Jan. 6th, The Law, and Nancy Pelosi's Dereliction of Duty

I don't want to talk about it anymore----let's move on
Yet, you just did talk about it. You are saying, we should not talk about one of the most significant events in our history. An event in which may not be settled for decades. We are discussing history! There will be hundreds of books written about Jan. 6th. This will be taught in Universities, from now on, forever.

Jan. 6th, is now the most significant event of the 21st century, we have witnessed history made.

No offence intended, but do not close your eyes to history, especially while you live through the events. Maybe you can take the time and come up with an original post that is not a copy/paste from google or if it is, it is not simply partisan.
The capitol police were still on covid protocol and had only half the usual numbers on duty... Pelosi and the Chief of the capitol rent a cops did everything they could to cause this to spiral out of control...
Notice how quiet Piglosi and Lizard face Cheney and cry baby Adam Kinzinger has been lately?...
I wonder if there is some kind of investigation underway or major story about to break that they know about and we don't...
Maybe the Tucker Carlson interview with Steven Sund? Not the one Fox news is buried. The interview with Sund after Carlson left Fox news.

Was Mitch McConnell?
You know, the Republican head of the Senate?
I need time that I do not have to address each point you make in your comment. I pulled the trigger to early on this thread which I was trying to make as a thread with the relevant links for future reference. I should of made a reference thread outside of politics, instead of making this into politics.

Yes, Mitch McConnel, that takes time to answer. I believe the short answer is common sense supported by some facts.

Mitch McConnel, as majority leader of the house does not have the same position of power as the Speaker of the House. Mitch McConnel was not the President of the Senate.
About the Vice President (President of the Senate)
The Constitution names the vice president of the United States as the president of the Senate. In addition to serving as presiding officer, the vice president has the sole power to break a tie vote in the Senate and formally presides over the receiving and counting of electoral ballots cast in presidential elections.
Majority leaders are not in the same position of power as the Speaker of the House, a majority leader of the senate does not have equal power to the Speaker of the House.
Would you please post these notices in larger font?
Now you are drawing attention to my ineptness of posting a thread before I was adequately prepared to do so. I stole this from a new site which is not my original intention. I should of found this timeline on a government website instead of a news/opinion website. I should of found it in a format that was not a picture. I did not find it with print I could copy and paste.

My intention was to have a very clean thread with links to the government websites with laws, codes, rules, and precedents. All four of which are the documents needed to discern fact from the bias of politics.

I did link to the notices, which is the timeline of events. I really want that to be found on a .gov site.
Hear is the link. I will have to do another search for this. I did spend 10 hours on my thread. Reading so much. I should of organized, prepared. Those posts of the timeline was my panic/posts when I accidentally posted this thread hours before I was ready. I was in the process of making this thread when I accidentally pasted a response to a comment from another thread at the tail end of my opening comment, posted it, created this before I was ready. Very sloppy and before my morning coffee.

Here is the link and I will find another link with quotable text, as I said I will find, link, and quote, another time.

My original post is this thread with the above link
House Republicans have sought to change the narrative on the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol by pro-Trump protester
This OP is not about what House Republicans may or may not be doing. This op/thread is about what we can discuss on a scholarly level.
How does the Speaker's limited involvement in Capital security make her more responsible than Trump?
That is a salient point.
Perhaps clarified by the rhetorical questions:

  • Would the attack on the Capitol have happened if Nancy was absent that day?
  • Would the attack on the Capito have happened if Don Trump didn't direct his supporters on that illegal march?

I suspect everybody knows the answers.


Much is said about the 2 hour gap when the President said nothing. Is that 2 hours the time the president had to wait for The Speaker of the House to declare an emergency?
Actually, Don Trump stood down and refused to make phone calls to people in power ---the DOD, the House Speaker, the Senate Majority Leader, the Mayor of DC.....for 3 hours and seven minutes. (not "2 hours").....he made no calls urging the attack to stop in that time.
He stood down. He was derelict in his duty as President of the United States, and the Commander in Chief.


The Speaker of the House, the Legislative Branch of Government must authorize the use of Federal Troops if they are to be ordered by the Executive Branch to protect the jurisdiction of the Legislative Branch.
For sake of debate only, let us say OK, but.....

But Pennsylvania Avenue and the streets leading to the Capitol are NOT in the "jurisdiction of the Legislative Branch".

Don Trump had the opportunity, and the responsibility, the duty.......to marshal all available forces and put a stop to this criminal attempt by his supporters to stop the Constitutionally mandated peaceful-transfer-of power.
He stood down. He ducked and covered. He watched it on the telly. And did nothing other than call Representatives and urge them to NOT submit the Electoral Ballots of their states. He was derelict in his duty.

