as opposed to the DC Metro police you fucking retard
Talk about detail in law, the first law referenced is about payroll.

§1922. Unified payroll administration​

The next law, gives us four more positions (would you like those linked/quoted/referenced), appointed by the Speaker of the House, reporting to the Speaker, which is defined by laws

§1961. Policing of Capitol Buildings and Grounds​

The Capitol Police shall police the United States Capitol Buildings and Grounds under the direction of the Capitol Police Board, consisting of the Sergeant at Arms of the United States Senate, the Sergeant at Arms of the House of Representatives, and the Architect of the Capitol

§1966. Protection of Members of Congress, officers of Congress, and members of their families​

§1966a. Protection of former Speakers of the House of Representatives​

That does not say that Congress has to approve NG deployment you moron
Where it talks about jurisdiction it is talking about the police powers of the Capitol Police as opposed to the DC Metro police you fucking retard
I hope I did not lose you, I started another post.

§1967. Law enforcement authority​

§1969. Regulation of traffic by Capitol Police Board​

Now I have to go to a different title.
That does not say that Congress has to approve NG deployment you moron
Where it talks about jurisdiction it is talking about the police powers of the Capitol Police as opposed to the DC Metro police you fucking retard
Title 40, more laws, more cross referencing of laws



5101. Definition.
5102. Legal description and jurisdiction of United States Capitol Grounds.
5103. Restrictions on public use of United States Capitol Grounds.
5104. Unlawful activities.
5105. Assistance to authorities by Capitol employees.
5106. Suspension of prohibitions.
5107. Concerts on grounds.
5108. Audit of private organizations.
5109. Penalties
That does not say that Congress has to approve NG deployment you moron
Where it talks about jurisdiction it is talking about the police powers of the Capitol Police as opposed to the DC Metro police you fucking retard
Lesh, I get it, I understand why you give quick answers that are not thought out, researched, and referenced. It takes too much time, so you form a comment based on the quick and easy.

Lesh, like most here, you have a life, you do not have the time to do all the work I have done making this thread. These laws took the entire weekend to look up and read and reference.

Lesh, you have two seconds put into your thoughts. I am not trying to offend you. I am simply letting others who may read this know what is going on.

Lesh, you have two seconds, no time to post, then you got to get back to whatever. I on the other hand have too much time at work, am staying in a hotel, travelling. So I had nothing to do. Hence I did the hours of research to provide the answers you have no knowledge of.
That does not say that Congress has to approve NG deployment you moron
Where it talks about jurisdiction it is talking about the police powers of the Capitol Police as opposed to the DC Metro police you fucking retard
Lesh, everything you contradict, I have provided an answer to. The discussions here are often to quick. A bunch of people contradicting one another.

Not in this thread, there are some great posts with great information. Links that are not from fake news sites. Links that are not from universities. Links from .gov websites, quotes of the law itself.
None of that post is true. You can type all the lies you want. Try proving the truth.
Bowser denied Trump's early request for NG troops, and Sgt, at Arms Irving denied Capitol Police Chief Sund's early request for NG troops. Bowser's letter said her DC police were adequate, where were they on J6?

Here's Bowser's letter denying Trump's request for NG troops:
Thank you for this information. It is great. I am attempting to make one thread an archive for all the relevant information. I am attempting to have the cleanest sources. Unbiased, simple fact. So I do thank you and may collect this all in another thread and bury it in education so that it is there as a reference. If I bury it the education threads it wont have all the clutter of contradictions the distractors are making.

A nice thread, with all this information, as a reference, to easily find this stuff on usmb, whenever anyone needs.
Thank you for this information. It is great. I am attempting to make one thread an archive for all the relevant information. I am attempting to have the cleanest sources. Unbiased, simple fact. So I do thank you and may collect this all in another thread and bury it in education so that it is there as a reference. If I bury it the education threads it wont have all the clutter of contradictions the distractors are making.

A nice thread, with all this information, as a reference, to easily find this stuff on usmb, whenever anyone needs.
I keep good stuff in a WORD file so I'm not searching for it. Just copy/paste it.
I keep good stuff in a WORD file so I'm not searching for it. Just copy/paste it.
sometimes I am dumb.

But I also post from my phone, personal laptop, and work computer. Then on occasion I have had computers crash. And of course there are others who post without the links. So one place here I think is a nice idea.

I need to keep a word file. Do you buy word? I could do a simple text file.
well konrad, we got something here we call separation of powers and with that comes their respective Jurisdictions. Kind of like boundaries where one can not intrude on the other. You know, Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of government, each with their own Jurisdictions.

Yep, Trump did not get baited into ordering Federal Troops outside the Executive branch of government's jurisdiction. As stated in the laws I posted over and over again.
The only reason the NG wasn’t called is because Trump wanted the insurrection to succeed. He didn’t give a damn or even consider the convoluted apologia to his treason you’ve presented.
The only reason the NG wasn’t called is because Trump wanted the insurrection to succeed. He didn’t give a damn or even consider the convoluted apologia to his treason you’ve presented.
So you type lies and can't read. Not a very good resume'.
The only reason the NG wasn’t called is because Trump wanted the insurrection to succeed. He didn’t give a damn or even consider the convoluted apologia to his treason you’ve presented.
Trump could not deploy Federal Troops outside his Jurisdiction without Pelosi authorizing Federal Troops to be deployed within her jurisdiction.
Trump could not deploy Federal Troops outside his Jurisdiction without Pelosi authorizing Federal Troops to be deployed within her jurisdiction.
Bullshit! Everything coming out of Trump and MAGA’s mouth are lies.
So you type lies and can't read. Not a very good resume'.
If Trump wanted troops there, troops would have been there. The MDNG was waiting for a call, but it never came and they weren’t expecting it from Pelosi.
If Trump wanted troops there, troops would have been there. The MDNG was waiting for a call, but it never came and they weren’t expecting it from Pelosi.
Pelosi had to provide written authorization for Federal Troops to be deployed in the Jurisdiction of the Legislative Branch of government. Separation of powers applies.

Written authorization, which takes the form of the Emergency Plan to Protect the Capitol, once the Speaker of the House declares an emergency.

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