There will be hundreds of books written about Jan. 6th. This will be taught in Universities, from now on, forever.
True that. It was an American tragedy.
And Don Trump is primarily.....but with help from Republican enablers ....primarily responsible for that tragedy.

Mitch McConnel, as majority leader of the house does not have the same position of power as the Speaker of the House.
Mitch McConnel is and was at the time of the attack on the Capitol the Majority Leader of the Senate. And the Senate is different than the House.

So, poster Elektra, parse for the forum your interpretation on relative 'power' of the two. Does the House Speaker dictate to the Senate Leader? Does the Senate dictate to the House? Who reports to who?
scotus? Constitutionally the Judicial Branch which is the Supreme Court can only rule on laws or rules that exist. The Legislative Branch, Congress enacts new laws, rules, or codes.
Donald is a Canadian subversive employed by GCHQ and the crown. They are pissed, really pissed at our SCOTUS and Constitution. He is trolling every damn thread on the forum now, throwing a hissy fit that the Deep State (which is partially controlled by elements of Chatham House,) is not getting its way.

The globalists have always hated the Constitution, so, ignore his posts, or report them, he is just being a snarky ass troll. They are off topic posts. He is doing this in every thread, regardless of the topic.

The same folks that brought to you Jan. 6th, are bringing us this law-fare crap against Trump, and it was just slapped down in the SCOTUS. . . and now. . . our British subversive has just got a case of extreme ???? . . .


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The important point to make is that the president can decide on who was involved.

Until some inconvenient facts are decided upon, we're all just making careless assumptions on what can be demanded by a president to be the law!

What's to stop any president from acting against political opponents with finality?

The Scotus sort of becomes redundant, wouldn't you agree?

Nope. Only leftards are making careless assumptions based on feelings and what their brainwashers tell them.
Donald is a Canadian subversive employed by GCHQ and the crown. They are pissed, really pissed at our SCOTUS and Constitution. He is trolling every damn thread on the forum now, throwing a hissy fit that the Deep State (which is partially controlled by elements of Chatham House,) is not getting its way.

The globalists have always hated the Constitution, so, ignore his posts, or report them, he is just being a snarky ass troll. They are off topic posts. He is doing this in every thread, regardless of the topic.

The same folks that brought to you Jan. 6th, are bringing us this law-fare crap against Trump, and it was just slapped down in the SCOTUS. . . and now. . . our British subversive has just got a case of extreme ???? . . .

All true.
Was Mitch McConnell?
You know, the Republican head of the Senate?


Which, with half-staffing, why would Don Trump order his fanboys on an illegal march against our chosen elected representatives? Why would he plan on such a march and NOT notify the Parks Police? The Capitol Police? The DC Metro Police?

After all, Pennsylvania Ave is a major vehicle artery for the city. Ordering people into that street endangered them, and endangered drivers.....and he did it anyway.

Why did Don Trump and his enablers intentionally hide and keep secret for at least one week their intention to have thousands of people march 2 miles down a major thruway at the height of traffic to the understaffed Capitol? And intentionally NOT seek a permit for that march----which would have alerted the authorities.

Is there an argument to be made that such a decision and such actions to keep it secret from authorities was mendacious? Was intended to overwhelm the understaffed security guards at the Capitol? To overwhelm them and stop the peaceful transfer of power?

What's up with that?
Why were they only half staffed on that day?... why did Pelosi refuse twice Trump's request for troops and extra cops to be at the capitol... this little false flag of hers is being uncovered... and she knows it....
I accidentally jumped the gun posting this thread. I should of had it deleted until I was better prepared to complete my posting of the relevant laws, precedents, and rules.

The Speaker of the House, authorizes the use of Federal Troops, through emergency procedures. Much is said about the 2 hour gap when the President said nothing. Is that 2 hours the time the president had to wait for The Speaker of the House to declare an emergency? We all know that Pelose literally hates and has extreme contempt for Trump. How did that contempt play into this?
Do you know why I belittle you by posting facts you are incapable of refuting, proving your entire thesis is horseshit? Because I can.
berg80 is not here to discuss, duties, jurisdiction, law, precedents, or the house rules. Berg is just offering contradictions or false premises.
I am but a humble messenger posting the facts. While your intent is obfuscation and spin.
Pelosi thinks she is so smart that she can get away with fooling the American people with her dirty tricks... but the fact is she isn't very smart and doesn't think long term....

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